Friday, January 26, 2024

Not All Wrongness Is Equal

Recently I heard mention of someone being referred to as a profoundly dumb person.  There is room in the world for someone to be on a scale of dumbness, perhaps IMDB 2 will start up soon.  The Internet Moron Dumbness Base.  Where cranks and their crank ideas are rated from 1-1 because gematria makes you drop the zero.

Applying a mathematically based system to subjective content like the original IMDB has its problems.  Current popularity can sway the ratings, jumping on bandwagons and rating higher or lower because of some sort of peer pressure, even blatant astroturfing for a profoundly dumb movie the makers know is profoundly dumb occur regularly.

In math, all infinities are actually not created equal.

Infinity is not a number but an abstract concept.  Even not profoundly dumb people can struggle with this and the mathematical applications of approaching infinity or zero.  It’s the same for the scale of dumbness which has no set numbers to describe which adjective best describes how dumb the conspiracy content is.  And all this talk of database numbers and bandwagons, etc… is to make you think about how the conspiracy fits into politics and social issues.  Current popularity affects decisions for good or for evil.  Mostly evil, because even profoundly dumb people get to vote in a democracy.

Some critical backlash is tolerated, the science community and other reality based people have another function than their main role as the scapegoat du jour.  Mitigation.  An actual nuclear holocaust breaking out doesn’t do anyone any good.  Profoundly dumb people may talk big about it, but especially those just in it for the grift don’t embrace the idea of martyrdom for the cause.  So I offer what I see as the four basic levels of conspiracy dumbness.  The types of dumbness are not equal.  Often the way to generate engagement to your particular waste of time and resources requires outstupiding the competition.

Level 1 - The single topic crank.  Pretty rare these days.  Level 2 is all the rage now.  These don’t get off topic and stick to their chosen mission.  Perhaps some personal tragedy motivates them to an incident where they don’t realize that correlation doesn’t equal causation and they latch on to how that Laetrile didn’t really make their cancer go into remission, but it was something else.  Then it’s all gung ho Laetrile without any damaging influences of the JFK assassination getting in there.

Level 2 - Crank magnetism.  The grifters are constantly promoting different profoundly dumb ideas to those involved with other profoundly dumb ideas.  The double dip whammy.  Or triple dip or even more dips.  An infinity of dips being promoted to dips.  Conspiracies operate as a dog whistle to the gullible.  If you get lured away from your profound dumbness of choice you will got more of the same echo chamber producing tactics.  The Attaboy!  The encouragement to take your support above and beyond the clicking of the like button.  The attacks on knowledgeable experts.  And no comment on a video or FB group or whatever is challenged.  It can be profoundly dumb, off topic, and even contradict the original message.

Level 3 - Fractal wrongness.  The grifters especially have mastered this.

Everything is wrong.  Globally the personality is wrong about the given topic.  And when you dig deeper the entire set of beliefs is individual wrong.  People with genuine mental health issues can be described as fractals wrong.  My favorite example is the toxic narcissist; the one with full blown NPD.  They’re so used to the tactics that got them attention that being paid attention to is more important than being right.  And financially, people would rather have money than be right.  So the grifter embraces fractal wrongness as evidenced by the topics they choose to discuss.  Whoever died, whatever bad news makes the headlines, whatever it takes for more views is thrown out to get a piece of the action.  Alex Jones is fractally wrong.  Not because he believes in his own stories.  But that’s what his base believes in.  George Santos is fractally wrong.  Maybe he believes at least some of the pieces of his own story.  But it sure is odd how he backtracked and psychologically projected so much.  Fractal wrongness is crank magnetism dialed up to 11 to outstupid the competition.

Level 4 - Not Even Wrong.  

Something so outlandish and bizarre it’s hard to take seriously.  The ultimate goal of some who appear to be in it just looking for the attention.  People who are displaying fractal wrongness get accused of being Not Even Wrong.  Marjorie Taylor Greene might be accused of being dumber than a box of rocks a lot.  At times she certainly puts out individual stories that seem so ridiculous that they are Not Even Wrong.  But she’s really just fractally wrong and very, very bad at it.  True Not Even Wrong content would, if actually true, totally upend life as we know it.  Those falsely labeled as Not Even Wrong are dialing the crank magnetism up to 101, unaware that they step over the limits that common sense dictates you should go.  MTG just doesn’t know when too far is too far.

The newest and low standing members in the gematria communities are Level 2 crank magnetism addicts. The ringleaders are all Level 3 Fractal Wrongness promoters.  Every gematria story has an equally viable gematria alternative story.  You just don’t hear the ones that don’t have some lurid take to tell.

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