Monday, June 26, 2017

Boston Cream Pi

A long time reader of this blog knows that I'm not into sugary treats anymore. The number of cookies I eat in a year can be counted on the digits on my hands and feet. They also know that before my metabolism told me that I didn't care for them anymore I would get Boston Cream Pie for dessert when the family would eat dinner at a restaurant every Friday night.

(side note, these dinners included Dad who was a math teacher and knows that 22/7 is not Pi.)

Also, this person knows my love/hate relationship with how Pi is constantly misrepresented in Gematria matters. Hate it because every fiber of my being can't stand the thought of such a wonderful mathematical concept being treated so ungraciously. Love it because since they always get it wrong I get to point out that it's wrong. I don't even have to search for it. Pi will be in the title. I know this is bullshit, let's see what they're up to this time.

So two days ago they offered this very true observation.

Boston Cream Pie isn't really pie. It's a type if cake. So it's really only an approximation of pie.

After my giggle fit subsided I got some semblance of revenge by offering up some numerology:

Boston Cream Pie is cake, thus only an approximation of Pi =227 (simple reduced)

Cheesecake is really a kind of pie that is called cake=227 (reverse reduced)

This should work well as part of the Jenna Coleman game worthy of a door prize. Have someone who doesn't know the game bake any kind of dessert for the party. The winner is who gets closest to 227.

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