Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I ❤ Holly Jablonowski, A True Gematria Friend

I am not going to make any outrageous claims to how extensive this is. I should, probably will, get around to poking around more on this topic.

I'm qualifying Holly as a Gematria friend. A true friend without that adjective is someone who would do anything for you. Like clear your browser history for you should you get killed by a rabid wolverine.

First off, Hubbard has a Twitter account and a YouTube Channel. The sole purpose of the Twitter account is to promote addition of new videos to the YouTube channel. I use Twitter to link up to the channel so I can review comments without recording a view of the actual video. I certainly don't want to give the appearance that I actually watch these when I don't. He has over 1000 followers on Twitter. It appears that he gains exactly one follower every time he tweets. He is following one person on Twitter. Probably not a real person. Why follow someone that has never tweeted anything?

Speculation: You can purchase/set up fake users on Twitter. That's a fact. The speculation is that the account being followed here is such a fake account.

I would be lying if I claimed this was totally random since I was as they say, "looking for trouble." - In the comments to Hubbard's latest video requesting donations because of the threatened shut down of his channel I see one Holly Jablonowski. This comment us lengthy and it's going to take you a long time to read it. Reread it. Let the meaning sink in:

That's it. Just a heart. No joining the other discussion. Not personalized to say, "I love you, Zach. Please don't let them shut down your awesome video channel! Here's $5!". Just a heart.

That's a red flag right there. But, there's more. The heart comment has five likes. All the other positive comments around the same time have fewer or even no likes.

So let's click on Holly's icon. Her channel page comes up. No videos. But five subscribers.

Warning Will Robinson! Danger! Five subscribers to a virtually inactive account. Five likes on a comment that pretty much says absolutely nothing.

As I continue to review the comments in videos in going to keep an eye out for Holly. Speculation: I expect to find the exact same ❤ with the same five likes every time. And I expect to find other similar suspicious accounts.

Speculation: YouTube and Twitter pay only lip service to discouraging fake accounts because the problem is so prevalent they can't possibly police it.

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