Friday, March 15, 2024

The Gematria Personality Test

I spent a significant amount of time looking into what was going on in Scientology back when it was spread throughout the news and tabloid stories.  That was the era of Tom jumping on Oprah’s couch, the Maxim article of Anonymous vs. Scientology and the South Park episode.

There’s no doubt that L. Ron (I’m going to hate for this piece having to make distinctions between different Hubbard’s instead of just saying Hubbard) had a grasp of using psychological manipulation tactics.  Famously, he was quoted as saying that the real way to make a bunch of money was to create a new religion.  Then he did it and proved it.  He also helped a lot with the anti science movement by making an arm of the Church dedicated to anti psychiatry activities.  Discrediting the people best suited to understand the manipulation of those who fell into the fold.

Among the hooks to lure in new members there was the famous Scientology personality test, which made its way into the plot of the South Park episode.  And reflecting on this yesterday I realized the contrast behind this test and modern grifter gematria.

Called the Oxford Capacity Analysis, because that sounds way cooler than Bullshit Cult Fish Hook, the test was designed to be meaningless.  Designed to be failed.  Again, as part of the South Park episode - you are destined to fail.  Then once you finally realize how messed up you are and only Scientology can save you, you break out the checkbook.  Note that the technically correct answers are provided at the end, followed by the mention of how even if you got roped into taking a test and scored 100% you would still get badgered to buy Scientology courses.  Again, part of the South Park episode.

The big takeaway about that is the focus is on your failure and that’s the first step towards getting the money flowing for a fake cure.  Gematria being heavily oriented on confirmation bias is somewhat of the opposite.  You are always right.  At least until you start thinking too much about how right you are and cross paths with the better established leaders.  The same numbers appear every day.  What you make of them is right as far as your interpretation.  It’s the lack of education in the newbies and the topics that are chosen that misguide those into getting hooked.

Personally, if I were susceptible to psychological manipulation I’d prefer being told I’m right all the time.  If the other option is to be constantly badgered about what a terrible person I am give me the Attaboy!TM.  Even here though, the gematria community has that base covered.  If you want to be badgered about how terrible you are, just join in with the Obama is the Antichrist crowd.  You could believe that 121 means something positive like I AM LEGEND.  Or you could just keep being stuck on how you’ve been told that ANTICHRIST=121.  And now is a good time to remind newcomers here.  Based on how easily “evil” numbers are produced, every single person in the past, every single person living now, and every single person born in the future is “evil”.  Or you could be “good” in the same manner, so you do you.

The gematria personality test is your response after your early exposure.  Which clique is the right clique for you.  Exactly who’s channel do you end up spending the most time on.  The sports clique is low key on the badgering, and suits those who just like the idea of having their money taken from them by shitty predictions.  The synchronicity crowd wastes a lot of time alone delving into not so amazing coincidences.  Perfect for loners.  The cryptocurrency clique has the money angle, but has evolved into a spiritual outlet where they also spend significant time discussing high vibrations and astrology.  The end of the world gang has been seeing an Antichrist confirmation every single day for years now.  And of course there’s the anti-government Qanon gematria if you don’t care about sports picks or the others.  Your personality is volunteered depending on where you end up, without taking a silly yes or no answer test.  And then you get to enjoy all the extra magnetism in the part of the rabbit hole you fell into.

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