Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Roulette

Originally published 8/27/2017. Keep this in mind with the inevitable insanity we will get for what happened in Las Vegas.

How can I possibly work that post title into today's message?

By using numerologist idiot logic. But more so to point out the newest level in reporting standards in gematria narrative.

I won't detail the numerous incoherent aspects of the Hurricane Harvey dialogues. Something about government weather control, Katrina, blowing up levees and other stuff. Let's just look at the numerology on the death toll.

At one point the official Harvey death toll was:


That's a rather boring number. It seems so lonely. I feel a song parody coming on. Perhaps another day. True to Gematria form, there isn't anything to do with that. So immediately it's changed to 34. ONE =34. Which equals MURDERED.

 Do we really need to be reminded that the number 1 exists? Try going through a day without the number 1 showing up. Back from break, Bill? Yeah, I had just enough time to pee (#1) and murder a cigarette. Is that the grand plan for the NIPTUCKS? To use the number 1 for murder and death?

In murdered...er...one way it makes sense. Every death toll has to have at least one death. But as with other disasters, even if a covered up government conspiracy, the death count rises, currently being reported as "at least five." If I were victim 2-5 living in the Conspiracy Cover Up Protection Program I'd be a little bit pissed off that I didn't rate into the numerology report.

Gematria does seem to have committed to the version of math we are accustomed to. I say "seem" since you just never know what they will think of next. So as far as numbers go every number is derived by at least murdered....er....one as a starting point. With murdered....er....one exception.


As far as changing the gematria to 34, which is still and always be murdered....er...one of the biggest cheats in gematria, SIXTY seems to be the only other number written out that equals 34. But the Kelvinator's data tables start at murdered...er...one.  No 0, which spelled out. ZERO =17. A murdered and a seven.

In conventional math when you add zero to anything the sum doesn't change. 23+0=23. Murdered + 0 = murdered. And 0 +0 = 0.

So that's why there's a double 00 on the roulette wheel. So that murdered....er....one doesn't have to be lonely. Standard roulette wheels don't go up to 60.

Months ago I suggested the binary system of gematria, called AARG, which is the letters of gematria without the letters of TIME. In this system everything equals one...er...murdered except zero and things that are typically expected to be zero. And Gematria being useless is on the short list of things that are generally accepted as zero. Thus saving everyone a lot of TIME. So I get what you're doing. You're trying to have mu...er...one and zero have the same gematria. Bravo! A point for you! Everymurdered gets a cookie!

If they are really serious about the gematria of 1 and ONE these experts missed a better opportunity to use it than the moving target of the hurricane death toll. Mayweather vs. McGregor. McGregor's official boxing record is now 0-1, which would suggest that predicting the outcome would indicate he would be murdered in the ring, at least metaphorically. The reality is it's just another stupid ass not well thought out idea that "synchronicity" of 1 with anything is ludicrous.

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