Monday, September 16, 2024

Another Warning About Overcompensation

One of the stories circulating in my conspiracy theory critic group is how annoying BlueAnon is with “staged assassination attempt” content, correctly identifying it as just as bad as the more common right wing extremism content.  That being every mass shooting is instantly labeled as a false flag.  An attempt to enact legislation to take away your guns.  Since this is a bad time to mock, that’s exactly why I’m going to do it.  It’s payback time.

Given my activity, my knowledge of how sometimes the most batshit crazy stuff gets posted without a trace of comic intent I find this amusing.  I in turn saw this post on Twixter a bit later:

I could have devoted my Twixter life to turning this into a variation of the same joke, which I also would find amusing.  “You believe space is a hoax but 187 is real?!?  WTF!  The Freemasons got rid of 187 over 200 years ago, your math is all wrong.”

If you’re here, there is context in abundance and it’s an obviously lame attempt at humor.  But repeated over and over and over, maybe spiced up with some new mean memes, it loses any comic value and just becomes annoying.  There’s no value if the intent is to be a form of intellectual argument.

Which is what the modern GOP has relied on for decades.  And it’s turned into if you wear MAGA caps or have a Trump bumper sticker it’s now a bullseye for payback.  Where I live the pro Harris signs are appearing in yards, and I only know two people openly gung ho Trump.  And I am in a 2/3rds to 1/3rd red area.  The red people appear to be supportive of Republicans for financial reasons instead of ideological reasons.

Regardless of the results of a highly divisive event, no matter where you are you still need to live with these people.  You still want to go to breakfast with these people in the same building.  You don’t want to invoke a road rage incident with the other side.  You still have to cooperate with them.

I found the Let’s Go Brandon content to be childish and not funny.  And it still gets airtime and is not funny.  But gentle mocking is not a deal breaker.  Something like the bomb threats in Springfield, that’s a deal breaker.  That’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed.  Support of somebody so consistently destructive to the same people that support him makes absolutely no sense.  It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye because the eye surgery ward was shut down from a bomb threat.

Here’s hoping the blue people can get the mocking out of their system now and shake hands and walk away a couple months from now.  There’s a bunch of people that are going to be pissed off regardless of the outcome.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Way To Go, Weirdos

Just like pushing Ivermectin which did nothing to help the Covid pandemic response, right wing baseless conspiracy affects the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of a lot of innocent people.

There might not be any gematria behind that story, not have I seen any gematria oriented posts on Twixter.  So let me be the one to put out that narrative.  Because I’m one of the few people that will give you the real story.  I rarely post on Twixter, being content to watch it crash and burn.  Others are more active than me and view the site hopefully - assuming it’s redeemable or at least a decent tool to get us through the current election cycle.

Your scapegoat is Haitian immigrants.  Your financial hook is the power of the Presidential office, and you the lowly foot soldier will be rewarded for your loyal support.  Somehow.  Maybe.  Like I guess the Grifter in chief is going to make government appointees out of January 6th rioters, evangelical doom and gloom preachers, and the hardcore Qanon shit posters.

Some jobs require a degree of empathy to be truly effective.  And this one hits two of the biggest targets.  Health care and law enforcement.  Instead of treating patients with legitimate non political issues uninterrupted, resources are wasted for a police response to a situation that never should have happened.  If one of my relatives or friend had to be involved, I’d be pissed.  I know this because it pisses me off without one of my relatives or friends being directly involved because I do have some empathy.

Bomb threats interrupted my high school education a couple times.  An undeserved teacher suspension for talking about science in <gasp> Advanced Biology interrupted my high school education.  A lame pandemic response interrupted my employment.  Because intellectually devoid people of the ilk that think bomb threats are fun want to vote for someone clearly incapable of handling the job.  Someone so obviously taking advantage of creating the turmoil he should be working at stopping.  Someone that doesn’t mind that there are supporters that are using a system of numerology and spirituality that ultimately ends up interrupting their lives more than benefitting their lives.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Old School Sports Decoding

And speaking of the psychology of gematria, right on cue we get the grift in action with a side helping of harassment.

Things might not be so bad if the projection was limited to how great a person one is for being a genius decoder.  The temptation to project oneself as a badass keyboard warrior is too great.  There’s no reason to decode sports for fun.  Nobody is sitting down doing it for fun.  Sports gematria, the most common subset of conspiracy gematria, is all about joining a Patreon and comparing notes for gambling.  And naturally this bunkweasel has a Patreon for others to join, not announcing he’s a proud member of the club created by someone else.  Odds are there’s a good chance that as the account is less than a year old it’s recycled from a previous anonymous pretend tough guy badass who made too many wrong picks and decided to start fresh before the historical 50% on predictions caught up with him.

When one is starting off, whether a true first beginning or starting over, you need to market yourself as something special.  And with the association with baseless conspiracies the marketing plan is to be as annoying, arrogant and brash as possible.  If you are gambling without gematria decoding you are not just unlucky to not see the light.  You aren’t just misguided.  You are a tard.  You are less than human.  If I can’t successfully project myself as awesome then I can still make you feel less intelligent, less capable, less human by resorting to childish ad hominem.

It’s the kind of thing that shouldn’t work, but it does.  In 9/11 I saw a video of some bloated human megaphone mouthing off at Wal-Mart, and the customers all showed remarkable restraint and ignored him.  Good for them.  But the miracle of social media and internet grift allows that first time encounter to plant a seed.  Whereas the Wal-Mart shoppers have the opportunity to go home and not be subjugated to more verbal assault, this post will stay up on Twixter.  A long term cheap advertisement that denies the reality of the situation.  Sports gematria decoding is, was, and ever will be useful only for grift.  And the fence sitters, the newbies getting curious talk to the last person they should for information - the person that cares nothing about them except the potential to add them to the monthly Patreon money suckage.  And if your an employer, ask yourself whether you really want to deal with someone who wants to call other people tards when those tards just want to get through their needed Wal-Mart shopping without being harassed.  The one acting out with childish insults is obviously the problem.

