Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Opposite of Armageddon

Let’s assume for arguments sake that the end of the world is not imminent.  And let’s also include that something really speculative and weird like a visit from a friendly alien species gifts us amazing technology we are millennia away from figuring out ourselves.

What we get, is gematria’s chance to save the world.

The Earth is a closed system.  For now at least having an evil corporation seeking to mine precious metals from the moons of Jupiter and having all kinds of shenanigans going on related to their being an evil corporation is only for movies.  The living animal population checks and balances itself (unlike a government which pitfalls and roadblocks its way along to incompetence) and self corrects.

Now the opposite of Armageddon is that the Earth just keeps chugging along with a lot of miserable people enjoying having their labor rewarded by giving their resources away to grifters.  The act of producing progeny has some short term benefits, despite the messy bodily fluids, and there is a desire to engage in activities that may lead to more tiny little unsocialized humans.  The population keeps growing as long as sufficient resources to sustain continued growth permit.

In today’s article, we see an underutilized almost entirely untapped opportunity for gematria addicts to do their thing.  Beginning with the lack of attention paid to it.  Last I checked, Peter Sweden was big on blathering about the alarming decline in birth rates, but I’ve never seen a gematria take on this.  The traditional end of the world stories have too much traction to ignore.  Another facet of gematria narratives is the laziness, keeping to the same schtick for brand recognition.  Although it might be expected that someone would fill the void, nobody has stepped up to the plate for gematria hot takes on overpopulation.  I mean, come on guys, you’ve even got somebody covering women’s volleyball now because it was an unfilled niche, where’s the overpopulation gematria?

The answer to that is related to the laziness.  Most of the gematria promoters and therefore the stories are not very intelligent.  Coming up with an entire blog and dedicating a video channel to something new is too much like work.  And when the goal is to arrest intellectual development for short term financial gain actually going full Tolkien mode and creating literary art you’re just going to keep being stuck with the same end of the world failed predictions and broken promises we’ve been getting.

But back to the meat of why overpopulation topic is a great theme.

✔️ We’ve got lots of numbers.  With the actual numbers being in the billions for human population alone they get abbreviated a lot.  Gematria folk love themselves making big numbers into smaller numbers.  12.5 billion?  Fuck that - it’s 125.

✔️ The actual thought process has attracted science and math people.  They love trolling science and math people.  Getting one conned into a debate- a big talking point is that the predictions that have been made are all over the map.  So lots of thoughtful projections have been WRONG.  Never mind that the calculations are pretty complex.

✔️ Never forget the power of projection.  The Green Revolution?  Just solved things short term, passing the buck to future generations.  They love calling things the opposite of what they are, including making shit up, maybe calling it something like Quantum Matrix Anti Depopulation Decoding.

✔️ There’s a good bit of history.  Whoa!  People have actually heard of Malthus!  Throw in a fake reference to him and how he understood the deep meanings of gematria, and was particularly fond of Francis Bacon and you’re on your way.

✔️ Imaginary friends are important to gematria grifters.  Sock puppet “allies” and commenting on your own video.  These are actual overpopulation friendly people - they don’t add an actual mouth to feed beyond the current total.  Taking a cue from the sovereign citizen world, when that fraud case finally hits the court system you can claim the, “I was defending the world from overpopulation by making up people!”

✔️ The Shill Game.  Never forget the Shill Game.  There’s probably more use from this blog from grifters looking for a way to attack other grifters than actual misinformation researchers.  There is a…wait for it…overpopulation of end of the world predictors.  Muscling in on their cognitively biased crowd should be easy.  Just throw in some random comments on other videos and start luring away the sheep.  And don’t forget - there will be plenty of them that don’t realize that the end of the world and overpopulation a few decades from now are incompatible theories!  Tailor your narratives accordingly.

That should be a good enough jump start.  Now get your homework done.  I expect two videos from each of you by the end of the week based on overpopulation topics.  Get your training done now, then get out there and fill the niche!!

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