Saturday, September 14, 2024

Old School Sports Decoding

And speaking of the psychology of gematria, right on cue we get the grift in action with a side helping of harassment.

Things might not be so bad if the projection was limited to how great a person one is for being a genius decoder.  The temptation to project oneself as a badass keyboard warrior is too great.  There’s no reason to decode sports for fun.  Nobody is sitting down doing it for fun.  Sports gematria, the most common subset of conspiracy gematria, is all about joining a Patreon and comparing notes for gambling.  And naturally this bunkweasel has a Patreon for others to join, not announcing he’s a proud member of the club created by someone else.  Odds are there’s a good chance that as the account is less than a year old it’s recycled from a previous anonymous pretend tough guy badass who made too many wrong picks and decided to start fresh before the historical 50% on predictions caught up with him.

When one is starting off, whether a true first beginning or starting over, you need to market yourself as something special.  And with the association with baseless conspiracies the marketing plan is to be as annoying, arrogant and brash as possible.  If you are gambling without gematria decoding you are not just unlucky to not see the light.  You aren’t just misguided.  You are a tard.  You are less than human.  If I can’t successfully project myself as awesome then I can still make you feel less intelligent, less capable, less human by resorting to childish ad hominem.

It’s the kind of thing that shouldn’t work, but it does.  In 9/11 I saw a video of some bloated human megaphone mouthing off at Wal-Mart, and the customers all showed remarkable restraint and ignored him.  Good for them.  But the miracle of social media and internet grift allows that first time encounter to plant a seed.  Whereas the Wal-Mart shoppers have the opportunity to go home and not be subjugated to more verbal assault, this post will stay up on Twixter.  A long term cheap advertisement that denies the reality of the situation.  Sports gematria decoding is, was, and ever will be useful only for grift.  And the fence sitters, the newbies getting curious talk to the last person they should for information - the person that cares nothing about them except the potential to add them to the monthly Patreon money suckage.  And if your an employer, ask yourself whether you really want to deal with someone who wants to call other people tards when those tards just want to get through their needed Wal-Mart shopping without being harassed.  The one acting out with childish insults is obviously the problem.

Let’s back up and talk about the actual gematria.  It’s a fake prediction.  It may have been pre planned a little.  Some numbers too tempting to talk about.  Likelier it was thrown together ignoring the problems it presents.  83 wins is a common number of victories, and the Orioles certainly did not have 83 wins with an 83 run differential every time in their history.  Far more misses than hits.  It would make more sense if the Orioles gematria was 83 instead of their opponent.  It took me about 45 seconds of random typing to find that COLORADO = 83.  83 and the Tigers isn’t so special after all.

And of course it was reverse engineered ignoring all the many things that don’t make sense.

But the person that’s not aware, who isn’t prepared with the critical thinking tools to dismiss it, seeing it for the first time, it looks good.  And they’re maybe getting ready to join 50+ other people gambling on games with a system that requires the result to be over and in the books to actually work.  And if they don’t lose money this way, they are supposedly the bad guy, the tard.  I think not.

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