Monday, September 16, 2024

Another Warning About Overcompensation

One of the stories circulating in my conspiracy theory critic group is how annoying BlueAnon is with “staged assassination attempt” content, correctly identifying it as just as bad as the more common right wing extremism content.  That being every mass shooting is instantly labeled as a false flag.  An attempt to enact legislation to take away your guns.  Since this is a bad time to mock, that’s exactly why I’m going to do it.  It’s payback time.

Given my activity, my knowledge of how sometimes the most batshit crazy stuff gets posted without a trace of comic intent I find this amusing.  I in turn saw this post on Twixter a bit later:

I could have devoted my Twixter life to turning this into a variation of the same joke, which I also would find amusing.  “You believe space is a hoax but 187 is real?!?  WTF!  The Freemasons got rid of 187 over 200 years ago, your math is all wrong.”

If you’re here, there is context in abundance and it’s an obviously lame attempt at humor.  But repeated over and over and over, maybe spiced up with some new mean memes, it loses any comic value and just becomes annoying.  There’s no value if the intent is to be a form of intellectual argument.

Which is what the modern GOP has relied on for decades.  And it’s turned into if you wear MAGA caps or have a Trump bumper sticker it’s now a bullseye for payback.  Where I live the pro Harris signs are appearing in yards, and I only know two people openly gung ho Trump.  And I am in a 2/3rds to 1/3rd red area.  The red people appear to be supportive of Republicans for financial reasons instead of ideological reasons.

Regardless of the results of a highly divisive event, no matter where you are you still need to live with these people.  You still want to go to breakfast with these people in the same building.  You don’t want to invoke a road rage incident with the other side.  You still have to cooperate with them.

I found the Let’s Go Brandon content to be childish and not funny.  And it still gets airtime and is not funny.  But gentle mocking is not a deal breaker.  Something like the bomb threats in Springfield, that’s a deal breaker.  That’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed.  Support of somebody so consistently destructive to the same people that support him makes absolutely no sense.  It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye because the eye surgery ward was shut down from a bomb threat.

Here’s hoping the blue people can get the mocking out of their system now and shake hands and walk away a couple months from now.  There’s a bunch of people that are going to be pissed off regardless of the outcome.

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