Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pool-ing Your Resources

Another SportsGematria video about the not so bright future of those who get sucked in too close to the black hole of “truth seeking” surrounding Hubbard.  More so than most, since football season just started and there are no recaps of shitty picks, this one’s focus is on the many, many people who have been thrown under the bus.  A constant supply of scapegoats and people to accuse of being terrible people is a necessity when your personality is so abrasive it’s a near impossibility to find any true friends.  Mastering the merry go round of projection is a vital tool.  So and so is a terrible person, they are worse than me, therefore I am a good person.  They are saying the same thing.  And both are asking for money and both are terrible people that people are picking sides from when they should move on, and round and round it goes.  I wonder if gematria had anything to do with the Depp/Heard divorce.

One of the things that’s played out on the world stage over three elections is the knowledge that Russia has been fiddling with U.S. elections.  And the physical boundaries of an ocean separating the two Cold War powers is of no importance to a propaganda campaign done via the Internet.  And there’s a doozy of a story unfolding now, based on our old friend - people would rather have money than be right.

And there’s little doubt that gematria had an impact on Russian disinformation.  There’s no need to believe in the message, just spam social media with bad information, boost the Qanon talking points to give influencers with large followings material to work with, and let the human nature of people being idiots and assholes take over.

In theory, I could maintain a separate entire blog with content like this:

I can literally do things like this decode in minutes.  Play around at random with Phraseshopping - FOREIGN, RUSSIAN, CHINESE, GOP.  Or  ASSET, PUPPET, TOOL, SHEEP.  Fill it out a little more, let’s see.  Swing by Wikipedia for world events 8/5/2024 for 85.  Nikkei stock market crash = cryptocurrency tie in.  Claim that was Russian influenced and how Zach’s sphere of influence includes bitcoin material.  Search through birthdays and earthquakes and all kinds of other meaningless trivia.  Make up anecdotal evidence daily and really hammer it home.  And maybe, just maybe, I can be an unwitting puppet like Tim Pool.  But at least a financially better off puppet.  Thanks Tim, nice to see you’ve pooled your resources into being part of a massive disinformation scheme.

In the never ending battle of money versus facts, money is winning.  The better funded army has a well fed army.  Money wins.  The better technology has better long range weapons.  Money wins.  The side with better information knows the enemy position from spy satellites and planes.  Money wins, or better described as “facts lose” when the other side digests and believes in the propaganda lies it’s been fed.

The funny thing about democracy that a lot of people don’t get is that you’re personal understanding of facts doesn’t mean there are enough other people who recognize the facts to make an evidence based result happen.  Their Dunning Kruger effect doesn’t allow them to realize that they are smart enough to avoid the trap, but fall into the other trap - standing by idly while others fall into the first trap.  There is no good reason to follow Hubbard’s sports picks.  Time and again, year in year out, he begs for money with no results.  Time and again Trump has proven to be bad news with no actual results on benefiting society.  All fueled by the demographic of unwitting foreign propaganda influenced fools who don’t look back in time and/or can’t see into the future beyond about a week.

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