Let’s back up and talk about the actual gematria.  It’s a fake prediction.  It may have been pre planned a little.  Some numbers too tempting to talk about.  Likelier it was thrown together ignoring the problems it presents.  83 wins is a common number of victories, and the Orioles certainly did not have 83 wins with an 83 run differential every time in their history.  Far more misses than hits.  It would make more sense if the Orioles gematria was 83 instead of their opponent.  It took me about 45 seconds of random typing to find that COLORADO = 83.  83 and the Tigers isn’t so special after all.

And of course it was reverse engineered ignoring all the many things that don’t make sense.

But the person that’s not aware, who isn’t prepared with the critical thinking tools to dismiss it, seeing it for the first time, it looks good.  And they’re maybe getting ready to join 50+ other people gambling on games with a system that requires the result to be over and in the books to actually work.  And if they don’t lose money this way, they are supposedly the bad guy, the tard.  I think not.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Time For A Recap - What Is Gematria?

 So what exactly is gematria, or more to the point of this blog, what is conspiracy gematria?

Basically, it’s an introductory level course.  A teaser, a tiny crack in the opening of the conspiracy rabbit hole.  Its niche is a form of what I call conspiracy theory light.

I’m not going to dwell on the basics.  The big names recap the methodology on many, perhaps even most videos.  That should be a red flag in and of itself.  The long time viewers of the content don’t need that recap.  And the number of subscribers and active participants (as measured by views, likes and comments) never matches up with the desired view that it’s a growing practice that many are constantly waking up to and joining the party.

The formula is this:

Scapegoat + Baseless Conspiracy + Financial Hook = Words Turned Into Numbers Narrative.

The parlor trick is to find matching numbers, presented in the narrative, that indicates the narrative represents evidence that the assertions about the scapegoat and conspiracy theory are true.  In reality, these numbers invariably turn out to be two or three digits and have little statistical significance.  It’s up to the charisma of the presenter to sell the narrative.  Some are pretty good, some are average.  Some are laughably bad.  The best presenters have mastered the art of altering the numbers in bizarre manners beyond the basic A=1, B=2, C=3 format.  Multiple different calculations (ciphers) with different values for the letters, transpositions, reflections, use of lists (prime numbers so 11 is now 5 being the 5th prime number).

It can’t be stressed enough, all the cheap ways to alter the numbers combined with the golden rule about to be presented shortly, means quite literally it is impossible not to find a match if you put a little effort into it.

The Golden Rule:

You’re always allowed to disregard when you’re wrong.  If you use 10 different ciphers getting you 10 different values, 9 of them being wrong is instantly dismissed by that 1 that is right.  Psychologically, this spills over into real life never having to admit you’re wrong.  You just need to double down and run some other words and numbers and force it.

The Scapegoat

This is by far your common right wing extremist targets.  Historically it began with The Illuminati/Freemasons/NWO, but getting people used to their own personal demons and throwing in occasional potshots directly at the Jews - we didn’t expect anything else.  The money is always in the scapegoats that get the most attention.

The Financial Hook

It’s not really about the football, other than grifters see a way to have a side hustle with misinformation.  The most common hook though, is and always will be American Football.  It’s the most popular sport, the scoring system lends itself to a lot of juicy numbers in the target range.  In second place is the scammy nature of cryptocurrency.  Get rich quick schemes have more allure than the idea of an evil cabal.  The core idea is that the system is rigged by the scapegoat, and if you learn their secret code you can strike back and take money away from them.  This idea merges the common theme of baseless conspiracies.  So many people would be in on it, it would be impossible to keep it a secret.  That, and other common conspiracy impossibilities.  The easiest debunk, if the person doing gematria on a football game is winning lots of money, they would simply win lots of money betting themselves instead of selling the system to others.

The Conspiracies

There always baseless outrage clickbait based on yesterday’s news.  Maybe today’s if the celebrities involved are big name enough to warrant immediate attention.  By association the human brain associates the topics with the gematria coding.  And the topics are always NSFW, inappropriate for the dinner table, or victim shaming.  This lends itself to the air of secrecy - one has special knowledge and insight that the normies including family don’t understand.  And often times the normies just want to communicate that it’s a waste of time, but aren’t prepared to debunk the gematria on top of debunking the baseless conspiracy.

The Psychology of Gematria

Is driven by cognitive biases.  Confirmation bias rules the kingdom.  Recency bias has a high seat in the council.  Recency bias gets one matching up current events with a core block of evil numbers.  If the person doing gematria has been around awhile they won’t realize that some time ago those same numbers meant something else, and are funneled into what it means only for today.  If they’ve done the natural human thing of doing personalized gematria of themselves it causes an internal mental conflict when their personal numbers now suddenly mean something unwanted.

But the king of them all, confirmation bias is the big one. Through the same tactics that cults use a gematria using person needs to and learns to ignore the inevitability of evil numbers meaning their own life is one of evil.  When a conspiracist who genuinely believes the baseless conspiracy enters the rabbit hole, they have a pretty good idea that they aren’t a part of the scapegoat group.  Yet, through hammering home the ridiculous methods of identifying who is in on the evil conspiracy everyone else could be or is in on the evil conspiracy.  Even the fact that gematria conspiracy narratives always dwell on negativity is damaging.  You simply aren’t cool if you aren’t focusing on how evil someone or something else is.  Just ignore that technically the system you are using makes you a part of that same evil.  Your own personal thoughts on racism, homophobia, and politics are given a flimsy excuse to dominate internal mental gymnastics.

The grooming starts early, you aren’t just a random person aimlessly poking numbers into a gematria calculator, you’re a decoder. You are a secret agent uncovering hidden mysteries with your magical knowledge that can be used to predict the future.  And that is in defiance to the constant use of waiting until the daily news headlines are the source of events that already happened.  The follow up grooming is an intense patting each other on the back festival of compliments on finding any possible predictive outcome.  The community is decoding, and quite literally even if the group leader hasn’t obviously made a narrative for both teams, the community has.  It’s still ok to be wrong, as long as one person in the community is right.

It’s taken too long, but there is finally a sense that gematria and misinformation and “incoherent gibberish” are synonymous.  If we were to go back in time and analyze the previous content and tally up, manufactured gematria “evidence” is overwhelmingly pro right wing extremism at worst, neutral sports gambling and practically no pro left wing talk.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Catzerland, famous for their neutrality in all things regarding cats, can breathe a sigh of relief.  There’s been an increased interest in U.S. election information regarding cats.  And for a while it looked like our feline friends were part of a broad brush stroke stereotype as being a bad thing.

