Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Celebrating the New Year with Grift Magnetism

The “Zach is making terrible predictions on sports betting” crew started off the New Year with a bang.  No need for me to add much to that conversation.  Let’s go into how the New Year also started out with classic grift magnetism advertising.

Actual legit advertising for gematria sports videos is almost exclusively things like Draft Kings.  It’s sports gambling, so that is a match that makes sense.  You don’t see ads for the new model of the Camry that’s being released or expensive trips to Disney locations - the target audience of the gematria videos doesn’t have enough bank to throw into that.  The gaping hole filled by lack of mainstream advertising is the comments section of the videos.

Zach, have you ever heard of PSI Seminars?  I would love a decode about that.

Anybody watching the video is already showing signs that they are interested in some kind of get rich quick scheme.  And it’s very easy to put a big in the ears and brains of the cognitively challenged.  PSI Seminars?  I never heard about that.  I haven’t touched a WET PAINT sign lately, let me go check that out.

If one does a Google search for something like, “Is PSI seminars a scam?” there are mostly two types of top responses.  What is not one of those types is an average sounding person giving praise and good reviews.  There’s a lot of their own website responding to the claims they are a scam.  A whole lot.  A butt ton of whole lot of defensive counters to what must be a butt ton of unhappy customers.  Because the other type reads a lot like this:

Or this:

And the Reddit forum on cults.

Their Wikipedia page is pretty favorable sounding.  So it’s not 100% certain they’re a scam.  But it sure looks like the scales are heavily tipped in the side that they aren’t the best organization to be involved in.

And the root of the scales tipping is high pressure tactics on already psychologically and emotionally damaged people - looking for a way out of their misery.  If it is a MLM scheme here’s how this works.  First, find a group of people susceptible to confirmation bias, like a gematria video.  Get them into a seminar.  Other mid level indoctrinated individuals give them support and glowing reviews.  (The same way Zach courts newer members to the sports pick club with the Attaboy!TM).  Give them a temporary break from the misery and a feeling of worth missing from their life before the training.  And then you never get truly better, unless you keep giving more money.  And more money.  And stat recruiting other people into giving money.

To myself, even at a glance it sounds so much like Alcoholics Anonymous and Scientology I dismiss it immediately.  But what the world doesn’t get even now, I’d that just because YOU personally are smart enough to not get involved doesn’t mean that your friends and family are also that smart.  If you’ve been influenced to take that first seminar, it may be too late.  It’s always better to not get involved in the first place than to get hooked and try to break out, the same way it’s better to not try out a sports pick with gematria Patreon instead of waiting until you lose a bunch of money you can’t afford to.

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