Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Roaming Numerals

I think Dan is getting a bit too creative in some of his stretching the limits of common sense to manufacture number connections here. This one is so far out there I doubt his cronies can support him, pat him on the back and say, "Good one!"

We start with a "Space Theme.". Again. He's been stuck on that lately. Not surprising he can find his stockpile of space related numbers in ANYTHING. They are only two digits.

We begin with a time of 4:44. This gets converted to Roman numbers of IV IV IV, regardless of the fact that 444 in Roman numerals is actually CDXLIV. If you pop IVIVIV into one of any converters on the Net you get an error message for invalid input.

There's a quick break to point out that the reverse is VIVIVI or 666. Which again is not a real Roman numeral. And has nothing to do with the space theme in the post title. They do this a lot. When I write about old sci-fi movies (which I love) I constantly am amused by the use of stock footage. We paid for this footage of shit lowing up! By golly we're going to use it! This is the Gematria equivalent. I'm talking about police brutality, but oh look. The Number of The Beast!

Now that we have completed our IV transfusion we take IVIVIV and convert that into 93 by using the letter values of I and V from simple gematria. That =Saturn. Which means space. Also regardless of the fact that Saturn is the "timekeeper" and also is used in time themes.

The ancient Romans built suspension bridges. This is a suspension bridge too far. You really need to suspend belief in reality to accept this as a reasonable, logical conversion.

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