Thursday, September 19, 2024

What If There Was an Actual Gematria Town?

We will never know, so it’s a flimsy excuse to speculate wildly.  That will be fun for me.

So starting off with a fairly lengthy discussion about things that we know that don’t work.  Beginning with civil war, specifically the U.S. Civil War.

One of the more consistently annoying bullshit arguments is the “it was about State’s rights, not slavery!” crap.  Yeah, genius.  Get ready to hear that one often by armchair constitutional “experts” and grifters on social media. States wanted the right to keep slaves, other states, not so much.  And we painted ourselves into a corner with the Declaration of Independence about how we didn’t want to be slaves to Britain.  With the abundance of industry it seemed natural that the raw numbers favored the North.  The South was left with a vague ideal - decentralization and business as what had been normal - slaves.  And wow, no gematria to make artificial scapegoats.  Ideals don’t win battles by themselves.

And that’s our segue to libertarians.  Their most consistently annoying ideal is not paying taxes.  A perfect target concept for grifter operations.  Lack of a functional government, like a polarized divided country in civil war, does not work.  And thanks to some actual libertarians who put their money where their mouths were, we know how it doesn’t work.  It’s been actually tried:

And major kudos for the title, “A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear”.  Pure genius.

My take on libertarians - some good ideas, but totally impractical to implement in reality.  They care more about economics than democracy and think they are the same thing.  And nobody wants to do the not glamorous dirty work, so unwanted bears are a pretty hilarious outcome to the Grafton experiment.  

Now that part about economics over democracy - that’s a lot like the way the modern GOP operates today.  The top politicians are obviously making overtures to keep the wealthy few in power and the poor and miserable, well let them find jobs collecting trash and trapping unwanted bears. 

Hostage taker:  I want a million dollars cash, a getaway car, and I want the letter M stricken from the English language.

 It’s the Steve Martin plan - ask for more than you can possibly achieve and maybe the people who actually work at keeping the government functioning will throw you a bone in a compromise where you really deserve nothing.  The Republicans call this Project 2025.  (If you want another example, think Japan bombing Pearl Harbor hoping the U.S. would compromise for an early end on a war they pretty much knew they couldn’t win.

If you’ve made it this far, it’s time to answer your question, “What does this have to do with gematria?”

U.S.  - Slavery bad.  Except when we do it.  Let’s go all in on our scapegoat, and just kinda sweep it under the rug that we do it, too.

Libertarians - Perfectly happy with talking big and relying on the government we hate because of taxes giving us roads and disaster relief and long range bombers.

And lots of people who grow up with some decent education see the problems that exist that nothing gets done about.  And the anti government rhetoric is a grifter gold mine which since its theft adds no economic value.  Taking other people’s stuff does not produce new stuff.  (That is one of the good libertarian talking points, but the bears don’t cooperate.)

I’ve seen enough gematria videos over the years that this idea of making a physical community comes up now and then.  And it’s been tried, only as a sidebar to an online community.  The online community being a planning stage for collecting like minded “truthers” to form a commune that is a blatant grift.  Even the online communities collapse rapidly, because “winning the war” was never the attention.  I hate the government does not win battles by itself.

Imagine a town with representation of an ideal that admits to including X= bad scapegoat and also simultaneously X = the promoters of the idea that there is a bad scapegoat.  Literally, by their system they are part of the problem group.  You’re not even going to get to the stage where bears become a problem.  The first sign of a flood or wildfire or increase in violent crime is going to result in a cry for help from the government you hate so much.

Gematria is a symptom of the underlying attitudes of society at large.  An expression of hatred and emotion with no value to solutions.  The perfect conspiracy theory light talking point so the less than capable of true intellectual thought get the chance to be angry.  And then after enough brainwashing, gaslighting and indoctrination this spills over into real life situations with natural disasters, road rage and actual bears instead of just a two digit number representing bears.

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