Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Deliberately Misinterpreting Upcycling

There’s yet another talking point to be added to the misinformation supply related to food.  There’s a couple that come to mind that have gotten a lot of traction long ago, so let’s cover them first.

First of all, there’s Monsanto, the poster child for GMO issues.  Genetically Modified Organisms.  Tinkering around with genetics is science, and science is always bad to your conspiracists.  So anything that’s not natural that the human body didn’t tinker around with on its own is allegedly bad.  There’s a lot of different stories to the evil GMO plot.  There’s the outright trying to kill us by “poisoning” our beloved natural food.  There’s the God doesn’t approve of tinkering around in his territory angle.  Like vaccines there’s talk about how genetic tinkering in food you eat is going to shed into the human body and all kinds of crazy outcomes that has, all that will DEFINITELY happen tomorrow.  Except they don’t, then the zombie humans will DEFINITELY happen the day after that, then the next day, then the next day.

I also would prefer to not have to worry about what can go wrong with GMOs, but not for the same reasons that the conspiracy theorists ate.  And we’ll get to that in a recap.  Their ideas have no basis in reality.  It becomes a fake think tank talking point.  Apparently, they are regulated and some standards are applied to pass muster.

And then there’s the eating bugs crowd.  Our poster child here is Klaus Schwab and the WEF.  You’re only going to have bugs to eat in the future, while the elites dine on high end steak, caviar and everything is seasoned with good dust.  Over two billion people eat insects on a daily basis.  Lots of these people have the only other option of starving.  GMOs cover science as bad.  Eating bugs is the elites are bad.  And the evil cabal won’t stop until enough people are dead that the entire mass production of normal food collapses and everyone dies.

Basic human necessities have always been a tough nut to eat, how do you feed an ever growing population?  A trillion dollars a year is wasted on food loss.  It’s not sensible to buy 59 boxes of Cheerios on sale at half price if you are just going to eat two of them before they go stale.  And even before they get to the table you have your mice, insects and microbes all staking their claim to what’s intended for people.  All things that have traditionally required playing God and tinkering around with chemical solutions to pest control.

There’s video out there about upcycled foods.  And deliberately insinuating that it’s waste products, being turned into bread.  Which is absolutely not what upcycled means.  The original poster even ignores etymology and calls it REused.  Here’s what it actually is:


Now, a lot of damage can be done in one short video that promotes a bogus talking point.  And you can tell by the closed minded reactions of the commenters who won’t research whether something is BS or not.  Amidst dozens of comments about depression era moldy bread and the evils of GMOs because it’s food related there is our hero of the day who posted this:

And sidekicks to the hero status for those  five that took the time to like the comment.

As far as wasted dollars on food I would love the chance to testify in Congress that internet grifting is a form of pest control that needs to be addressed seriously.  These things usually end up with some financial hook.  From reasonable to suggestions of organic food being better because it’s “natural”.  That translates to more expensive.  And there’s a lot of deregulation talk in that because improperly produced organic food can be a health hazard (salmonella, listeria) on top of being super expensive and impossible to mass produce.  And since the original poster talks about a lot of other baseless conspiracies, especially chemtrail oriented stuff, add in any topic you want.  Maybe, if there wasn’t so much financial loss on get healthy scams people would have more money to buy food.

In the meantime, there are some more sensible options an ordinary person can take financially.  Buying just a week’s worth of stuff at a time.  Making a budget and sticking to it.  Buying generics that are chemically equivalent.  Your store’s generic Oatey-O’s are a lot cheaper.  And if you think that chemtrails are about to kill you and you’re worried about stretching out your food stamps you should probably do something about that expensive smartphone plan.

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