Friday, May 25, 2018

Stupid People Should Not Have Computers

I’m feeling a bit testy today so I’m gonna take it out on the rest of the world.

Outside of gematria we have a pretty clear case of wasted resources on problems of a global scale.  Our good friend bitcoin is an energy sucking vampire.

I’m not an economist, I don’t play one on TV and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.  BUT it sure looks like a bad track is being followed here.  Outside of a more conventional bubble bursting economically the electricity usage of bitcoin is not sustainable and something has to be done.  All this computing power that in theory could be used to help save from the planet from global warming, diverted to a money making scheme.

I’m not at all surprised to see a couple of gematria mooks talking about bitcoin on Twitter.  Which reinforces my belief, and let’s expand the post title.  Stupid people with too much free time on their hands should not have computers.  Now that we’ve segued into gematria, the picture of the day:

No wonder our planet is fucked.  Another person just typing random, disjointed thoughts and forcing a connection.  Oh lookie here.  Now I can’t even go to a tanning salon and get bronzed because TAN means SaTAN.  Now, the evil tanning and Kardashian tie in does make a lot of sense and that’s a program lots of us can get on board with.  The damage they could do in front of a keyboard is staggering.  The setback in progress would take us back to the Bronzed Age.  (Get it??!)

But it’s not really the tanning that concerns me.  The root of the problem is not just an ordinary root, it’s a square root.  With no historical precedent square roots count, too,  The ancient Greeks got bored one day and just started playing around with square roots and isopsephy.  Yet this square root elision has not been officially unveiled.  The rounding has never bothered any of you mooks, so there’s no good reason to worry now.  Heck, you even lopped of this square root which is pretty frigging close to a halfway point between integers without batting a fingernail*.

And that doesn’t bother me as much as squaring is involved in Pi.  Pi squared.  Circles.  But the function is called squaring, not circling.  Square root with all the magic circle mumbo jumbo.  I probably should mention here that Satan is in this narrative and he’s confused and/or pissed about what this does to his Beast Mark.  (Beastmark™️-the Satanic German bitcoin).

And that doesn’t bother me as much as that it’s a square root of 33.  The not reducing a master number story takes another hit.  Is no rule in Sacred Geometry sacred enough that it can’t be broken?**
Look, dude or dudette, I get it.  You’re bored out of your mind talking about the same two digit numbers over and over again.  You think you’re being clever.  You’re not.  I can play around with a multifunction calculator all day and come up with all kinds of weird stuff to help change numbers into other numbers.  I’ll even give you one now free of charge! Tau.

Tau is mathematically exactly two times Pi.  See! Pi!  It’s got to be cool!  And there’s mathematical history where some legitimate actual mathematicians argue it’s more important than Pi and go so far as to say the Pi people are wrong!  And NOBODY in the gematria world talks about it!  The Greek letters, Tau sort of looks like half a Pi.  Half.  Two times Pi.  1/2 x 2=1.  The cosmic balance is maintained!  Now don’t tell anyone where you heard it from, I’ve got a bad reputation.  You know, all the thorough debunking and stuff.  I promise you, you will win a cookie.  Heck, a truckload of cookies.  Or at least two pies.

And all of that doesn’t bother me as much as all the wasted energy using a computer for gematria.  This secret code just gets easier and easier to crack with each passing day.  Since any idiot with a computer or a cat walking on a keyboard can find new values.

*. Eyelashes, fingernails.  Both made of Keratin.  Sounds like CARROT.  14 carat gold.  Dan will be happy about this.

**. So inconsistent.  Nothing screws up a good carrot soup like the consistency being too runny or too lumpy.  See above.

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