Monday, March 25, 2024

March Madness Gematria Part 4

Although it should be called March Madness lack of gematria.  But screw it, I can purposefully make a clickbait title, too.

What we’re actually doing is continuing our exercise in math and luck, and again proving that you don’t need a magical system that is apparently already struggling to compete with my picks.

Continuing the trend of annoyingly for them actually posting my picks in advance, there’s my Sweet Sixteen match ups.  As a pessimist I still fully expect to crash and burn.  Until then it is still a lot of fun for me with the success I’ve had so far.  One takeaway from my posted picks - I got 14 out of 16 correct, which is real solid.  Another important takeaway is that I didn’t pick either of my two losers to advance further.  I can still get all eight games correct.  I can still get all the remaining games correct.  Which is why I’m still in the top 1000 or so.  When Clemson won I actually stood at #371 for a short period of time.

As I said when I first started showing signs of success, the process was to intermingle a couple reasonable upsets with more mainstream higher seeds beating far lower seeds.  NC State advancing to where they are, that’s big.  Clemson knocking off Baylor was nice.  Never did I try to use anything related to gematria.  Not even going with the running joke of picking the opposite of what Zach picked.  That joke is amusing when he gets trolled for the $3700 his followers would have lost on the last NFL season, but fails to take into account that in almost 200 games you would also have lost money picking the opposite, probably just not as much.

The leaderboard changed a bit, the handful of brackets that picked 15/16 or all 16 jumped over previous leaders.  Because of the weighting that happens every year.  The key is to not have a black hole in your bracket.  Like if I picked Clemson for the final four and they lost in the first round.  Or any of the sad people that picked Kentucky to go deep.  All 50 spots on the leaderboard have the chance to max out the remaining games at 1890, 1880 or 1870 points.  I can achieve a respectable 1840 points.  Total possible points is 1920z

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