Thursday, March 14, 2024

Big Tech Killed Gematria, Or at Least They’re Working On It

Oen of teh bfenits of 

Shit.  Big Tech is altering my images, turning them sideways and garbling my text.

One of the benefits of a broken political system is constantly having an excuse to blame “the other side” for, since nothing ever gets done.  Nothing significant, anyway.  A long running inside joke among conspiracy grifters is to complain about censorship.  In our broken system I mentioned it’s a highly polarized right vs. left no compromise system of roadblocks and pitfalls.  In the internet grift world, it’s a highly polarized group forcing out baseless accusations about arbitrary scapegoats versus potentially useful factual information.  So when confronted with the harsh reality of maybe having to admit that a large group of normies don’t want to hear your latest poop filled garbage fest, you do more of the same thing.  Use your go to scapegoat - Big Tech.

I shouldn’t do this since I’ve built up such a large group of enemies already, but The Illusion is another long time account known to mention how his work is not allowed to go mainstream because it would blow peoples minds so much the awesomeness of the Truth would change the world and/or get him a couple new Patreon subscribers.  Lots of others have done it, the Big Tech censorship angle.  In reality, it’s one of the ways that understanding the psychology of conspiracy theories helps separate the clueless newbie true believer from the long term agenda ($$) pusher.  The argument makes zero logical sense.  If Big Tech is censoring you, why am I using a Big Tech product and seeing your smarmy attitude on it?

For example, and since I’ve already have a life full of antagonistic reactions from others for it I’ve earned a right to complain about it.  I enjoy some science content.  Veritasium- 15 million subscribers.  Kurzgesagt - 22 million subscribers.  Both creating content that directly contradicts things like Aaron Rodgers anti vaccine propaganda and use real math instead of the fake math of gematria.  So your argument is actually my millions of internet community friends is less important than your couple thousand at most because your at times incoherent claims clash with facts.  This is why smart people call out the bullshit and fight back.

So we’ve actually hit a milestone, no let’s tone that down and say it’s still just approaching.  The serious possibility of a Tik Tok ban has reared its ugly head.  Actual censorship versus comic book plot point censorship.  And you have a golden opportunity to do something about it instead of just whining on how the world is out to get you.  Which it is, just not for the reasons you think.

Even hundreds of years ago the framers of the U.S. Constitution realized that the document should be a living document that adapted to changing technologies.  And nothing more than communication tech has been so rapidly changed and abused.  There are underutilized constructs called AMENDMENTS.  The translation of that is, “Hey, times have changed.  We have superior information now compared to what we had years ago.  Let’s fix this.”  Admitting that you were wrong about something is tough.  But maybe you can settle for an update since times have changed.

So arm yourselves with your best pro gematria content you can think of.  Prepare your best case you can think of.  Then contact your local congressman and plead your case.  Tell them, “I’m mad as hell about censorship and my YouTube videos getting pulled down for misinformation.”  Put up or shut up.  Because the time is now since unlike traditional modern U.S. politics this is heavily bipartisan.  Both sides seem to think there’s something to be gained here.

I find it unlikely your gematria will have much of an impact.  You may get a couple of eye rolls and some giggling which you can record and post on your YouTube channel that might get a couple extra views for you.  At least until the larger number then your group gets YouTube banned also.  You might even get really lucky and I’ll be there talking to congressmen as well.  That would be a fun video.  My side of the argument is, “I’m mad as hell.  I prefer to live in a world where people get vaccinated because it helps other people and I prefer little kids going to school without fear of getting shot.”  And I’d also add that social media ban seems like overkill, but it should be regulated more than the ineffective self regulation that exists now.  (Look to Boeing for a current analogy on ineffective self regulation.). Like, maybe Big Tech doesn’t need to be eliminated - just AMENDED.

Yeah, there should be three more zeroes for that first video.  There’s already three biz zeroes behind that video - Rodgers, RFK Jr. and the creator.  Tell your congressman about it, and don’t forget to mention that you drop zeroes in gematria, so the three extra zeroes wouldn’t change anything.  The eye rolls and giggles alone will be worth millions of views of that livestream.

Gematria killed gematria.

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