Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Ultimate Gematria Numbering Convention. It's Totally Mindless!

I got to thinking about some stuff. A lot of free TIME on my hands.

I love Dr. Who. TIME travel. I binge watched all the episodes of TIMEless a few days ago. More TIME travel. I live my Foreman grill and microwave. Saves a lot of cooking TIME. And the microwave emits microwaves. Emit is TIME spelled backwards My favorite comedian is Tim Minchin. Tim, TIME. So much in my life is pointing to time and its secrets.

In particular saving time. I hate Deal or No Deal.  Whenever the contestant announces with complete certainty that the million dollars is in the case why not just save everyone a lot of time by opening their case immediately instead of fussing around with the banker offers? In the 11th century when King Dillious the Pompous announced that four dimensions was one too many and one needed to go he picked time to be on the chopping block. Probably because it was the dimension most recently discovered. Fortunately Princess Rolexa duped the King, who was notoriously vertically challenged, into getting rid of height instead. She literally saved time. Dr. Who is always saving time from the various alien baddies.

It would be so much easier to accept a new Gematria naming convention. It will be called Aarg. Removing the t,i,m and e from Gematria saves time. Perfect!

 Now the numbers can be vastly simplified by just using binary. Everything is one or zero. So pick a number. Any number. Unless you picked zero every number can be expressed in binary by a string of ones and zeroes. Since there is already a reduction precedent add all the ones together to get the next number. Repeat until it resolves itself into one every time. Binary two is 01. 0+1 is 1. Binary three is 11. 1+1 is 2. Resolves into one. Try it. Every time you end up with one.

Just think of all the time savings! No more fussing around searching for how many passing yards Ryan Tannehill had through three quarters of the second game played last year. No worries if something is supposed to relate to 9/11/2001 or Area 51. It's all the same. It's one.

It's all part of the totality of the universe. Everything is part of the ONE. Except one thing. Nothing. Total nihility. Zero, butkis, diddly squat. In honor of its origins zero will hold a special name and it will be the name used for the naming convention. AARG. The time saving variation of gematria. The one thing that is truly nothing. And just as zero has synonyms we will be allowed to affectionately by some other names. Like Mindless Freaks Blog and YouTube Channel. And Dan.

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