Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Dark Secret Of Wrestling

Man, it’s been a long time since I did one of these.  I used to do these for my own entertainment and it was a waste of time for the smaller portion of the target audience.  It’s an exercise in shoehorning in any story you want, so the value is that the numbers are always there to support even the most ludicrous story line.  Whether you want to try and split hairs to support that your solar eclipse story or that Muenster cheese relates to The Munsters* is completely believable (news flash, they aren’t) and the following is too ridiculous to be taken seriously is YOUR problem.  Because I’ve got numbers.  And one of them is four digits!  Granted the story was altered in hindsight after the values became known.  That sounds strangely familiar....

Now I do offer some new material, just had to get the disclaimer out of the way first.  There’s some inspiration for this.  It looks like wrestling is part of the organic matrix.  The gematria stories are not presented as proof of it being a rigged pro sport, because it is rigged.  Everyone knows it.  After a period of insistence that it was real, when it came down to $$ it was admitted.  If you’re a real sport you need to pay the athletic commissions who oversee sports to operate.  So it seems a rather odd choice for much attention, but it’s been popping up.  The stories point out the synchronicities and leave out the Freemasons, so organic matrix territory.

There is a theory about conspiracy belief that guesses that the form of mass delusion exhibited in the gematria commentary is binge conspiracies.  https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Binge%20Conspiracy%20Theory%20-%20BCT&amp=true .  Where the crowd experienced something inexplicable like finding Janet’s bra in the freezer, nobody remembers how it got there because of too much booze.  Then, only being temporarily brain dead they try to recreate the full story from the bits they do remember.  Vern was seen making out with Janet.  Sally got ice from the freezer.  Janet had her Katy Perry playlist running including I Kissed A Girl.  Eventually the story explodes into Janet and Sally making out because nobody remembers what happened.  Let your imagination run wild on the other details.

This kind of thinking, whether fueled by alcohol or not, could explain why we have to even bother with reptoid aliens and robot clones in the comments.  Or depending on where you want to split the lamprey hairs, wrestling.


So let’s review some of the main facts.  We’ve established a link between wrestling, alcohol and conspiracy.  Thinking about a more direct connection between wrestling and alcohol.  Jello wrestling.  Everyone knows that there has to be liquor if there’s going to be jello wrestling.  This is important.  Jello is made from gelatin.  Gelatin is an organic material!  It’s made of :

 A sure sign of conspiracy.  Even more directly, everyone knows if there’s going to be some serious binge drinking then you need
JELLO SHOTS = 135/135.  In reverse and regular.  I’m glad we’ve proven that this MEANS something.
LIME JELLO= 93/39.  You don’t have colorless jello wrestling or unflavored shots.  SATURN=93.  The timekeeper.  With the drinking sense of time is lost.  And:
The number of Dishonesty.  Which means that the wrestling being faked is itself faked and it’s for real.  Not for some sports rigging purpose, but for a higher organic matrix purpose!
Lemon and Lime.  Both citrus fruits.  You can’t get much more organic than the Krebs Cycle aka the citric acid cycle.
KREBS CYCLE= 193 Rev Francis Bacon, 333 Rev Franc Baconis, 139 ALW Kabbalah.
But here’s the part most people don’t realize.  The Dark Secret Of Wrestling.
An entire episode devoted to wrestling.  And more importantly, in the Coon Trilogy they sold LEMON bars to raise money for the BP oil spill which awakened the Dark Lord, Cthulhu.
and in Jewish:
And —>Captain Hindsight<— was discredited by the boys getting him drunk and taking faked photos of him with Butters dressed as Courtney Love.
COURTNEY LOVE = 227 Francis Bacon
Pi, circles.  Like the Krebs Cycle.

It’s only natural to “research” topics that interest you.  In the big picture trying to make significance out of a solar eclipse being watered down by bringing up the acknowledged fake sport of wrestling doesn’t seem to help your case.  It just makes you look brain damaged from binge drinking.

Here’s the awesome parody song from South Park:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wdDoFQK4Rrs

*. Between the time I started yesterday’s post and finished, Dan did in fact document a riddle between Muenster cheese and The Munsters.

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