Specifically, JD Vance made a now infamous comment about childless cat ladies.  Your opinion was not important or valid if you owned a cat.  The poke was intended to as a dunk on childless people, the American dream of raising a good Christian family is allegedly what makes us great.  Without children, you have no pony in the race, no skin in the game.

Or no cat in the cooking pot, until a month later.

There are some constants about social media in the mix.  People love their pets, they love to argue about politics especially with low quality or even nonexistent information, people are assholes and hypocrites, and they love to meme.  So when we got the Vance comment the leftist “Republicans are weird” scene took it and rode with it to all its meme glory.  The culmination of this is that Vance is being slammed on Twitter for it

And Taylor Swift announced her endorsement of Harris/Walz signing off as a proud Childless Cat Lady.

But poor old Catzerland.  In the interest of displaying both sides of an argument like a neutral media source yearned for equal coverage.  What if you’re a GOP cat owner and are desperate for something to feed your love of cats and burning desire to vote with no logic or intellectual thought process?  Memes are not enough.  Well, now they have some skin in the game and a cat in the cooking pot.

Someone poised with roughly a 50% chance to win a major election actually embraces a totally fictitious story about immigrants coming to eat your cats.  Like, that’s the purpose of their ‘invasion’.  Sure, there’s a lot of generic crime talk, but do bring up the topic during a televised debate shows a depth of doggedness (ha!) to stick to your speech style that is an art form.

And that speech style is to ramble, totally unconcerned with silly things like facts or coherence.  Like a gematria decode about cats, pointing out some useless gematria connections about AI cats.  Given another term in office, since appealing to a base of loony weirdos is more important than actual facts, we might just see Trump do an actual gematria presentation in a state of the union address.

In fairness to Catzerland and their dilemma, it’s not about true neutrality.  It’s more about capitalizing on the two extremes.  You love your cat!  Good for you, watch out for those scapegoated immigrant criminals!  You don’t like cats!  Good for you!  You love children and the <redacted> vision I have!  And Catzerland can always switch to ducks if the heat gets on.  People actually do eat ducks without much thought about them being fuzzy and cute like the uneasy feeling you may get about actually eating a cat.  It amazes even myself that I’m putting this much effort in to talking about eating cats as opposed to real problems with border security and immigration, it’s that much of a not a real thing non-issue.

This football season’s sports decodes should be lots of fun.  Gematria sports clowns love themselves a little bit of emotional forced narrative.  If there’s a cat themed mascot team in the college finals and/or the Super Bowl the temptation to make a big deal about the cat thing going on now will be like…catnip.  Conspiracy catnip.  And picking both sides is the oldest gematria sports grifter trick in the book.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A.I. - The New Rabbit Black Hole

On a related note, Zach just posted on Twixter yesterday a gripe about his Monday Night Football view count being only 3.3k views instead of the 330k he would have had in 2016.

The world doesn’t owe you views.  Just because your numbers were heavily padded by astroturfing for ages doesn’t mean it’s always going to be that way.  Previous sources have better things to do with their time and money, like military equipment above disinformation Patreon subscriptions.


Things are an awful lot like before gematria became a Qanon spam weapon in the Trump election era.  That is you get sports stuff without a lot of political content.  Something like this:

The idea of supplementing gambling predictions with a lot of confusing nonsense to mask that you’re really just doing the same thing lots of sports predictors do with gematria and numerology.

And the Qanon gematria content has slowed down, too.  But if you want to use conspiracy lite content as baby’s first book of conspiracies to target the gullible, what do you use without gematria?  Chemtrails aren’t showing up much on my radar screen these days.  And that’s because the Weird Shit in the Sky crowd is going all in on A.I. content.  And at its core, it’s the exact same as gematria.

Instead of just being a commercial to try and hype sales of food, if you really believe that it’s purposeful subliminal advertising you have a confirmation bias problem.  And you’re a perfect fit to start off getting requests to get involved with worse content.  Maybe you jump on the next bandwagon of anti science content - there *will* be more pandemics in the future.  Maybe you would like to post about how much you hate libtards.  There *will* be polarized politics in the future.  Maybe it’s time to get the attention of law enforcement and use sovereign citizen tactics.  There *will* be taxes in the future.  Or maybe, after a couple different pit stops along these lines you can end up in a militia and genuinely think it’s time to overthrow the government.  There *might be* a government in the future.  It all depends on if rich white dudes have enough support from gullible useful idiots like you to allow it.

On the left side of the fake gematria equation is Popeyes.  The current event.  The new commercial coming from an impossibly huge database.  On the right side is 88.  A ludicrously small number to try and attribute any statistical significance to.  And it doesn’t matter that these make the whole equation stupid and pointless.  Like actual not conspiracy advertising it just matters what you think about it at the moment.  Right now 88 is Popeyes.  Tomorrow 88 will mean something else.  And 50 years from now, perhaps with Popeyes being a bankrupt faded memory, 88 will still mean Popeyes but nobody will ever think to mention that.

The same way that the gematria gurus trot out a new cipher like composite numbers or try to talk up a known future event like the path of the eclipse, the Weird Shit in the Sky crowd needed something different.  Something fresh and not gematria to talk about.  Something dumb enough that it identifies the gullible that think 88 has any special significance.  To lure them in, make some donations on associated fundraisers, and become a cult member ready to move on to bigger and brighter smaller and darker intellectual black hole things.  And that’s Artificial Intelligence.  Just like gematria decodes the blurry pictures are not so much a problem themselves.  The way they are manufactured is not important.  Zoom in on a picture, it will get blurry.  Freeze a video, it can show pixels in place of a smooth image.  And of course deliberate photoshop is on call.  These manufacturing techniques don’t escape the people that have the critical thinking skills to recognize the tricks.  But ultimately, it’s the associations they implant that matter.  And just like Qanon gematria it’s 99% Kamala, the Democrat, is up to no good.  Even though, just like gematria narratives could be shifted to the polar opposite the blurred pictures of Trump could be produced, but they aren’t.  At least not anywhere near the same quantity.

