Monday, September 2, 2024


The scriptwriters are gathered at the ideas table, spitballing what to do with Han Solo.  Someone suggests freezing him in carbon.  Someone says that’s kind of dumb, it’s advanced civilization, they would have something better.  Someone else,


And now it’s legend that Han was frozen in carbonite, a carbon gas that solidifies when freezing.  While real carbonite was a coal mining explosive.,Bichel%20of%20Schmidt%20and%20Bichel.

The reference for the Thorpe book predates Star Wars.  At least Star Wars had the courtesy to incorporate a fictitious “tibanna” gas into their carbonite making process.  But scammers do not need to worry about such things.

In the scale of harm and resulting objectionability to the world at large a fake mineral isn’t too bad.  It’s a, caveat emptor - if you’re dumb enough to fall for it you deserve to lose your money kind of thing.  Any danger is a fake mineral aficionado overspending and getting themselves in financial dire straits or using it as a substitute for healing instead of actual medical treatment.

I was poking around the waters I don’t normally do and looking at not the Zachosphere gematria content.  Zach has the sports betting market, others have their own little cliques.  Well there is a lot of crossover and constant talk about mysticism and spirituality.  So it’s absolutely no surprise that gematria content also has sales offers of pricey fake mineral jewelry to protect you from EMF - the electromagnetic frequencies that 5G is definitely not actually giving you.  At least not as in the manner indicated in the anti EMF jewelry (and knick-knacks) sales pitches.

It’s classic crank and grift magnetism.  Put out a gematria livestream.  Through some meaningless numbers around.  The target audience has already volunteered their gullibility.  So have a moderator pop in to mention how the store is selling Shungite and Orgonite, and the sale ends today.  Then once you get to the store there is a sale, and it’s substantial.  But the starting price is three digits and the sale price is three digits, all for fake minerals with no qualities that are advertised.

Shungite is a real thing,themselves%20referred%20to%20as%20shungite.

and has long been promoted by quackery.  And although there’s the jewelry and knick-knacks there is also a “put it in your water and drink it thing”.

And while Shungite is real and misused like carbonite, orgonite is completely made up bs like tibanna gas.

The fake mineral scams and gematria have some things in common.  They aren’t directly harmful, so it’s ok to make stuff up from a free speech angle as long as you don’t directly hit on something to over the top and dangerous.  And the names given to things, those are exotic and sound thrilling.  Why settle for mere copper when the newly created gematrite mineral is available?

So like getting some return labels for your cancer research donation you get *something* for being parted with the better part of your paycheck.  Enjoy your overpriced scammy mineral, but don’t try to overthrow the government because you’re the gullible one.

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