Saturday, May 5, 2018

Gematria Debunked By Porn, Puns, And Pens

Speaking of Blacks on Blondes 66.  And declaration of certain names being NWO mockery.  And “that reminds me of....”.  And changing something more than once. And Trump, which better be the end of the ands or I’ll never get to the point.

Did you know, and do try to act surprised, that Stormy Daniels is not her real name??  I wonder how many porn stars go by their birth name.  That’s a project I could get on board with researching as long as there are lots of pictures and I don’t have to research the dudes.  If there’s a sign up sheet I have dibs on Asians.  Because I’m declaring Asian female porn stars to not be part of the NWOe battle plan with the same evidence or gematria friends use.  Because I said so.

Long ago, on a casting couch far, far away there was a gal named Andrea who for whatever reasons got involved in the adult film industry.  “I was young and Satanic Math hasn’t been invented yet” is the popular story.  And like a lot of her sistren (and that is genuinely a real word being the archaic female equivalent of brethren) she chose a professional title and worked under the name of Little Oral Annie.  And that reminds me of...

Of course it’s supposed to remind you of Little Orphan Annie.  That’s the point.  If you have to get an explanation for the punchline the joke is wasted on you.  But now through the magic of gematria without the use of any numerology at all in support of the declaration, it could “reminds me of...” Orphan Black or someone of the Boston Bruins because they are a Bobby Orr fan or something else.  And it counts.  Whether or not the numerology is missing as a manner of some sense of self preservation remains to be determined, because whatever you are reminded of you betcha there’s going to be some numerical support, even if you have to settle for initials or a “3”.  The simplest way to avoid looking stupid with the numerology is to just declare Andrea to be a tranny, get your cookie and move along.

Puns outside the porn industry operate on the principal of “that reminds...”  Some words lend themselves better to jokes than others, the ones with multiple uses.  Short words like car are great as CAR can be found at the start of Carl for a Walking Dead joke.  Cargo, card, carbon, mix it up a bit and throw in a karma.  Middle or end, Picard, vicar, etc....

So now.  If SON is a hoax name, which it’s not, what’s to stop someone from saying Daphne Zuniga - ZUN reminds me of SON.  I sense a massive lamprey/splitting hairs problem here since the recently overused “that reminds me of...” as you are headed towards every combination of letters being a hoax name.  (Which they can be on any given day, just not necessarily with this cheap shortcut).


Also, not worthy of an entire post and the PENS part in the title fit well although typing would be more appropriate.  These declarations of things are formatted about the mainstream media being evil as a way to proclaim dipshitmatic immunity.  My name is a Freemason gematriot, no problem, I’m not the mainstream media.  What if the mainstream media is not the mainstream media?  For example,

This guy that made stuff up.  Or what if somebody was hired under false pretenses without having proper journalism credentials?  Are these people actually mainstream media?

All which reminds me of, if 113 is the mainstream media number of dishonesty, SON is the mainstream part of a hoax name, 33 is the mainstream media hoax code- what’s the list of non mainstream numbers/words?  The alternative media number of truth?  The alternative media three letter code of truth?  Because DER reminds me of, well, “der” as in stupidly obvious and HAR reminds me of laughable in “hardy-har-har” and I’m sure I can make anything close enough.

All just goes to show that now we don’t even have to justify whatever we the gematrimooks say with numerology, we can make anything be anything.  Maybe nobody will notice, and if they do then I can use gematria as proof that what I said works.

It’s kind of a weird debating style.  “The sun is green and the sky is purple!” “What’s your evidence?”  “Yolanda is pretty.”  “Oh, checkmate dude, that’s so insightful”.

(Insert insane debate points of your choice above).

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