And as far as marketing goes it’s perfectly understandable.  The MAGA crowd is vastly more confirmation biased than any other major recognized political entity.  Blurry AI NFTs are probably in the works now.  Hell, if they could actually manufacture real, blurry Trump sneakers they would and they’d sell for $999 a pair.  That’s how far the confirmation bias Trump obsession has gone.

Monday, September 9, 2024

X -The Quest for Two More X’s

This is Nickie.  My isn’t she lovely.  And I think she wants to be my friend.

My popularity on X, which I like to call Twixter, is soaring.  You see, Elon’s genius has created a platform where I average about 5-7 Nickie type ladies following me in a week.  And it’s been happening for a long time.

It would be nice if Elon just paid for manufacturing a calendar instead of the daily grind of checking my profile for the hottie invasion of the day.  I’m not terribly OCD about the month’s picture and will flip through looking at all twelve girls.  And you can find bikini girl calendars for free from lots of businesses without the hassle of having fake Internet accounts with links to some other site of dubious credibility.  Because looking through the now limited followers and following lists of Nickie and her family of porn bots it’s just totally random.  And they usually have 100 or 200 accounts following back.  All that never realize the couple of pics made in 2023 are the only content except maybe a lame feel good message like “Our destiny is forged by our desires.”

Twixter porn spam has increased dramatically in the Musk era.  Those that follow the grifter economy would not care as much except for the hypocritical stance that this was the holy mission.  Actually one of two holy missions, free speech and stopping the horrible bots.  And both missions have been a failure.  If you want to see some high level hypocrisy in action just research the amusing storyline of someone posting a meme or tweet that goads Elon into replying talking about that mission and then someone replying with the single word, “cisgender” which immediately gets flagged as being against the rules.

And direct fraud is also not against the Twixter free speech rules.  There is a lot to be said to allow free speech with a let the buyer beware approach.  People will always, as they say, “fuck around and find out.”  So now it’s football season and the sports decoding grift is in full swing.  So you can’t say cisgender or Nazi’s are bad on Twixter because the King said so, but you can say that the Jesuits are murdering athletes in ritual sacrifices for purposes of rigging sports games.  A claim that has as much credibility as Elon caring about porn spam - a percentage chance of being honest of somewhere between zero and zero and zero doesn’t count.

Here’s a NFL week one victim.

It’s not reasonable to expect the $150 that was lost is  all going directly to the alleged scammer.  But these guys sell picks.  A magic code that has as much credibility as a Nickie style hottie being interested in following my extremely sparse Twixter content.  In fact, just with the given first and last name and that date of 6/29/2024 I could make a believable sports prediction that is just as good as the professional gematria based prognosticators.

Guys like porn.  Guys like gambling. Guys like sports. Guys like pretending they know everything to the point it doesn’t become pretending.  Falsely believing in their intellectual superiority.  And Nickie and CloutsBets are just waiting for you.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

What You Might Not Have Known About Jack the Ripper

The jury is still out and there is not solid proof that this is the case, but there’s a good chance that Jack the Ripper’s story is a viral hoax.

Fake news from the 19th century, somewhere around the time scientific advances were made leading to radio, well before TV, and subsequently the Internet.  The murders themselves actually being a thing, but turned in to folklore based on the makers of periodicals boosting the signal to sell more papers.

There are still far too many people that think fake news is a brand new topic instead of a tactic that’s been used long before they were born.  Sensationalism sells, the knee jerk emotional reaction taking over and not allowing the most basic facts to remain when clouded by random armchair serial killer experts popping their own, often lurid, thoughts into the dominant conversations.  Alex Jones would fit right in.  Hiring uneducated peasants for pennies to sell newspapers next to a rack filled with Dr. Jones’s Magic Gout Cure.  And that’s not Indiana Jones.

In theory we could have a culture that admires Indiana Jones more than Alex Jones.  Maybe we really do, although it’s difficult at times to believe.  Sensationalism with its emotional angle can be an overwhelming lure to break up the monotony.

Back in the Ripper’s day the world was far more Eurocentric than now.  What was going on in England was far more newsworthy than stuff going on in America.  Checking notes, because I can and there are legitimate sources out there, I see there was in 1888:

A big blizzard that killed a bunch of people.  The Washington Monument opened to the public.  The last big battle between the Hatfields and McCoys.  Grover Cleveland lost to Benjamin Harrison.  The Washington Bridge opened.

And naturally, the most common story to make TV shows out of all these are the Ripper stories and the Hatfields and McCoys.  The ones about death.  My gosh, why do I care about science advancements and infrastructure improvements like a bridge when there’s prostitutes being murdered practically at my doorstep!  Wake up sheeple!  They’re coming to take our doctor’s scalpels!  Oh look, uneducated rednecks shooting at each other.  That’s kinda neat.  Maybe they are related!?

For good or for evil, mostly for evil, the world is far more US centric now and the normalization of gun violence is a thing.  So much so that a vice presidential nominee makes some rather dubious comments regarding it.  Wonder Woman said it best, although the message gets boosted because it’s Lynda Freakin’ Wonder Woman Carter and she still looks great:

Good job JD.  An easily fact checked not a thing is part of your campaign.  I get that you don’t actually encourage shooting up skools, but you shure domt mind the affekt on the qwaliry of edumakashen theyse have.  The glorified, sensationalized normalization of the desensitization of the most precious commodity of life itself.  

And while you’re hawking your Jack the Ripper fake news, let’s through in some low quality other made up news.  Like gematria stories.

No need to have any actual proof.  Just put up a quick tweet and video on YouTube claiming the government paid off assassins to kill people and in this day you get Patreon subscriptions, or if you’re really lucky some of that sweet foreign propaganda funding.  Because people want to believe desperately in the good nature of Jack the Ripper over the insanity of murdering children at school, I guess.  What else equals 107 other than shooting?

(Yes I’m fully aware the Kentucky story is not about a school which is not relevant - all school shootings are a must story for gematria clowns.)

I’d rather party with Lynda Carter than fund these ghouls.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Meme of the Month


That fits in nicely with the post earlier this morning.  It ultimately doesn’t matter if the person is gullible enough to actually believe in baseless conspiracies or knowingly putting out disinformation for their own ends.  Imagine the blissful ignorance.  One day you’re posting about how you should be allowed to not wear a mask for Covid or there’s aliens in the clouds or whining about plane exhaust and then the story breaks you were a puppet of a foreign power’s disinformation scheme.  You’ve already established you don’t care about anyone else but yourself, so there’s no pressure to change now.

