Thursday, January 11, 2024

Jade Helm 15

Jade Helm is another example of why because of baseless conspiracy and projection we aren’t allowed to have nice things.  In reality, there are a lot of occupations that it would be nice to have staffed with competent, empathetic, well trained and law abiding citizens who care about the country they call home.  But because of conspiracy content and the internet, we aren’t allowed to have a trained military.

Of course Alex Jones was involved.  As well as some activity funded by other countries who would enjoy not seeing a competent US military cadre out in action during live action real war type stuff.  Alex has made a lot of bank by the anti government/free speech/they’re coming to take our guns/buy my supplements and doomsday prep gear line of speech.  And of course the crank magnetism has helped identify those with reality problems that refuse to accept facts over feelings.  You can find Jade Helm content amidst the Rapture is coming crowds, because of course Satan isn’t powerful enough to fight off the people waiting to be raptured unless their guns are seized.  The convoluted movie plot reaches epic proportions.  The Wachowski’s are envious.  

Fortunately there is a lull, the direct Jade Helm content has died down from the good old days when there was even an antisemitcally titled YouTube channel devoted to confronting Walmart staff for daring to host training exercises to take guns away from civilians.  Or maybe it was secret Chinese supplies at the Walmarts.  Or maybe Walmart had nothing to do with anything but they were the arbitrarily chosen scapegoat.  Or maybe not so arbitrary since Walmart, even with corporate greed still has nice things relatively cheap, and the Wachowski level plot doesn’t allow for us to have nice things.

It’s died down, but don’t think that like Pizzagate it’s ever going to go away completely.  There’s a map.  And those with low levels of critical thinking skills love themselves a nice map to hone their misinterpretation skills.

Sure the map was actually made by the military.  So of course it makes sense (read in sarcasm font) that just these areas and, say, not Virginia would be involved.  That’s a separate secret unleaked map that affects a different area.  But trust us, not having an explanation means whatever we say about it must be true.

In practical terms, the full blown Jade Helm content is a thrown in aside.  Whenever someone sees a helicopter (doesn’t even need to be military), or military vehicle convoy, or the National Guard is called out or something happens in a Walmart parking lot, it MUST BE Jade Helm.  And more so in practical usage terms, the whole mish mash homogenous doesn’t make any sense style, like any good gematria narrative, has been proven effective in targeting the reality impaired.  You just never know what weirdness is going to take on a life of its own.

I’m not a huge Walmart fan, but given the difference in prices between them and Jones’ store I’m gonna stick with them.  And hopefully a loyal, empathetic well trained National Guard team distributing supplies in a crisis.  A real crisis.  Not a whiny grifter created crisis.

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