Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Secrets Of The...I Can't Tell You It’s The Freemasons Because It’s A Secret

I’ll begin with college hoops because it’s not worthy of a whole post.  The March Madness was equally mad as expected.  The format in the FTFM commentary was just like every sports championship.  Actual documented predictions with a full tourney field are non existent.  As time Marches madly forward predictions get bolder as losing teams no longer get predicted to win.  It’s magic gematria!  And then by the time it’s two teams left a whole bunch of predictions, amazingly lining up the gematria with Michigan, a not overwhelming but significant Las Vegas favorite.  One very vocal mook generously provided a final score for the championship game of Michigan winning by 7 points.  The exact same spread as the Vegas bookie line. Hmmmm........

The three most significant anomalies.  I thought, please, please you utter lunatic.   Do not say what I think you are going to say.  My psychic energy, sorely off my usual game, was insufficient to stop the  WOLVERINES equals WOLF reference.  Because it’s the Chinese calendar Year of the Dog.  And the underDOG, the WildCATS were the winners.


Freemasonry documentary

I don’t tie myself down to strict rules for blogging.  I do try and prove lack of obsession by finishing my usual morning post then maybe do some light research preparing my lesson plan for the following day.  Occasional big project.  Why?  If there was a font for whiny little bitch voice, use it here.
“You’re here trolling 24/7, so what does that say about you?”
To which I can in clear conscience counter that I am indeed not.  It doesn’t take long to find something wrong every day.  No, actually you’re in the comments 24/7 anti-trolling trolls without providing any counter argument for the actual issues.

So fun time I reserve for not gematria issues but could not resist this documentary when I saw it was coming up.  Research standards, see.  Secrets of the Freemasons. Now what self respecting gematria user could avoid that?  How about every single one that thinks they can use gematria to make a gambling success on March Madness?

It’s two hours long including commercials.  As with the rating in the link a rather mediocre affair, in my opinion.   Nothing terribly secretive about the masons you couldn’t learn on the internet.  It slogs through the history of the Freemasons, the Anti-masonry movement, the U.S. founding fathers that were masons and significant material on public perception of this ‘scary secret society’.

If you guessed that the word gematria was mentioned zero times you are correct.  There is material about things I’ve seen attributed to the masons.  The street layout of Washington D.C.  Nothing says scary like having a street layout including 90 and 45 degree angles for intersections.  Throw in a lot of pareidolia and turn the street design into a pentagram or Baphomet head.  The kind of thing that only people who see the face of Attu the Wonder Turtle in a grilled cheese sandwich fall for.  If you have a good cliptractor™️ you can find this type of thing in any city’s streets.  This and the mockery of the supposedly scary imagery on the symbolism in the dollar bill show the angle is that the public hears the word Freemason and laughs it off or gives it way more attention than it deserves.  Think Simpsons’ Stonecutters.

There was a long bit about the experience of one Hiram Abiff, whom (who? heck I don’t know.  My grammar is not perfect, either) I had never heard of.  So let’s check FTFM and we get just two mentions in 4+ years.
And a follow up curtain call the day after.  Which looks like post #1 is some history with nice words I might want to use and post #2, fresh on my mind here’s a story about Israel, I paid for the Hiram material with my blood, sweat and tears and by golly I’m going to use it.  Then nothing else.

These Hiram posts appeared March 2017.  March.  Shouldn’t you be talking about college basketball?  Or linking Hiram to basketball?  Aren’t the Freemasons your go to scapegoat for scary activity?  Loooks like it’s just a shoehorn database source, because it is.  You’re hardly taking the scary freemasonry thing seriously, so why should we?  I would have thought somebody would have been all over this documentary by now, analyzing every detail and giving an opinion pro or con.  Instead the conglomerate of mooks is busy trying to justify the cat team is winning the championship in the Year of the Dog.

Yeah.  Right.

The undue credit to the concept of scary Freemasons is summed up by this quote in the film from an actual Mason:

How are we going to take over the world if we can’t even decide whether we want to eat ham sandwiches or tuna sandwiches after a meeting?

Bingo Yawno.  People will never be scared of the Masons as long as the implication is that the worst we have to put up with is being mocked by how many points were scored in a basketball game.  People are never going to wake up if you can’t even decide what it is that really scares you. Needless to say the documentary did not include the words and phrases, Pi, organic matrix, solar eclipse, GPS coordinates, weather warfare, baseball or even sports.

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