Monday, January 29, 2024

Gematria Community - The Illusory Think Tank

think tank is a group of people, and beyond that it’s pretty much all that a think tank has in common with gematria and other conspiracy communities.  The conspiracy grifter wants you to think they are knowledgeable.  They want you to think they are doing research that has value.  They want you to think they are part of a group of like minded individuals who have woken up, discussed the issue in depth and reached a conclusion. They want to be seen as having value that deserves more funding to further more research.

And here’s the failures one by one.

Particularly the top names that are still lingering around in the gematria community, but also extends into the mid level groupies, these people are not knowledgeable.  The concentration on the grift requires pumping out a lot of content to keep the base of the pyramid supplied.  That requires being the first reporter on the crime scene, or at least one of the first.  You may want someone else to do some of the heavy lifting to steal their theme and run with it, of course claiming it’s your own work.  And mistakes get made.  A lot.  That rap stars tattoo gets misidentified.  That currency you gematrified the year of - was the wrong year.  Birthday’s are misquoted.  It’s not that we expect them to be a living encyclopedia, but a knowledgeable person who doesn’t know something for sure would have enough knowledge to find a reliable source.

The research has no practical value.  Another victim of the quantity of content.  Whether explicitly stated or not the goal is to make a prediction of some sort.  Actual predictions fail at a rate you would expect them to statistically fail at.  And the most simple of all, decoding a sports game after it’s over doesn’t even give you the opportunity to make a winning wager before the game.  Of course, at a think tank level of gematria research virtually every combination of the four teams left in the NFL conference championships was picked by at least somebody as who will be playing in the Super Bowl.  Congrats to the winners!  Losers, you suck at this, but if you pay more….

There’s no way they operate as a group for a common cause.  Even the non gematria Twixter pundits are extremely annoying.  It’s either end fascism now, vote Blue or Lock up Trump now.  A credible think tank will through bias aside for the best result looking at diverse points of view.  Anyone participating in support of a gematria clique leader is extremely close minded.  It’s a foregone conclusion that gematria is cool and there’s no immediate way, no amount of actual evidence to convince them they are wrong.  And the gematria cliques are not compatible with each other.  You don’t see the crypto gematria user commenting on multiple cliques conversations.  The synchronicity people stick to that.  The crypto crowd sticks to that.  The sports group sticks to that.  And heaven forbid you get caught posting a gematria message on a flat earther video.  Allegedly there’s a common cause of stopping a vague evil, but as far as think tanking a common coherent message, umm….Qanon.

On the surface the request for funding is a match.  Strangely, we don’t see it happening other than the request part.  Then, they pretty much just keep it.

James McGann identified the following as common forms of think tanks.  Policymakers, Partisans, Scholars, Activists.  Policymakers have ties to bureaucracy, so no.  Partisans provide talking points to others.  That’s close except the ideas are stolen from what everyone else is talking about.  Or at least it’s expected that people will talk about it.  And somehow Matthew Perry’s death is a policy decision point?!?  Scholars, let’s say that there’s not a font or correct words to convey the laughter properly.  ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚.  True scholars scoff at conspiracy beyond the bits and pieces of truth thrown in to make a story look good or actual conspiracies.  Activism is similar to partisanship.  And that’s even harder to pull off.  The effort to grab your megaphone and stand outside McDonald’s for hours yelling at people is too much like effort.  Not everyone has the time to invest in investing in fake sock puppet accounts and fake friends or even running for president under the gematria party label.

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