Monday, October 16, 2017


I finally did it. Months after it went into the planning stages, I trolled. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of trolling. Often just degenerates into a flame war of "No, YOU'RE A POOPYHEAD!" arguments. The critics too often just offer "You're crazy.". Gematria authors offer, well, gematria. Which says enough about their credibility.

Just because I'm not overly fond of it doesn't mean I won't do it. I just needed the proper motivation.

I'm so fucking sick of this 113 always means dishonest/mainstream storyline.

So let's see what I can do about it.

Trolling individual blog posts and videos isn't to terribly effective. They love that. The loyal minions have a field day retaliating on the so-called troll, no matter how rational and well put the argument is presented. The videos don't last long because the Bavarian Illuminati is out to get them. Except I know one that's a couple of months old that looks like it may be around until the author voluntarily pulls it. Colleen, 113 - The code for "this is fake".

Collie burst on the scene a couple months ago with several vids of just typing in numbers into the Kelvinator's spreadsheet. No condescending dialogue. Some new agey music in the background for the audio. Received the Hubbard seal of approval and a link to the YouTube channel on his blog. That's good enough for me as a stamp of approval for officially approved gematria content.

The first two phrases that equal 113? THE DIVINE DISTORTION and WAGE WAR BY WAY OF DECEPTION.

Congratulations. You just PhraseShopped. I've become an expert. Some of my retorts are better than others. If you want the full list, for now you can check the video yourself. Google " Colleen 113 Youtube" should get you there.

I've already gone over "Reverse reduced cipher" =113 in reverse reduced. PRIME NUMBERS CIPHER and REVERSE ORDINAL SYSTEM also equal 113. Guess they're dishonest, too. I made sure to take some pot shots at some of the big users. I made sure to cover "NON-MAINSTREAM". And reminded that VERACIOUS equals 113. I've got "truther" covered for a future update. TRUTHER GEMATRIA BLOG = 113. I've got more than a dozen ready to add. Once every week or two.

Then as time goes on other videos that have sat idle with their misinformation waiting to be found will be trolled with the same list. Maybe bits and pieces like colleen, maybe all at once. I haven't decided.

As for challenging the validity of my list - don't. My phrases are no weirder than colleen's I shared here. As for PhraseShopping. It's done every single day. John = xxx, Smith = xxx, John Smith = xxx. That's the most common. Not content with a billion different elisions you now have three different words for one person. They must love British terror acts. Great Britain, Britain, British, United Kingdom, UK, England. The NIPTUCKS could never come to an agreement on one.

And I did colleen a favor. Since the first comment a couple of weeks ago there's been 20 views of the video when it had sat idle for weeks. These guys are obsessed with page views.

It's just a number that means nothing. Pretty easy too get. It's not too low and not too high. And my 20ish or so list has just one 1103 in it. I haven't even touched how 131 = 113. Yet.

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