Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Analysis of Ex-YouTubers #4, Asif Zaman

Asif disappeared some three years ago, and serves as a pretty good example of the temporary nature of alliances with Hubbard.  He never had a ton of content on his YouTube channel.  But boy would he make his presence known in the comments.

The same way that Charmed One is a fixture in every comments section these days, Asif was elevated to a status of trusted moderator.  Having all the qualities that are necessary to be a truly good moderator on an overly aggressive grifter’s channel.  That is, always paying obeisance to the almighty leader, being far more aggressive himself than someone like a Rambo, and dealing with trolls.  Because as an overly aggressive person himself he was not immune from attracting haters.  Pretty much everything people don’t like about Zach’s style was mirrored in Asif.  The GOP calls that style sucking up to their primary candidate for a decade.

It’s worth noting that as happens frequently we’re at another round of YouTube fighting between grifters.  Trying to summarize it as shortly as possible, Joseph Acquaviva had his two channels deleted for guideline violations.  His father also passed away recently.  Zach decided to try and lure ex Joseph fans to his material and the fighting has been centered on the value of religion in gematria.  Asif was front and center in similar fights years ago, not necessarily religion as the focal point but whoever was annoying Hubbard got the tag team treatment.

As it turns out, Asif Zaman is a super popular name for its geographic area of orange, and tracking down the exact Asif I was looking for was more involved.  That’s what happens when people drop out.  They just stop making content and turn invisible.  And we wish that more people would understand some things about truthers on social media.

1). Despite claims of and acting like their truth seeking is of ultimate importance and they’ll be around forever, a couple of years at most is much more realistic.

2). Accounts like Asif serve a function in the pyramid scheme.  There’s always a loyal ally to voice the same anti scapegoat rhetoric.  Somebody to throw in comments about how evil the Jesuits are to spice up how the Bills running back was tackled for a 6 yard loss on his 6th carry with 66 seconds left in the half.  It’s not just Zach, you see, it’s an army of truth seekers.  Because if it’s just Zach alone that wouldn’t make sense.  But an army of two at a time, <sarcasm font>, that makes all kinds of fucking sense</sarcasm font>.

So brush up on your YouTube research skills with this method.  As I said, Asif Zaman is a super common YouTube channel moniker.  So put in the search bar ASIF ZAMAN GEMATRIA.  Then change the filter to VIDEO.  Not too far down you get an old video with his name referenced in the title.  Not surprising since elevating a loyal lieutenant is important in the pyramid scheme.

Naturally, as a loyal follower in on the scheme Asif is referenced favorably by Zach as a gentleman.  A supreme Attaboy!TM on display for newcomers to have something to strive for, goal - being acknowledged publicly by the cult leader.  And of course, not graciously accepting the award is a big faux paus, so a lengthy acceptance speech is in the comments:

Reading between the lines, Future Sight is responsible for the meet cute that brought Asif to Zach.  And that sure sounds like somebody fired up to make this a life mission, doesn’t it.  It would be kind of strange if it happened to be that he virtually disappeared.  Which is exactly what happened:

@aasifazimabadi786 I’m assuming a legitimate name change ala Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali.  But if the lengthy acceptance speech isn’t enough, the single video left on the account is an anti vaxx video.  Crank/grift magnetism on full display.  And yet, activism being so important to him the name doesn’t appear in any MSM news stories, or even prominent antivaxxer Twixter accounts.  Granted there could be more on Bitchute, but I’m not bothering to check there.  Anti vaxx pyramid schemes operate the same way.  Somebody is selling something useless somewhere.  And activist troll accounts are spread around everywhere.

But we aren’t done yet.  No, there’s also the Attaboy!TM thrown out to Future Sight for his part in the meet cute.  What’s going up with his activism?

Greenhouse gardening.  There’s two 4 year old videos complaining about Covid regulations then nothing but greenhouse gardening which stopped - three years ago.

I’m pretty sure I can find more Asif commentary from three years ago if I wanted.  But there’s no way he’s proudly a card carrying truth seeker today.  Belief in the subject matter is not a requirement for posting short term emotional outrage porn.  It’s all about, “Hey, while you’re here you can strike back at the evil empire by <insert fundraiser tie in here>. Then if you’re unlucky enough to use your full name and face in your videos your real life social interactions might come back to haunt you.  As an employer, do you REALLY want to hire someone who claims random people are operating a Satanic agenda over someone who likes gardening and green peppers?  Especially considering the evidence for the Satanic agenda is pretty obviously fake?

The only people who stay active long term are either in on it, don’t care because being a fake bad ass on the Internet seems fun, or quite frankly have genuine mental health issues in play.  In this sense, use of gematria openly in front of others serves as a bold statement that you deep down really have problems getting along with others.

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