Monday, September 9, 2024

X -The Quest for Two More X’s

This is Nickie.  My isn’t she lovely.  And I think she wants to be my friend.

My popularity on X, which I like to call Twixter, is soaring.  You see, Elon’s genius has created a platform where I average about 5-7 Nickie type ladies following me in a week.  And it’s been happening for a long time.

It would be nice if Elon just paid for manufacturing a calendar instead of the daily grind of checking my profile for the hottie invasion of the day.  I’m not terribly OCD about the month’s picture and will flip through looking at all twelve girls.  And you can find bikini girl calendars for free from lots of businesses without the hassle of having fake Internet accounts with links to some other site of dubious credibility.  Because looking through the now limited followers and following lists of Nickie and her family of porn bots it’s just totally random.  And they usually have 100 or 200 accounts following back.  All that never realize the couple of pics made in 2023 are the only content except maybe a lame feel good message like “Our destiny is forged by our desires.”

Twixter porn spam has increased dramatically in the Musk era.  Those that follow the grifter economy would not care as much except for the hypocritical stance that this was the holy mission.  Actually one of two holy missions, free speech and stopping the horrible bots.  And both missions have been a failure.  If you want to see some high level hypocrisy in action just research the amusing storyline of someone posting a meme or tweet that goads Elon into replying talking about that mission and then someone replying with the single word, “cisgender” which immediately gets flagged as being against the rules.

And direct fraud is also not against the Twixter free speech rules.  There is a lot to be said to allow free speech with a let the buyer beware approach.  People will always, as they say, “fuck around and find out.”  So now it’s football season and the sports decoding grift is in full swing.  So you can’t say cisgender or Nazi’s are bad on Twixter because the King said so, but you can say that the Jesuits are murdering athletes in ritual sacrifices for purposes of rigging sports games.  A claim that has as much credibility as Elon caring about porn spam - a percentage chance of being honest of somewhere between zero and zero and zero doesn’t count.

Here’s a NFL week one victim.

It’s not reasonable to expect the $150 that was lost is  all going directly to the alleged scammer.  But these guys sell picks.  A magic code that has as much credibility as a Nickie style hottie being interested in following my extremely sparse Twixter content.  In fact, just with the given first and last name and that date of 6/29/2024 I could make a believable sports prediction that is just as good as the professional gematria based prognosticators.

Guys like porn.  Guys like gambling. Guys like sports. Guys like pretending they know everything to the point it doesn’t become pretending.  Falsely believing in their intellectual superiority.  And Nickie and CloutsBets are just waiting for you.

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