Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How To Predict A Sports Championship Winner With Gematria


Update 11/2/2018:
At this point the pattern is fairly obvious.  Disillusioned newcomers simply give up and go away.  Then a new crop of easily fooled sheep show up and don’t realize they are being scammed.  Currently FTFM has been pushing to Patreon subscriptions and just today we’ve been told,”No more picks here.  Now you have to subscribe on Patreon.”

Case in point, Look at Jedd’s comment:


Not quite accurate.  It’s not “most games” that are double coded.  Virtually every game is double coded.  Everything in gematria is shoehorned in with numbers pro, con or completely unrelated to the topic.  And as with any scam system, it just doesn’t work.

If you’re in deep enough to pay even a modest amount you are a bit late to be reading this.  The way to save yourself the embarrassment is to simply not get involved in the first place.  The brilliance of forcing people to use Patreon is that even though it’s taxable income (let those that want to try and cheat on their taxes by not declaring it deal with that) it, like PayPal donations, is considered a gift or tip.  So trying to get your money back is not going to happen.  If you do want to vent just because the principal of the issue irritates you, then you could try filling out a complaint of Internet fraud here:


Which might(but probably won’t) actually get you some attention if you lost thousands of dollars and enough people report it.  But a $5 a month Patreon subscription is a waste of their time.  After the first update below the only thing you need to know is two key points listed in my original 2017 post:

1). Actual results picking between two teams is about 50%.  Slightly higher because of the cop out of relying heavily on picking the favorites.  Anyone can do that with gematriduh.
2). If the presenter of this magical information could actually do what he claims he would simply be raking in the big bucks by doing it instead of charging people for making picks that anyone with a decent knowledge of sports could make on their own.  There’s always a narrative for both teams.


Update 5/28/2018:
If you want a great example of a gathering of chuckle monkeys pretending they can make predictions with gematria you can look at the comments in any of the “discussion” threads at the Fee to Find Misinformation blog or the fairly new created blog, http://dddecodings.blogspot.com/?m=1.
It’s all there.  Waiting until after the game is over.  Matching up the gematria with the favorites before the game and hoping it works out.  Predicting both teams, an ever popular classic ploy.  The “they changed the script because I was getting too close to the truth” defense for being wrong.

Here’s the original material from last year:

If you've stumbled on this looking for an edge on picking the next MLB champion, you are certainly in the wrong spot. Gematria doesn't work that way.

Because it doesn't work at all.

I don't remember the comedian who said this. I thought it was George Carlin, but apparently not. It's a variation of the theme if, "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Did you realize that self-help book you bought was written by someone else?

Countless people have pointed this out to people that rely on quackery for predicting sports winners, but although it's ignored it is always true. If this guy could really predict sports winners in whatever manner claimed, why doesn't he simply do that?

So following the commentary during the NBA finals I've seen the pattern repeated enough to provide insight. Not how you can do it, but how they did it. Notice the word 'did' is in place of do.  Reporting in hindsight.  Combinations of these go hand in hand.

#1). Wait until game 7 or the Super Bowl. You have a 50-50 shot.

#2). If you must make predictions before the final game, make more than one.  Including whether it will take 4,5,6 or 7 games. Bury these amidst a dizzying array of information. Some patsies are bound not to notice all or any of the contradictory remarks.

#3). Better yet, especially with Gematria, be vague. You can always find bogus numbers 'hinting' for either team. Word it something like, "This seems to suggest the XXXXX will win, however don't forget that this points to YYYYY.".

#4). Gematria is tailor made to give you an 'out' if you are wrong. So there is some safety in upgrading from the vagueness of #3.

#5). When in doubt, go with the favorite.

#6). Sports fanship is competitive. Confuse the contradictory material you have provided by attacking someone who got it wrong. After the champion has been crowned. Because:

#7). You are bound to pick something right somewhere along the way. People are more apt to forget your shortcomings if you harp on the successes.


Now more specific to Gematria, the readers are focused on the current championship. So the numbers are focused on current data, not the past. But there is history that is used to support current predication. Stupid shit like, thus and such number is the area code for this team or GEORGIA =44.  (News flash, Georgia has been Georgia for a long time.  If it meant anything, why this year?). Which completely disregards that the team in question might not have even made it to the championship in prior years. But now it 'magically' means something.

Get prepared to be assaulted by historical tributes. Three years ago one team lost a playoff game by scoring the same # of points they scored last night. There are so many sports numbers you can't help but find something fairly recent.

And of course, the ultimate ammunition in a numbers related system. Keep it to two digits as much as possible.

Yep, NBA championship went pretty much as I predicted. I predicted that nobody would use gematria to predict something exact and meaningful. I would have settled for the exact score of the clinching game. The team's stars stats would be a nice bonus. But people who promote gematria are the reason nobody has won James Randi's million dollar challenge.

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