Pool-ing Your Resources

Another SportsGematria video about the not so bright future of those who get sucked in too close to the black hole of “truth seeking” surrounding Hubbard.  More so than most, since football season just started and there are no recaps of shitty picks, this one’s focus is on the many, many people who have been thrown under the bus.  A constant supply of scapegoats and people to accuse of being terrible people is a necessity when your personality is so abrasive it’s a near impossibility to find any true friends.  Mastering the merry go round of projection is a vital tool.  So and so is a terrible person, they are worse than me, therefore I am a good person.  They are saying the same thing.  And both are asking for money and both are terrible people that people are picking sides from when they should move on, and round and round it goes.  I wonder if gematria had anything to do with the Depp/Heard divorce.

One of the things that’s played out on the world stage over three elections is the knowledge that Russia has been fiddling with U.S. elections.  And the physical boundaries of an ocean separating the two Cold War powers is of no importance to a propaganda campaign done via the Internet.  And there’s a doozy of a story unfolding now, based on our old friend - people would rather have money than be right.

And there’s little doubt that gematria had an impact on Russian disinformation.  There’s no need to believe in the message, just spam social media with bad information, boost the Qanon talking points to give influencers with large followings material to work with, and let the human nature of people being idiots and assholes take over.

In theory, I could maintain a separate entire blog with content like this:

I can literally do things like this decode in minutes.  Play around at random with Phraseshopping - FOREIGN, RUSSIAN, CHINESE, GOP.  Or  ASSET, PUPPET, TOOL, SHEEP.  Fill it out a little more, let’s see.  Swing by Wikipedia for world events 8/5/2024 for 85.  Nikkei stock market crash = cryptocurrency tie in.  Claim that was Russian influenced and how Zach’s sphere of influence includes bitcoin material.  Search through birthdays and earthquakes and all kinds of other meaningless trivia.  Make up anecdotal evidence daily and really hammer it home.  And maybe, just maybe, I can be an unwitting puppet like Tim Pool.  But at least a financially better off puppet.  Thanks Tim, nice to see you’ve pooled your resources into being part of a massive disinformation scheme.

In the never ending battle of money versus facts, money is winning.  The better funded army has a well fed army.  Money wins.  The better technology has better long range weapons.  Money wins.  The side with better information knows the enemy position from spy satellites and planes.  Money wins, or better described as “facts lose” when the other side digests and believes in the propaganda lies it’s been fed.

The funny thing about democracy that a lot of people don’t get is that you’re personal understanding of facts doesn’t mean there are enough other people who recognize the facts to make an evidence based result happen.  Their Dunning Kruger effect doesn’t allow them to realize that they are smart enough to avoid the trap, but fall into the other trap - standing by idly while others fall into the first trap.  There is no good reason to follow Hubbard’s sports picks.  Time and again, year in year out, he begs for money with no results.  Time and again Trump has proven to be bad news with no actual results on benefiting society.  All fueled by the demographic of unwitting foreign propaganda influenced fools who don’t look back in time and/or can’t see into the future beyond about a week.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Unholy Marriage of Disrespect and Gambling

Gosh I missed American football, not because I’m extremely interested in it.  Like most American males it’s on my radar every week of the NFL season, I’m just not obsessed.  What I do enjoy is providing ammunition for scammers to troll.  Over the years this blog has gotten more use out of scammers busting on Zach than any other demographic.  So on to business.

The marketing plan of being as disrespectful as possible is still going strong.  Fresh off this morning’s Twixter search of gematria:

Decorum, sensitivity, empathy, respect - these words mean nothing to Hubbard other than throwing shade on his psychopathy and being a hypocrite.  For example, part of the reason I mentioned the rap music demographic yesterday.  Rich Homie Quan passes.  A real news outlet either waits a bit for getting facts straight or posts a correction.  Zach posts a video last night mentioning a correction to the Quan story, and leaves up his incorrect decode on his GEN blog:

The correction posted by more legitimate sources is the age of death being 33 instead of 34.  Truth Seekers don’t like to admit to mistakes, so the easiest way to bypass the inevitable, occasional flub is to ignore it as much as possible.  Why bother doing an entire new corrected decode for 33 when that lovely 34 connection is so wondrously disrespectful?  The evil empire is projected as being the lousy bastards that are trying to start race riots by murdering rappers and “niggas”.  Join my team of closed minded cognitive biased bigots and party on.  And rest assured if the original age of 33 was reported a wondrously disrespectful post about that would have been created.  Or 35.  Or 47.  Or 93.  It doesn’t matter how old he was, something evil is lurking within every two and three digit number, even if you have to dig into birthdays, dates of record label incorporations, collaborations with other artists one time, or any other trivia buried within actual facts can be twisted.

The partying on I’ve mentioned is the sports gambling community.  Because it’s not just rappers that are falsely accused of getting offed by their bad life choices being associated with the evil empire.  Every sports person mentioned in any news article that dies is ritually murdered according to these clowns.  And what better way to party on and strike back then taking money out of the pockets of the casino operators?  And you know what else counts as being right about bad information like the wrong age of death?  The community, as a group, having a single prediction of the final score:

It’s not clear if Dave is getting credit for this betting slip or if f Hubbard is claiming it was his bet slip.  But those over/under choices are tied in to no other scoring possibilities other than the exact final score.  And Hubbard ultimately gets the credit because it’s his class.  He’s the teacher that collected a monthly Patreon subscription that lead to someone picking one of the most common scoring combinations for a final total in pro football.  That’s five touchdowns with a one point extra point and four field goals and firmly in the zone of typical scoring.  If only Dave had the balls to pick 4-2 and have that come through, then maybe we would take notice and actually care.

Sports decoders are a curious breed of confirmation bias afflicted dupes.  It doesn’t matter how many times someone is wrong about something, they will stick out a full season of monthly Patreon subscriptions because one person out of hundreds/thousands got an Attaboy!TM from the glorious leader.  It doesn’t dawn on them that since Zach didn’t pick that final score he was in a way wrong about it.  They don’t grasp that anyone else picking a final score that didn’t hit was wrong about it.  They don’t grasp that if they spent time decoding it and found a narrative for that score, but the Ravens winning, it was wrong.  They don’t grasp that if they picked the Chiefs because ultimately they like the Chiefs better or hate the Ravens they were wrong about it.  And they certainly don’t grasp that they have to pay to play. Paying someone who in theory should be applying the magic knowledge themselves to make money without charging for it.  If 1000 people picked the Chiefs to win 27-21 they would all be wrong, but Dave saves the day and makes them all right, which they aren’t.

