Thursday, January 26, 2017

Mary Tyler Moorebid Curiosity-Another Gematria Cheat

My dog got me up. I'm not too mad at him since I couldn't sleep anyway. At least he didn't eat my homework.

Crap on TV. The best I can find is Runaway starring Tom Selleck's mustache and Kirstie Alley, so phone time instead. Something Moore important to do. Time to indulge in my Moore is curiosity about what Nad would do with the death of Mary Tyler Moore.

I called that one right. The mooretician has barely had time to prep the body, her pastor cleanse her mooretal soul and Mooregan Freemans send a farewell tribute tweet and Nad latched on to that news and documented it faster than Michael Moore.

I'm going to need a new name here. Let's call this one a Lester instead of making an acronym. (The other half of my crack team of acronym makers is asleep on my lap right now.). This is when something superficially looks uncommon, but is actually quite common. More is less=Lester Moore.

The Mary Tyler Moore death gets a mention in Nad's 1/25 post just long enough to make it a reference to football. Again with the football. Again with the Miami Dolphins. <sigh >

I'm going to have to bust on your lack of creativity here Iceman*. I fully understand the way you operate. You boot up your gematria calculator. At least one site lets you search names and numbers for cross indexing. Then you tie these together in often the most bizarre fashion and present the conclusion with an air of, "Holy shit! Look at that! What are the odds?". Or in this case you go to an old standby for the bazillonth time, Miami Dolphin, Matt Moore.

Funny thing about the Internet is that it has lotsa information on it. Moore than you could possibly dream of. Ever notice Nad also has a go to source in The Simpsons? Exactly how common are these names? Is it really that cool and uncommon or superficial?

It was Moore than easy to find a site that already did the census work for me. On the first page Simpson is shown as the 126th most common last name in the United States. I was surprised at where Moore came in at, a whopping #9 on the chart.

The same as avoiding gematria that results in one digit numbers because it's too obvious that 3 isn't that special*, they avoid Smith or Jones. Moore might seem uncommon but based on the percentage of total US population over 200,000 people have the last name Moore. Just in the US.

Even without adding another cheat into the data set, comparing two people with the same last name of Moore doesn't prove anything. Now if Frank's daughter Moon Unit crashed her car the same day that Mandy Eunice Zappa the homeless crack whore from Clearwater was run over by a car I would still think it's a coincidence, but I would admit that it was weird. But I'm safe because Zappa is an uncommon name, the elitist cosmic entities avoid non-celebrities and it didn't happen in Miami.

*Nad's rapper alter ego, Natty Ice.
**. Personally 3 is my third favorite number after 1729 and 288. 1729 is obvious. Most people don't like 288 because it's two gross. 3 is personal, too. But I refuse to force my prejudices onto others while my elitist cosmic entity application is still under review.

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