Friday, April 13, 2018

Well That Shmacks Of Criticism

The problems with gematria existed long before I came on the scene, and criticism existed before I came on the scene.  Most of it is just not in an effective form.  I’m not sure what to make of Shmacks, at times he comes over as just another person looking for sports picks.  Other times like this FTFM comment openly critical of the questionable character of Hubbard.  Per chance as this comment alludes to got tired of being insulted too often?

Understandably this comment is not the whole story, packing all the detail into a comment to a blog post, limited time, just covering the major points.  As I’m uniquely qualified to offer my opinion having dedicated substantial time to the topic, and able to dedicate more time and space via this blog, here is that opinion.

The main point of the business plan, pure and simple, has always been about the money.  What’s better than being annoying and spreading disinformation?  Being paid for it.  Let’s not forget the $33,000 social network crowdfunding, the presidential candidacy GoFundMe campaign and the numerous smaller requests thrown in here and there.  I need money for an advance run to print the book.  Yeah, sure.  If I really put effort into it I could probably get a straight answer from BookBaby if you ever even TRIED to use them.  There’s a lot of holes in that story, detailed here previously.  What we have now looks like one last push for the current rotation of clueless minions benefit.  We’ll get back to that, but let’s go back to S.A.’s comment.

1).  Create a blog, that’s in a completely different style than what it morphed into the past couple of years.  Whether planned all along or just “going with the flow” there was a lot more effort in the early  days of FTFM.  Newbies aren’t likely to have bothered checking.  Early vids are long gone (mostly, other than bits and pieces like ACFAU’s hate video with his admission his real name is Greenblatt and the like).  Purely speculative, this looks like building credibility before the Zach we know and love today was unleashed.  Regardless, my arrival was at the height of the relentless victim shaming/hoax/false flag era.  So,
1a). Surround yourself with yes men that obviously have no idea exactly why gematria doesn’t work, but are loving to hear that kind of fiction.  On the plus side,
1b). Some of these are equally willing to promote the gematria because they are looking to get something out of the content they put out, attention or money.  Make a gematria blog, make some videos, get lavished with praise from Zach for the good work.  On a case by case basis it’s hard to say if they are clueless or purposefully deceptive.  I’m going to throw in an offhand comment here, as of this writing, and I purposefully let it alone for a while, just like the presidential crowdfund NONE of the names that have links off FTFM could even spare $5 to buy the ETSY version of the book just so they could put up a token show of support or give the inevitable, vacuous five star review.
1c). Sheep to fleece.  Which don’t really seem to be too excited about spending actual money.  They talk about it a lot, but why pay if Zach goes back to making videos OTHER people pay for?

(Oh, and you forgot the radio show).

2). Gematria is tailor made to manufacture evidence.  A couple bits SA missed.  50% after the prediction is down to 50-50.  If there’s 32 teams and you predict the champ genuinely 50% of the time, that’s pretty good.  So for example, the current Bitchute vid has a comment that someone says they’ll “testify” Zach predicted Philly would beat New England a year in advance.  Bullshit.  Yes man per point #1 or sock puppet.  Lots of bold faced lying goes on to cover up failed predictions.  The part about reporting in hindsight is dead on target.

3). Yeah, lots of insulting goes on.  But what’s he supposed to do?  “Hey I’m always wrong, my system is bullshit, you called me out.  Everyone else, please send money.”  Doesn’t sound likely to keep people in line.  This is part of the content the newest in the flock expect.  The no holds barred angry at the world sociopathic Hubbard.  They LLLOOOOOOOVVVEE that stuff.  This is how the operating standard of “Do you agree with me today?” came about where the most fucked up insipidly stupid comments get a channel ❤️ and valid criticism is responded with being called a faggot troll. Nobody is safe.  Science, religion, politics anything is pro or con depending on if you suck up or not.  I for one don’t like science and math being dragged through the mud.   This ‘tude gets you 1b). Gematrinators making up new ways to force matches constantly and loyal lapdogs like Dan continually making significance out of things like cheese because he doesn’t know any better.

4). This is why it’s a last push.  One more visit to the well before it runs dry.  A couple of Etsy books a day are being sold.  The Patreon subscriptions are stagnant at about 155.  The people that already paid for or will be paying for new content are being given broken promises and excuses.  As if the track record didn’t clue them in to what’s going on.  Hardly a way to establish new customers.

5). Overexposure.  People are tired of it.  I’ve said it before, I can guess the blog content just by what news headline is on my phone feed.  Major news blah, blah, blah, two digit numbers blah, blah, blah, Freemasons blah, blah, blah, hoax blah, blah, blah.  Throw in an occasional rant motivated by desire to feed the flock and/or someone who was loyal crossing paths.  Go to bed, get up, repeat.

Don’t forget that he’s never been a public school teacher in Washington.


I appreciate Shmacks putting that out there, so let’s document that here in a more permanent form.  Just in case the post it was attached to disappears.


Now the CYA portion.  Let’s assume you still really, really believe the major issues that pop up like censorship, Jewish terrorism, government created false flags, etc....  It's long overdue to start arguing the actual issues instead of the number 47.  I was on Twitter yesterday reading something I never would have bothered with a couple of years ago since it was Holocaust Remembrance Day.  It was mostly grief, yet one person stood out about not wanting to hear about it because they were sick of it. Not because it was a hoax, and certainly not because of a flipping two digit number.  Things like shooting unarmed Palestinian schoolchildren.  I make no stance on one side or the other, but that’s a lot better arguing point than Freemasons = 59.  How do you expect anybody to take you seriously about real issues when you are clearly manufacturing your “evidence” and to boot asking for money for it?

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