Every year the fans of the not real world like to whinge about the lucky shot as it pertains to the opposing team of their favorite team. The magnets inside basketballs and rims story just will not go away. Never mind how the entire conspiracy collapses by the science not working out. There’s no explanation on how there’s a reason a basketball is air filled rubber and how the addition of enough metal to make it magnetically significant would screw up dribbling, or how you align the poles to attract instead of repel, etc….
It’s one of those cheapos that gives the less than brilliant something to argue about until their next paycheck gives them enough cash to skip their rent payment and go to the sports bar. And you aren’t a true fan unless you also pick a fight with a sportscaster and the official Twixter account of an NBA franchise.
With sports betting being the financial hook for a lot of gematria nonsense there has always been the need to parrot this. Logically, the Super Bowl is finished. Basketball is the big thing. The new suckers need talking points other than the gematria they are getting their feet wet in. The occasional reminder about how all sports are rigged needs something explaining how it’s rigged instead of just a flat statement of it being rigged. Like our friend David here, the low on the pyramid prime candidate to be scammed just assumes that since the science of electricity and magnetism seems magical to him it must actually be real magic. And like anybody can snap a photo of a contrail and get fired up about the government spraying poison it gives him something to do instead of just taking the L and moving on.
Even if one of the top level people doesn’t seem to be about sports, for marketing purposes the acknowledgment of people being gullible enough to believe in basketball magnets is a given - funneling them to crypto scams or pricey personal gematria readings comes later. Grift magnetism is vastly more powerful than crank magnetism.
There’s no doubt some games are rigged, but it takes some kind of planning and intelligence to pull off and not just the occasional lucky shot at the end of a close game. And it certainly doesn’t happen every game and magically aligns with a code that allows you to use numerology to get the same 50% of predictions right you get without numerology.
It’s apparent that what’s going on here is that gematria calculators are all rigged. There are magnets in them. And even though the right answer is in there, the magnets force out the wrong answer, every single time. Being deliberately wrong for engagement is so important that why just leave it up to the chance of numerology when your smartphone can give you the wrong answer every single time you need it?
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