Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Continuity Errors


Another glitch in the Matrix, I suppose.

When you have a popular film series that gets a lot of sequels, you inevitably get some fatigue in hiring competent script writers, throw out a bunch of crap with the same characters, the rough structure of the main theme, throw in a little bit of something new, and release it is a low budget cash grab.  The fatigue has also set in with your core audience who either choose to remain stalwart defenders of the awesomeness of their favorites, drop out including maybe openly complaining about how much it sucks now, or maybe even become a script writer for grifters of baseless conspiracy theories.

One major problem to contend with in these long running series is the continuity.  Some are relatively minor like a character reacting to information that they couldn’t possibly know.  Film nerds love to nitpick these.  Film editors try to minimize the damage and if need be retroactively work something in to explaining why something doesn’t make sense.  And then there’s major stuff like:

Oh my gosh.  Luke and Leia are such an awesome couple!  That kiss was so…WTF?!  That’s his sister?!?  Eewwwwwwww!

The alleged Truth Seekers bring upon themselves a major problem.  For the apex predators at the top of the food chain a back story is used where they explain the reasons why Jesus is talking to them personally in their dreams, how they became first convinced the Earth is flat, or what happened to inspire them to force two digit numbers into any story they want and claim the bullshit to be the truth.  Whatever it takes to present yourself as the ultimate authority and most expert practitioner of the craft.

If one simply said you love your God and here’s how I interpret this verse in the holy tome, it doesn’t have the same cachet and weight as if something spectacular.  At least not to the followers who are complicit in the spread of misinformation by never calling out the contradictions and continuity errors.  They might after far too long a period of time question bits and pieces, but getting them to the point where they admit the whole system doesn’t make sense is pulling teeth.  Sure, Hubbard’s sports picks suck.  But I was just thinking about tunnels yesterday, and today there was some movie star that died in a tunnel car crash!  And his name gematria matched the gematria of tunnel!  Explain that, normie!!  So they can get to the point where sports gambling gematria is silly.  But their chosen clique is still super cool and awesome.

For the longest time Hubbard’s most glaring continuity error is how he rebranded from the Freemasons/Illuminati/NWO back stories to out of the blue and with no explanation decided that it was really the Jesuits instead.  The retroactive correction was to simply claim that those other groups are puppets of the Jesuits.  Now, he’s stepped a bit closer to going full George Santos mode.  Where the story doesn’t just change after a number of years, it eventually changes almost daily.

It was easy to predict that the Disease X content was going to take off.  What’s been disseminated so far has been capitalizing on the old scripts - the synchronicity with Event 201 and Covid.  Just a smidgeon of direct Disease X content while the top script writers, who now have little imagination to work with, can start getting a read on what works and what doesn’t work for getting traction on Facebook, Twixter, and YouTube.  What we didn’t expect was that Hubbard would go against his origin story in the process.

Some preliminary Disease X content offered by Hubbard begins with how the eclipse is forming the X, Twitter is now X and generally shows that he and his minions are continuing to read this blog for ideas, since I’m a better scriptwriter.  At about the 6 minute mark he segues from a mini rant about censorship on the internet to how vaccination topics first inspired him to speak out about all the injustices in the world.  And it’s definitely odd that his back story in the old Fee To Find Misinformation blog doesn’t talk about this.  As we see, it was his personal name gematria.  Content from many years back about the Jesuits screwing up the world with vaccines is


It’s like he glanced down at his WWJD bracelet for inspiration.  There’s about to be a flurry of activity on Disease X.  Gotta keep my newcomers interested in something to distract them from the utter failure of my sports picks this NFL season.  What Would (Alex) Jones Do?  Claim to be the most expert on anti-vaxx topics ever.

It is amusing that it would be easier and just as effective to claim the system came into his brain through a fevered dream.  That would be easier to trick the gullible crowd into understanding the reason for the continuity problems.    Those with damaged critical thinking skills eat that shit up.  I just had my galactic overlords send me a message through a dream.  It’s the Jesuits, not the Freemasons.  Move along and send me $10 before you go on with your own channel content that gives me free advertisement.  Instead, as the self proclaimed expert he figured it out on his own.  Later, claiming to be inspired by Manly P. Hall who wrote about gematria and declared the reduction cipher to be the “purest”.  Spoilers:  Hall never mentioned the word GEMATRIA.  And likewise for this purest cipher claim.  The reality is reduction ciphers are arbitrarily declared to be pure because it’s way easier to trim down a bigger piece of data into a two digit or low three digit number to match up.  And of course, Hall somehow never wrote anything about using this system for sports picks or predicting the rise of the worst pandemic in a century.  At least Hall, being Canadian had a couple of wives and presumably several Canadian supermodel girlfriends to keep him entertained while he was also failing.

The piece that’s missing still is the first disgruntled long term gematriac to step forward and admit that they’ve been duped.  Eventually, even the Republicans had their fill of Santos.  In the meantime, they can enjoy losing a bunch of money on sports picks while listening to angry rants about what’s wrong with the world, which anybody can tell is the truth.

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