Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Rebranding 2024 - Fake Forgiveness

Maybe.  A big maybe.  Or actually, more like a big NO.

All through 2023 there was non stop attack and counterattack videos on YouTube.  There are only so many wrong picks to go around.  Since at a community level every major game has picked both teams to win, there’s no way to separate yourself from the pack, unless you purposefully go really wrong to gain attention.

Christmas 2023 would have been a perfect time for some content to show that's clearly indicating you’ve given up on baseless conspiracies for good.  Hanging out with people who actually doing normal stuff, where someone gets through to you and starts the healing process.  Alas, instead it’s more important to put the Antichrist in Christmas.  And AntiChristmas is a time to be bolder and more counterproductive.  Any attention is good attention, even if it’s someone calling you out for the douchebag you are.  No, in fact the same channels that predict the imminent end of the world on a daily basis are still making that incorrect prediction on a daily basis.  Nothing is a better friend to the doomsday prepper than not having money, having given it away to someone who believes that they will have no need for money because the end of the world means the death of the donation seeker.

The Shill Game was huge in 2023.  My content is less wrong than yours - was a major player for the full year.  And now 2024 has arrived, and there were already attack videos posted on New Year’s Day.  A New Year’s resolution to forgive is another golden opportunity to forgive, and that is halfway there.  The give part, as in give me your money is still big.

Hubbard managed to place a video out devoted to forgiveness, and it didn’t work out.  The family member who wanted him to give a paltry sum compared to the alleged millions he makes on incorrect sports picks was a no go.  Because there is a line even he won’t cross.  That is JFK campaign donations and urine therapy are big no nos.  Even though one could easily find matching gematria for proof that drinking your own piss was the greatest idea ever.  

And that reminds me of some of the other fake forgiveness in 2023.  It’s unlikely it will stick as a full rebranding.  It’s more of a temporary, “I miss my circle of internet weirdo friends that give me the only attention I get in my sad life.  I don’t care that you suggested I kill myself, we cool now?”

Let me tell you the story of a man named Jedd.  I don’t know if gambles to keep his family fed.  Years ago he was a major player in a sports picking blog (not Zach’s) and did end up posting on Twixter that he realized it was conspiracy grifting.  He’s back.  Posting the occasional gematria related sports among his other dubious social media topics.

And there’s several members of a little club that came out in the heaviest of the Zach vs. Net Void days.  It was fashionable to post content on YouTube that although gematria was the real deal, at times Zach went too far.  The temper tantrum driven rant thing.  They are back, occasional commenting on the same kind of content that supposedly drove them away in the first place.  Their forgiveness may be real, but don’t miss the point that Zach having changed his marketing style has not.

There’s apparently a community member going through some serious health issues, both mental and physical.  Previously he was a part of the large group of people Zach accused of making the great work look bad by bad decodes.  He’s not making gematria content now, but he is getting attention by being out there in the comments sections.

There are other more minor stories, but you should get the point.  The are two options to truly forgive and heal moving forward.  Denounce baseless conspiracies completely, even if it’s just stopping spreading misinformation totally and not acknowledging it.  Or give up all your money to the clique of your choice.  Being destitute goes a long way to not having resources to cope with life’s challenges.  And if your chosen leader gets a big payday he is far less likely to call you a shill.

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