Sunday, June 25, 2017

Partial Reporting - Yeah, That Makes All Kinds Of Sense

This is basically a repeat to prep for the inclusion in my book. If you remember my animal rights analogy, move along if you want.

In many ways this is
for my interest in numerology. The credibility of Jeopardy! was challenged because among other things, the key player on the game show stage had a total of $4,400 and 44 means cancer!

Yeah. Sure.

Of course 4,400 does not equal 44. And if the show was rigged, wouldn't it make more sense to have her finish with $4,444 or $44,444? Or even $44,000?

Six months later I see this all the time. The biggest offender being of course, sports. The explanation is simple. Partial scores are more often in the range of typical values achieved by gematria on names and places - two digits.

  Basketball. Bungo 59 Flurgnizal St. (not State!) 57 at the half. Look, the teams have matching numerology! At the half time break. Not too many games end 59-57.

In the case of Jeopardy, $44,000 is a huge amount to win in one night. Typically on a good night the winner gets about half of that. Of course any trailing zeroes need to be dropped. Jeopardy $ are always multiples of $100 except the rare Daily Double wager or Final Jeopardy wager throws it off.

Then Sammy Superstar has made 4 of 10 free-throws after making the first of two. Doesn't matter that this is about to change because the next attempt will certain alter that stat. Because (queue up screenshot) there's 4:10 left on the clock. It's a match! A lot of this is in the comments sections by the fans who read the blogs and watch the videos.

Nowhere do these astute gematria researches throw a bucket of ice water on these guys, reign them in and say, "Hey, it doesn't work that way." It's the opposite. "Good point! You win a cookie! Any match gets a cookie! If I like it you get two cookies!"

So the encouragement is there to allow any mindless comparison. Number of views when a commented first watched the video. Numbers on memorabilia of people in the stands. Dates of birth on people that used to play for a team but got traded last year. Etc.... Because one of the attractions of gematria is the rule that there are no rules. Congratulations. You just elevated the NIPTUCK level into the stratosphere. Because in the time honored tradition of gematria you didn't think about it ahead of time before praising and matching every single thing you find.

Games are a linear progression. Bungo and F. St. started at 0-0. To get to the 59-57 halftime score some influence is implicated in that 'rigged' outcome. Missed dunks, players paid off to slack on defense, satanic ritual performed by head official, whatever. Where does the rigging start? First play? Foregone conclusion? Wait until its close to the half? How many fans in the stands were coerced to wear whatever clothes they have on to suit the gematria needs?

It seems logical that the first basket wouldn't mean too much. 2-0 is a really common score early in the game. How far do we wait until we force the issue? Only wait for stats at the end of a quarter? Other than some key Sammy Superstar moments? We've already accepted by the winning a cookie standard that halftime is important. Certainly the exact score, not just winning or losing is important. Where the fuck exactly is the line in the sand that makes something important? Why wasn't the 59-57 score important in the Rutabaga Tech vs. Gromk game three weeks ago? And so on.

A quick answer is that these types of questions cannot be answered. These are the kinds of questions that people who still have some semblance of critical thinking should and do ask. The kind of questions that the foolhardy post amidst the cookie award winning pieces that get brushed aside because they are just mindless sheep. Because the best defense the numerologists can muster for not having rules is "Because I said so."

This should be the last time I repeat the Lamprey Attack on animal rights arguments. Hereafter I hopefully will just say, "lampreys" and you'll know what I mean. You will see how it relates to 0-0 scores ultimately leading to magical numbers at the end of a game and part way through.


During college after a night of --- doing things that college students do we would have debate sessions. Philosophy, religion, capital punishment, abortion. The usual stuff. Things that are genuinely debatable with pros and cons to each side. And then there was animal rights. Eventually this was dropped from the list. At least while I was around. People eventually would just roll their eyes and tell the newcomer who brought it up to not bother because they didn't want to hear about lampreys again.

It goes something like this:

Newcomer states that cows/pigs/whatever meat source should be avoided(if they were vegetarian) or at least treated more humanely.

I would lull them into a sense of security. Dogs, cats...yeah they're cool. Helluva lot of fun. Not typically food here. Maybe even have what we call a 'soul.'. Now we agree on that. Birds? people have pet parakeets. Ok I can buy that. Mice? Pet we're approaching a level of discomfort in the newcomer. He's starting to realize the direction this is headed. Mice are also pests. Newcomer realizes that Mommie and Daddy used to kill them with snap traps. Humane? Quick death? Agonizing? Do mice as pets have souls, and as pests they don't? Let's throw out the soul/pet aspect. Koala Bears. Comfort level of newcomer increases. They're so cute and harmless. No need to kill them. What about insects? Ever swat a housefly? Kill a spider? Yellowjacket?

By this time you can stop fucking around with where their comfort zone is and just go for the throat. Lampreys. What about lampreys. Purposefully chosen because try well represent a life form above insects and below mammals. Lampreys are disgusting looking throwbacks in evolution. They are a pest problem and most people are blissfully unaware of this. Show them a picture and Eewwwww! Gross! Don't care about what happens to them.

The problem with people and animal rights is they equate animals with mammals. Birds, lampreys and insects are all animals. It doesn't matter what you eat. You can betcha a helluva lot of animals, whether the direct source of the food or a pest, have been killed to make that food available.

The animal rights topic is still open for debate. But not with a lot of people like me that want you to demonstrate anything resembling a delineation in-between what exactly is a good animal and what is a bad animal. In gematria terms, who the fuck are you to tell me 59-57 is meaningful and 2-0 isn't? And why? Especially after I've poked holes in virtually every aspect of your system with solid evidence that doesn't simply mean it doesn't work because I told you so.

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