Friday, April 20, 2018

Wandering Thoughts

There’s a case, a very good case, that the “that reminds me of” game is getting worse.  The significance of the number four on the porch, three has two E’s which look like threes, Barbara Bush looks like Aleister Crowley (which in addition to the inevitable tranny comments also ballooned into Barbara being the witch spawn of Crowley), Carl KASSELL/Howard COSELL, etc...   These being used as justification of numerology on topics not directly attributed to the story at hand.

As I peruse Dan’s latest documentation of wandering thoughts, mostly in regards to the huge importance of ON and NO, my thoughts also wander.  To what it would be like if he actually read more books and shared gematria on words more.  You know, like using gematria for a correlation between letters and numbers like it’s supposed to be.  Because the NO/ON story has little actual gematria and just records the riddles and clues for future reference.

As the word WANDER crossed my path, I thought it might look something like this:

Wandered?  Wondered?  Wonder Woman was just released.  One is the loneliest number.  Could be Wonder Woman movie will be #1?  C-LOUD.  See. Loud.  Sight and hearing.  Don’t know what this means that I’m supposed to see or hear.
*by William Wordsworth
Is that even his real last name?  Words are worthy.  Like gematria being worthwhile.  That’s why I was drawn to this poem

*I wandered lonely as a cloud
I just remembered about the clown scares with the movie IT being released.  Cloud-Clown. People are scared of clowns and they could be lonely even if they aren’t killers.  I’ll have to check this and Wonder Woman out.
*That floats on high o’er vales and hills
This could be really high, like high-er instead of high o’er.  Or oar instead of o’er.  But you wouldn’t use an oar on land.  There’s water in the sewers with IT.  Vales reminds techme of Vicky Vale - a Batman/Wonder Woman connection.
*When all at once I saw a crowd
Once-Wonder-One_Der there’s a 1 theme here.  Crowd, crow.  This is probably Hawkman, but could be Robin or Nightwing.  But not Marvel comics.
*A host, of golden daffodils
Sinestro is Green Lantern’s enemy and he uses yellow or gold powered technology.  Enemy makes me think of enema which makes me think of sewers.  Now that I think about IT that stands for Information Technolgy which is Brainiac.
*Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Trees/Threes this could be the hoax code about fake plants.  With all the DC comic characters could be the Justice League movie.  There’s water in a lake, too.
*Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
Superman has super breath that has a strong breeze.


I’ll spare you more.  You’re welcome.

Trivial and silly?  I hope so.  Because often the original material reads like this.  Not as exaggerated, but rather meaningless.  I picked this poem because it was my first thought to go with WANDER.  The It and DC comics just was what flowed afterwards.  Somebody else critical would probably have gone a completely different direction for a parody.  Somebody else pro gematria would come up with different idea of what Wordsworth was syncing up to.  Isolate a set of them and have them work independently on the numerology of this poem, you’ll get some agreement.  The big issues like his name and daffodils.  But as soon as it turns into the “that reminds me of” game it all turns to shit filled sewers.  This is because of the operating standard of community acceptance for anything blurred out as long as you agree with me today.  Notice the friendly comment to the original post?  Bridges need to be tied into Onions.  That makes all kinds of sense, better document that connection.  While I, as my rightfully earned position as the troll from hell, don’t count.  Anything I come up with is outlawed because I’m the source, no matter how reasonable it might sound.  Like THEOREMS=truth=113.

What a wonderful system to throw out into the world.  It’s supposed to be guiding everyone’s life but if you point out the flaws you are wrong.

As a companion to yesterday’s post, well.  Document to your hearts content.  You aren’t going to find any new numbers.  You aren’t going to find larger numbers because of the way the math works.  Keep on lowering your standards now that we’re starting to dip into single digit numbers, probably because everyone’s tired of the overused two digit numbers and forcing larger numbers to be smaller numbers looks stupid.  Just keep documenting until your head explodes and starts wandering lonely as a clown.

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