Friday, September 6, 2024

The Unholy Marriage of Disrespect and Gambling

Gosh I missed American football, not because I’m extremely interested in it.  Like most American males it’s on my radar every week of the NFL season, I’m just not obsessed.  What I do enjoy is providing ammunition for scammers to troll.  Over the years this blog has gotten more use out of scammers busting on Zach than any other demographic.  So on to business.

The marketing plan of being as disrespectful as possible is still going strong.  Fresh off this morning’s Twixter search of gematria:

Decorum, sensitivity, empathy, respect - these words mean nothing to Hubbard other than throwing shade on his psychopathy and being a hypocrite.  For example, part of the reason I mentioned the rap music demographic yesterday.  Rich Homie Quan passes.  A real news outlet either waits a bit for getting facts straight or posts a correction.  Zach posts a video last night mentioning a correction to the Quan story, and leaves up his incorrect decode on his GEN blog:

The correction posted by more legitimate sources is the age of death being 33 instead of 34.  Truth Seekers don’t like to admit to mistakes, so the easiest way to bypass the inevitable, occasional flub is to ignore it as much as possible.  Why bother doing an entire new corrected decode for 33 when that lovely 34 connection is so wondrously disrespectful?  The evil empire is projected as being the lousy bastards that are trying to start race riots by murdering rappers and “niggas”.  Join my team of closed minded cognitive biased bigots and party on.  And rest assured if the original age of 33 was reported a wondrously disrespectful post about that would have been created.  Or 35.  Or 47.  Or 93.  It doesn’t matter how old he was, something evil is lurking within every two and three digit number, even if you have to dig into birthdays, dates of record label incorporations, collaborations with other artists one time, or any other trivia buried within actual facts can be twisted.

The partying on I’ve mentioned is the sports gambling community.  Because it’s not just rappers that are falsely accused of getting offed by their bad life choices being associated with the evil empire.  Every sports person mentioned in any news article that dies is ritually murdered according to these clowns.  And what better way to party on and strike back then taking money out of the pockets of the casino operators?  And you know what else counts as being right about bad information like the wrong age of death?  The community, as a group, having a single prediction of the final score:

It’s not clear if Dave is getting credit for this betting slip or if f Hubbard is claiming it was his bet slip.  But those over/under choices are tied in to no other scoring possibilities other than the exact final score.  And Hubbard ultimately gets the credit because it’s his class.  He’s the teacher that collected a monthly Patreon subscription that lead to someone picking one of the most common scoring combinations for a final total in pro football.  That’s five touchdowns with a one point extra point and four field goals and firmly in the zone of typical scoring.  If only Dave had the balls to pick 4-2 and have that come through, then maybe we would take notice and actually care.

Sports decoders are a curious breed of confirmation bias afflicted dupes.  It doesn’t matter how many times someone is wrong about something, they will stick out a full season of monthly Patreon subscriptions because one person out of hundreds/thousands got an Attaboy!TM from the glorious leader.  It doesn’t dawn on them that since Zach didn’t pick that final score he was in a way wrong about it.  They don’t grasp that anyone else picking a final score that didn’t hit was wrong about it.  They don’t grasp that if they spent time decoding it and found a narrative for that score, but the Ravens winning, it was wrong.  They don’t grasp that if they picked the Chiefs because ultimately they like the Chiefs better or hate the Ravens they were wrong about it.  And they certainly don’t grasp that they have to pay to play. Paying someone who in theory should be applying the magic knowledge themselves to make money without charging for it.  If 1000 people picked the Chiefs to win 27-21 they would all be wrong, but Dave saves the day and makes them all right, which they aren’t.

What they do get is confirmation that they are wrong about a lot of stuff and the opportunity to be as disrespectful as possible when people point out they’re wrong.

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