Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chelsea Manning/The Gematria Effect Radio Show

I spent so much time researching the pantheon yesterday I didn't get around to fact checking Nad's 1/17 post. Not too much to tell. Same old same old, rambling association of tying together completely unassociated events, taking liberties on how to get certain numbers and of course a Miami Dolphins reference.

I want to spend more time on the second part of this, Chucky's radio show. So let's limit crotch grabbing (picking on Nad) to his Chelsea Manning story. Again, providing a reference point for researchable and provable facts.

 The Mindless Freaks post mentions a key reporting date of 13/9. Because he wanted to tie in 319. His link shows the story being reported on 9/14. And he correctly notes that, yes, he did post about this on 9/13. The date a reputable news source shared the gender identification process. But I found a story from a different reputable source aka the New York Times showing a date of 7/14. Of course Nad ignores any perfectly valid information that doesn't fit his version of reality. Of course no mention is made of this being a hoax on 7/14 because the numbers were wrong. Pffftt.....


Chucky is going to have to get up later and skip breakfast to pull this one off in the future. Now I am exceptionally observant, focused on the target and looking for trouble and the mistake is subtle. But it's there.

Chucky has a weekly radio show called the Gematria Effect. His YouTube video promoting yesterday's show has a bit about all callers are welcome. However, if you use foul language the editors will edit it out and the points you tried make won't air. See, the editors don't like too much potty mouthing so they don't just take out the naughty bits. Easier to just delete the whole segment.

That, in Chucky's words, is the only rule you need to obey. You have a question, complaint, just want to say hi or discuss breakfast options, fire away.

EXCEPT...immediately after this he mentions that if it's obvious that you are just calling to attack him then you will be cut off.

You know the rules of the scary editors. But you let people fire off unlimited profanity they need to edit out, instead of just cutting them off? What a power trip. Cutting people off makes you a (mindless) control freak. I'm sure you get some parting shots in about what idiots they are.

You have also given me the opportunity to research more into the nature of these scary editors. Do they get paid? Is anyone really holding you accountable, or is it actually Chucky responsible for deleting entire bits? It would be an awfully convenient way to not air damaging evidence promoted in a calm and rational manner.

I have a lot of options. I can check with the radio station on staffing. I can call and present any number of the obvious flaws on hard facts like dates, death tolls, how many days fro Jan 1 to May 13. Same or different call start to point out some of the crazier things. Different call use one single fbomb. And believe me I have lots of other devious things come to mind.

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