What they do get is confirmation that they are wrong about a lot of stuff and the opportunity to be as disrespectful as possible when people point out they’re wrong.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cross Pollination Thoughts

“Hit the like button!”  “Share this with everyone you know!”  “Important announcement, my most mind blowing decode ever!”

There’s a lot of hype in gematria YouTube videos, for the same reasons the GOP attacks with manufactured evidence.  The real evidence from their messaging, their ideas is more and more not working.  For example whether you like the idea or hate it or are neutral, religion has been steadily on the decline:

A way to identify a deeply unserious account is that they have no identification with anything except their mission.  Which by looking through the majority of content is based on being against something more than pro the other side.  It’s not so much about belief in something but exclusion of contradictory evidence that regards the purveyors of misinformation. And with lack of quality let’s substitute quantity, heavily supplemented with what people with critical thinking skills call Making Shit Up.  We’re still talking about birth certificates and celebrities being opposite genders of what they really are.

 Somehow we are supposed to believe that BIDEN = 29 (reverse reduction) means something bad about Biden while TRUMP = 29 (reverse reduction) isn’t necessarily pro Trump, but it’s just to be ignored.  So within all the negative made up shit, the relatively new people digesting and trying to make sense of this, they show actual signs of real life.  They haven’t been sold on devoting their life to the mission, maybe even just being a useful idiot for a single vote in a couple months.  And you can tell a newcomer without bookmarking like I do.  They have videos that show what else they do that might actually be entertaining.

Whether it actually still works or not, misinformation and disinformation peddlers encourage the sharing like algorithms still pull data from what content you have been viewing beyond baseless conspiracy content.  So not everything in the pool is anti vaccination, anti liberals, anti transgender, or racist.  At least not openly.  These people are still doing the same things as the last time I checked:

First person shooter video games - teens, 20’s
Rap music - teens, 20’s
Cooking - older people
Gardening - older people 
Cats and dogs -older people

Once these activities are set aside in favor of doing nothing but reposting conspiracy content, that’s a victim of deliberate grooming into the conspiracy rabbit hole.  Sure there are other things that I could list, but for a quick top hits content that’s what comes to mind.

Since there is some social burden on the “tribe” to look after its members it should be like the birds and the bees uncomfortable talk.  Billy is spending time with video game YouTube shoot em ups, that’s not bad.  He shouldn’t be banned from them.  But he should be warned to be aware that scammers are there.  Mom’s retired at home and using social media to supplement her gardening - looking at other gardening.  She’s been out of touch on advances in technology and grifter tactics that evolve.  Encourage actual gardening and being wary of accounts that have gardening + hatred.

It all comes down to loneliness and social media echo chambers.  It’s a strange new world where somebody craves social contact so much that they disregard family and friends in favor of a stranger who begs for money on the internet.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I Had A Dreem, And Beholed Wat Was Revealled


All aspiring grifters need to keep this in their bag of tricks.  There are multiple variations and different angles to choose from.  It works something like this.

Psychologically, some people are not so far gone that their mental state allows them to genuinely have “voices in their head” commanding them what to do.  That’s not the same as looking for a song from a higher power and seeing something that gets confirmation bias interpreted as what you wanted to believe all along.  We’re talking school shooter level crazy.  But if someone gets elevated to a trusted source, often extremely undeservedly, they can lay claim to having secret knowledge being beamed into their noggin in some way.  And those that follow the magical knowledge receiver, aka cult members, they know they aren’t getting the magic knowledge beaming themselves, and they yearn for it.  Listening in and hoping they can keep following and pick up tricks to get the same dopamine rush…and the accompanying attention.

I haven’t had the Lord command me to do gematria in a while, but when he does I drink Dos Equis.  Or I’m commanded to literally misspell a word.  I’m not sure how fuzzy that picture is going to look, but he was commanded to gematrify “Mastur Key”.  Then, just for giggles without the command he followed up with “Master Key”, so as not to come off sounding like a total loon.  And the seed is planted via association, what the reward will be.  It’s not a happy afterlife, it’s not slamming those pesky communist libs, it’s cryptocurrency which means MONEY.  Because someone else had a dream, not your own personal dream.

If it didn’t work, it wouldn’t be a thing that gets constantly repeated.  And here’s some actual variations of the magical knowledge implantation process.  Really, used within 2024 and often repeated from the same source. (To be fair, Hubbard studied real hard to uncover his secret knowledge.  And that story involving the coldest day on record has just been repeated.  I’m sure it will be told again.  I like the hard work angle better than magical beaming angle.)

You can choose your favorite deity as the source.

You can choose a human figure, a sort of avatar of the deity as a subsidiary to the deity to be the source.

You can literally claim it’s aliens beaming the knowledge to the brain.  And they come in lots of forms and do wonderful things with probing.

You can have a dream, and if you’re lucky you aren’t told to spell things wrong.  That would be awfully confusing.

You don’t have to actually be asleep and dream.  Even cooler is a dream or fugue state where you aren’t in control of your body and fully conscious you experience the visions.  That actually happening would be terrifying.  Think of being commanded to spell things wrong and not being able to move your hands to write things down wrong.  Yikes.

Go the Spidey Sense route.  Pick your favorite body part (not genitalia, that would be GOP politician level creepy) and mention with increased pitch and volume, “Oh my gosh!  My nose is itching!!!”  The cultures are now aware you are experiencing a vision.  Usually involving shitty image quality.

You have a friend you haven’t seen in a long time.  And by golly the gematria synchronicity is through the roof!  It’s gotta be an old friend, you would actually be in synchronicity all the time hanging out with a real friend, literally having overlapping two digit numbers in the thousands or more within hours of close contact.  A fake friend is much better for those situations so you can pick and choose what your fake friend says and does.

