Saturday, April 7, 2018

Heavens To Etsy

It seems that there’s a lot of cold cases in the gematria missing files..., well, file.  Thursday had no normally held discussion about the content of the weekly Troof Frequency Radio show.  The comments on the FTFM blog have slowed done to a crawl compared to normal.  Not surprising as the   original material has slowed down to a crawl compared to normal. Seems like nobody ever comments on the Gematrinator Blog.  The last Gematrinator video was put up with comments disabled.  The other big names never had that much activity to begin with.  And Hubbard hasn’t figured out how to put videos on Patreon so there’s no new source of video material there.  And since he’s unable to upload on YouTube...

Or is he?

My understanding is in the YouTube striking system that instead of instant banishment it allows you to play by their rules and wait it out and be restored to full good standing after a period of a couple of months.  I speculate that their system is pretty weak since they’ve never stopped anyone really serious about being annoying from simply starting a new channel.  And Hubbard always started a new channel after a second strike stopped him from uploading, leaving as of now *four* YouTube channels idling as fallow fields waiting for the next growing season.  Checking through, for now these all should be not in good standing, but the earliest has been idle for two months.

There’s been significant banter about how to bypass the YouTube problem.  Alternate video hosting sites haven’t panned out.  The Patreon idea shouldn’t work, but is still “being worked out”.  And now to add to the melee we have how to properly compensate Hubbard for his book and how much new material will be created for the starving massless.   (Real word).  To repeat myself, the simplest solution is to use Patreon the way other YouTubers do.  Wait a few more weeks, put video content on YouTube, locked to private.  Give the password to paying patrons.  A hassle, but if you’re going to get paid for free information:
What are you gonna do about the book?

Today is approximately the one month anniversary of the Patreon account.  It could mark the start of decrease in number of subscribers, those that got their perk and hightailed it.  Instead of paying $11 every month.  Time will tell how serious the loyal minions are about paying a monthly fee for:

1). Blog content open to everyone.
2). Promise of a daily podcast that may take months to years to meet the 1000 patron goal to kick in.
3). Videos.  Maybe.  When, where, how much?
4). And a book in pdf format that you presumably already have, but now is available for a $5 one time payment.

On Etsy.  What in the name of turtle flippers is Etsy doing in this mix.  You’re supposed to be working on a hard copy book.  Someone recently suggested another publisher, which I assume isn’t even being considered, unless you want to sully their name like Bookbaby, by making claims that don’t make any sense about the failed relationship there.  And it’s still just a digital file instead of a hard copy.

Good grief.  Etsy does have digital material, but they’re supposed to be for artists providing original creations.  Traditionally it works like this.  Tatiana makes handbags from genuine yak leather with genuine Tanzanian tanzanite studs as presents for her family and friends.  Said family and friends say,  “Oh my Tati, you make such lovely handbags!  People would pay money for these!”  Tati makes an account on Etsy and makes an actual profit off her labor of love.  Digital artwork like computer generated pictures is there, but not digital books.  I looked at the book listings and most are customized things like working your child’s name into an original children’s story or nicely calligraphic, personalized covers on wedding photo albums.  You’re not allowed to resell used books.  And it looks like selling an original eBook on their site is a direct violation of the terms of the site.

**The site is so not book oriented Hubbard’s book is listed as a handcrafted item.**

And will probably be listed for as long he wants it, because the only people likely to complain are those in direct competition, which is nobody.  The complaint process looks like it’s set up for Tati to object to someone selling machine made bags made out of cows with cheap plastic sequins instead of her really cool handbags.

Unless of course the evil empire finds out about it and shuts it down because we all know he’s getting too close to the troof.

We’re firmly in the territory of if you want to spend money on this book, you deserve what you get in the long run.  Continued monthly payments for something you can get cheaper on Etsy.  Maybe something else who knows how long later.  Alternatives to everything that’s been proposed seem logical and untried.  Create another YouTube channel.  Yep.  Somebody else created one without a phone number.  Donate through PayPal, find another publisher, stick to your guns and keep it free, get your own website, there’s a lot of things going on money related here instead of just pride of getting the troof out there.

Heavens To Etsy.  And please send money.   (And buy one of Tatiana’s handbags, they’re really nice and make a great cover for your pdf file.)

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