Friday, April 27, 2018

Gematria Face And Name Recognition Training

As covered here,, there continues to be a remarkable ability to spot a tranny from a single photograph.  No details about there person’s life are necessary.  No mention of it in the news article.  Any evidence could be some similarities in facial structure or more likely just missing.  And then you blurt out:

Oh yeah , she is really a he or he is really a she or it is really an it.  The only option not available is that whatever the proclaimed gender identification of the person involved in the story is, that one is strictly off limits.

Well, not all the time.  Gleaned from thousands of comments reviewed we’ve got a couple tips.  Pretty sure we can save you the tuition on Gematria recognition training, both face and hoax names.  Then we’ll teach you how to apply this information instead of just whining about stuff.

First, the basic qualifications to take the course.  The standards are excruciatingly low.  If you’re already doing gematria you probably meet these two criteria.

1). If you believe that 6 and 9 are virtually interchangeable because they are flippy-floppies of each other and E’s are 3’s you qualify.

2). You must under no circumstances ever come close to any measuring device with any degree of precision during your schooling, including especially the cliptractor™️.

The course has two main parts.  Part 1, names.  As a test run to get the juices flowing you NEED to turn someone’s name into something else.  The first phase is practice on variations of saying something that says, “XXXXX reminds me of YYYYY”.  Some common ways are:
Reminds me of....
XXXXX, like YYYYY....
Sounds like...
XXXXX is a form of YYYYY
Could be...

And DON’T get too creative.  Sounding like a lorikeet parroting the same verbiage endlessly is important.  The numbers are tiny and endlessly repeated and your phrasing should match.

Next up, plagiarizing.  Not punishable, but not encouraged.  Extra points are scored on tests for the more creative associations you come up with.  And this is important. The more juvenile the better. Example:  The psycho’s  (hoax) name is MINASSIAN.  You get an F grade for using MINASSIAN.  D for an ASIAN reference.  C for MANASSAS.  B for MINI VAN ASSASSIN.  A for (if properly phrased), “ Note that I am doing the world a huge favor by pointing out the sexual innuendo of the word ASS in this obviously hoax name, and one must assume that if it’s MINI there must be a TIGHT ASS here, other than my own constipated rectum.”  Naturally any male names (who are not actually men, but that’s later in the course) of PETER and RICHARD are ready made, no need to embellish.  In fact, you should try to turn other names into those names.  Easy example.  Admiral Hyman Rickover.  If you can’t get a HYMEN DICKOVER out of that for a tranny name to go with your tranny face, you’re not going to make it.

Now faces.  The ban on precision equipment extends to abstaining from any facial recognition software being employed.  You need to do this on your own.  And it turns out to be surprisingly easy once you understand how the knowledge is applied in modern times.

Who is a different gender or looks like someone else?  It’s the crisis actors in the news stories.  Barbara Bush looks like Aleister Crowley because a BUSH name is not going to get you an A grade.  Notably, this is important.
Sports figures are recyclable.  A lot of effort is spent to create the these guys and gals and whatever they identify as-es in secret labs or something.  But James Harden is never to be called HARDON.  Gregg Popovich’s wife is not to be referred to as Gregg POPABITCH.  Facial recognition is not to be done on sports figures, only the dead.  Maybe wait until the athlete croaks, but hands off while they’re still active.

Now who looks like someone and might not be who they actually are?


It’s that simple, because this is gematria and we report in hindsight in gematria.  The addition of the face and name recognition data is hardly ever done with actual word=number gematria.  It gives people something different to say other than the endless succession of two digit numbers the gematria yields.  Isn’t that fun!?!

If there was some value added to the story, like proof that heterosexuals are more likely to drive minivans than homosexuals as proven by this study... I could buy into it.  But the inclusion is at best additional unfounded claims or at worst just petty and mean, usually the latter.  There’s no value because instead of using the remarkable name and face recognition techniques to identify the actors before the event, more waiting then whining after the fact, when you could apparently look at a list of  school student names TODAY and identify all the joke names.  You could look at the yearbooks TODAY and find the actors about to be shipped off to other schools.


Because it’s easier to try and shift the burden of proof  when you don’t have any evidence.

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