Or the gematria synchronicity is with some really, really old event like a hundred year old eclipse.  That’s such powerful synchronicity it breaks the definition of synchronicity.  Our XRP friend should take time out from brushing up on his spelling and work on some astronomy and astrology.  Lots of crypto decoding in that arena.

Rest assured that today and every day, out there somewhere somebody is having some sort of magical epiphany related to baseless conspiracy theory activity and they need your money to keep the magic going.  And the vast majority of those are currently tied to those that think it’s a good idea to reelect Donald Trump.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Analysis of Ex-YouTubers #4, Asif Zaman

Asif disappeared some three years ago, and serves as a pretty good example of the temporary nature of alliances with Hubbard.  He never had a ton of content on his YouTube channel.  But boy would he make his presence known in the comments.

The same way that Charmed One is a fixture in every comments section these days, Asif was elevated to a status of trusted moderator.  Having all the qualities that are necessary to be a truly good moderator on an overly aggressive grifter’s channel.  That is, always paying obeisance to the almighty leader, being far more aggressive himself than someone like a Rambo, and dealing with trolls.  Because as an overly aggressive person himself he was not immune from attracting haters.  Pretty much everything people don’t like about Zach’s style was mirrored in Asif.  The GOP calls that style sucking up to their primary candidate for a decade.

It’s worth noting that as happens frequently we’re at another round of YouTube fighting between grifters.  Trying to summarize it as shortly as possible, Joseph Acquaviva had his two channels deleted for guideline violations.  His father also passed away recently.  Zach decided to try and lure ex Joseph fans to his material and the fighting has been centered on the value of religion in gematria.  Asif was front and center in similar fights years ago, not necessarily religion as the focal point but whoever was annoying Hubbard got the tag team treatment.

As it turns out, Asif Zaman is a super popular name for its geographic area of orange, and tracking down the exact Asif I was looking for was more involved.  That’s what happens when people drop out.  They just stop making content and turn invisible.  And we wish that more people would understand some things about truthers on social media.

1). Despite claims of and acting like their truth seeking is of ultimate importance and they’ll be around forever, a couple of years at most is much more realistic.

2). Accounts like Asif serve a function in the pyramid scheme.  There’s always a loyal ally to voice the same anti scapegoat rhetoric.  Somebody to throw in comments about how evil the Jesuits are to spice up how the Bills running back was tackled for a 6 yard loss on his 6th carry with 66 seconds left in the half.  It’s not just Zach, you see, it’s an army of truth seekers.  Because if it’s just Zach alone that wouldn’t make sense.  But an army of two at a time, <sarcasm font>, that makes all kinds of fucking sense</sarcasm font>.

So brush up on your YouTube research skills with this method.  As I said, Asif Zaman is a super common YouTube channel moniker.  So put in the search bar ASIF ZAMAN GEMATRIA.  Then change the filter to VIDEO.  Not too far down you get an old video with his name referenced in the title.  Not surprising since elevating a loyal lieutenant is important in the pyramid scheme.

Naturally, as a loyal follower in on the scheme Asif is referenced favorably by Zach as a gentleman.  A supreme Attaboy!TM on display for newcomers to have something to strive for, goal - being acknowledged publicly by the cult leader.  And of course, not graciously accepting the award is a big faux paus, so a lengthy acceptance speech is in the comments:

Reading between the lines, Future Sight is responsible for the meet cute that brought Asif to Zach.  And that sure sounds like somebody fired up to make this a life mission, doesn’t it.  It would be kind of strange if it happened to be that he virtually disappeared.  Which is exactly what happened:

@aasifazimabadi786 I’m assuming a legitimate name change ala Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali.  But if the lengthy acceptance speech isn’t enough, the single video left on the account is an anti vaxx video.  Crank/grift magnetism on full display.  And yet, activism being so important to him the name doesn’t appear in any MSM news stories, or even prominent antivaxxer Twixter accounts.  Granted there could be more on Bitchute, but I’m not bothering to check there.  Anti vaxx pyramid schemes operate the same way.  Somebody is selling something useless somewhere.  And activist troll accounts are spread around everywhere.

But we aren’t done yet.  No, there’s also the Attaboy!TM thrown out to Future Sight for his part in the meet cute.  What’s going up with his activism?

Greenhouse gardening.  There’s two 4 year old videos complaining about Covid regulations then nothing but greenhouse gardening which stopped - three years ago.

I’m pretty sure I can find more Asif commentary from three years ago if I wanted.  But there’s no way he’s proudly a card carrying truth seeker today.  Belief in the subject matter is not a requirement for posting short term emotional outrage porn.  It’s all about, “Hey, while you’re here you can strike back at the evil empire by <insert fundraiser tie in here>. Then if you’re unlucky enough to use your full name and face in your videos your real life social interactions might come back to haunt you.  As an employer, do you REALLY want to hire someone who claims random people are operating a Satanic agenda over someone who likes gardening and green peppers?  Especially considering the evidence for the Satanic agenda is pretty obviously fake?

The only people who stay active long term are either in on it, don’t care because being a fake bad ass on the Internet seems fun, or quite frankly have genuine mental health issues in play.  In this sense, use of gematria openly in front of others serves as a bold statement that you deep down really have problems getting along with others.

Monday, September 2, 2024


The scriptwriters are gathered at the ideas table, spitballing what to do with Han Solo.  Someone suggests freezing him in carbon.  Someone says that’s kind of dumb, it’s advanced civilization, they would have something better.  Someone else,


And now it’s legend that Han was frozen in carbonite, a carbon gas that solidifies when freezing.  While real carbonite was a coal mining explosive.,Bichel%20of%20Schmidt%20and%20Bichel.

The reference for the Thorpe book predates Star Wars.  At least Star Wars had the courtesy to incorporate a fictitious “tibanna” gas into their carbonite making process.  But scammers do not need to worry about such things.

In the scale of harm and resulting objectionability to the world at large a fake mineral isn’t too bad.  It’s a, caveat emptor - if you’re dumb enough to fall for it you deserve to lose your money kind of thing.  Any danger is a fake mineral aficionado overspending and getting themselves in financial dire straits or using it as a substitute for healing instead of actual medical treatment.

I was poking around the waters I don’t normally do and looking at not the Zachosphere gematria content.  Zach has the sports betting market, others have their own little cliques.  Well there is a lot of crossover and constant talk about mysticism and spirituality.  So it’s absolutely no surprise that gematria content also has sales offers of pricey fake mineral jewelry to protect you from EMF - the electromagnetic frequencies that 5G is definitely not actually giving you.  At least not as in the manner indicated in the anti EMF jewelry (and knick-knacks) sales pitches.

It’s classic crank and grift magnetism.  Put out a gematria livestream.  Through some meaningless numbers around.  The target audience has already volunteered their gullibility.  So have a moderator pop in to mention how the store is selling Shungite and Orgonite, and the sale ends today.  Then once you get to the store there is a sale, and it’s substantial.  But the starting price is three digits and the sale price is three digits, all for fake minerals with no qualities that are advertised.

Shungite is a real thing,themselves%20referred%20to%20as%20shungite.

and has long been promoted by quackery.  And although there’s the jewelry and knick-knacks there is also a “put it in your water and drink it thing”.

And while Shungite is real and misused like carbonite, orgonite is completely made up bs like tibanna gas.

The fake mineral scams and gematria have some things in common.  They aren’t directly harmful, so it’s ok to make stuff up from a free speech angle as long as you don’t directly hit on something to over the top and dangerous.  And the names given to things, those are exotic and sound thrilling.  Why settle for mere copper when the newly created gematrite mineral is available?

So like getting some return labels for your cancer research donation you get *something* for being parted with the better part of your paycheck.  Enjoy your overpriced scammy mineral, but don’t try to overthrow the government because you’re the gullible one.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Gematria Weathervaning

Actual weathervaning is to stop cranes from tipping over in high wind.  Gematria weathervaning (and any other crank weathervaning is preparations for a seismic shift in the backstory.  Something like if you’ve dedicated your entire online presence to the Freemasons and then find out that it’s just not pulling in the engagement numbers you want and you switch to the Jesuits.  Or what if your grift is centered around MAGA devotees and the sneaker sales aren’t going to be worth the time.  It’s a pretty safe bet that the gematria grifting network is better positioned than a lot of other crank ideas for weathervaning.  You can literally find the opposite narrative for any event with minimal training and effort.

What needs to be done with effective gematria weathervaning is to not tip your hand too soon.  The part about making specific predictions is pretty common knowledge.  That’s a big no-no.  You really need to wait until the event is over to blather on about the magical matches.  Once the crane has stopped spinning around you know which direction it’s pointed.  So what do you do when there’s a hot topic that lots of people are talking about?  Something that would create a seismic shift in the lives of millions of people in the U.S.?  The first rule of Gematria Club, is you don’t talk about that subject as much as possible.

So let’s see what’s going on with Project 2025 in the gematria world.  And I’m going to give out the punchline now.

Conspiracy weathervaning leads to hypocrisy.  Stolen ideas instead of original thought are par for the course for internet grifters.  Just like waiting to see who is actually in the Super Bowl before you make a prediction, constant spinning is necessary to keep up on what is hot outrage porn TODAY.  And never forget, actual research requires digging around.  Your conspiracy theorist true believer stops at the first propaganda that confirms a foregone conclusion.

First of all, a search on the Gematrinator’s blog:

Well that’s a big no and some high quality not talking about it.  Next up is Zach:

More weathervaning.  Better quality weathervaning, because the actual subject is mentioned, but it immediately gets shifted to Illuminati and NWO territory.  Now going to the second page after a dissatisfying single Trump reference:

There is a link to a Heritage Foundation article on Zach’s old Fee To Find Misinformation blog.  Excellent.  There’s no need to weathervane anything.  It’s years old material which won’t have anything to do with the current Project 2025.  So let’s check out that puppy:

As expected Zach had no knowledge of Project 2025 since it wasn’t a thing back then, therefore no need to ignore it.  He certainly didn’t predict that it would come to be, either.  But gosh, you know what we have?  33 was/is arguably the most important Freemason number.  It was hammered into people’s brains back in the B.J. era - 2016 Before Jesuits.  Zach loves giving BJs now, so 33 isn’t so important anymore.  That’s some super high quality weathervaning for content these days.  Ignoring any reference to how the Freemasons and 33 mean something on the single project 2025.  But you know who else can weathervane?

Oh my, isn’t that interesting, you click on the fear porn link and the video isn’t deleted, it’s just private.  There’s almost zero chance that it was like that back in 2016.  And if you want a little more information other than the couple sentences in Zach’s old blog, the trailer for the 33 minutes documentary still exists.  You can search for it and find it on YouTube:

And you can also find the full length documentary on YouTube.

If you utilize the critical thinking brain cells missing from the conspiracy theorists you unlink a chain with a defensible theory.  15 years ago (probably not Zach’s claim of 2012-2013, which isn’t too relevant to the overall story) the Heritage Foundation put out a gung ho pro military dominance video.  Keeping foreign powers at bay by a show of strength.  Now, that material is somewhat buried.  And like the stolen idea of the Arlington Cemetery stunt it made Trump look bad.  Because, since he’s a weathervane on steroids he can’t lay claims to being truly pro military.  He’s gone on record too many times disparaging the military to effectively pull off any kind of pro military stance.

And add in weathervaning stances on abortion and now legalization of marijuana.  It paints a picture of a man desperate to regain power to avoid jail time.  The weathervane in chief is disguising links to the Heritage Foundation because the 900+ page Project 2025 is so outrageously autocratic it’s also making him look bad.  And all this filters down into the grifting ecosystem.  Constantly looking for cues from Fox News and Alex Jones on what hot topic is safe to talk about and given the thumbs up on what’s OK to spread around.

There is no doubt that the Project 2025 material represents a gigantic life altering agenda for America.  And now we’re seeing a seismic shift in the online grifter economy.  It used to be that you could count on listening to Fox News and Alex Jones and do the opposite since they deliberately promote bad ideas.  Now we are getting burblings of a pullback - not crossing a line that years ago would have been a no brainer.

That’s another example to add to the leader of the Heritage Foundation stepping down.  The heat in the kitchen is getting too hot.

Stolen Idea!


Zach should be looking for some kind of restitution as he used the idea of interrupting a solemn ceremony as a stunt a couple years ago.  (Which didn’t end well).  This may well be a case of simply how grifters think alike instead of a direct theft.