Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Gematria Entomology

What we half hear is a camoflauged attempt two shoehorn in a knew version of the definition of gematria, a parent lee from a newbie that is playing the “that reminds me” of game four the first thyme and that’s enough of the homophone stuff.  At least for now, I might go back to it for the summation at the end.

I called it Entomology in the post title as another “that reminds me of” when I really want to mock the etymology within the comment.  Because of course it’s wrong.  And it bugs me.

It’s amazing how often things are wrong.  Almost like it’s wrong on purpose to be annoying instead of that they really believe it.  Let’s pretend that this Orlando Bloomed into being outspoken and was misguided into speaking up instead of deliberately just misinforming.  We can’t be too harsh since from the time the Internet was first formed one of the primary functions was to misinform, either unknowingly or consciously.

I did suffer through the first couple minutes to see if this was actually quoted in speech, and it wasn’t. But since we have the Hubbard channel love symbol it has the seal of approval, even if the approval is merely the old concept of “I see you agree with me in principal today”.  While the principal is made up pseudoscience crank magnified.  If you’re bringing linguistics and science into something that should imply research that’s peer reviewed, and if any actual research on the craft of gematria was done the actual etymology would be known.

Linguistics has enough grey areas that there is overlap, such as collocations.  Enough grey areas that it actually requires some effort instead of just 1+1=2 which is nearly universally accepted as fact, the notable exception being gematria where 1+1 certainly means 11 and essentially means any number you want it to be.  So when actual researchers did work on gematria they decided that this is partially right.  The Ge- part is fine, the -matria part is off base.  It’s from -metry which means to measure and you’ve probably thrown in the etymological overlap of matrix in there since your crank magnetized world has a lot of Organic Matrix stuff going on.  Especially since the Gematrinator has recently been cranking up the O.M. stuff lately pretending that it makes him closer to God and his cookie winning loyal readers are working the religion angle.*. Sorry, not a womb reference.  And you’re not allowed to make up words like etymologally.  You won’t catch me making up words when I’m not snarky.  So you obviously aren’t big on research and/or autocorrect.

It’s interesting that went i first went on a Wiki and saw some jackass had snuck in a comment about how gematria was gaining credibility in linguistics and that was the ONLY thing I changed.  I didn’t want to overstep my authority and made sure PEER REVIEW allowed me to delete it, and that edit has stood the test of time, as it should since gematria has little going for it linguistally (and that’s a snarky made up word). Especially in the modern usage of gematria.  The only regular gematria video producer that is close to the correct usage is Rita 511.  Everyone else is trash.  Rita would be fine if she could stick to one or just a few elisions and knock it off with the arbitrary carrying the decimal place math stuff.  Everyone else uses what could be called conspiracy theorist gematria.

That would be an interesting new word for linguistics to derive.  Because the new gematria is better defined by my old definition in its simplest form - fucked up numerology.  If you want to be less concise it’s “fucked up numerology where you have to be an idiot not to find matches since you’re just making shit up like the etymology of gematria”.

And really, within those first few minutes the disclaimer that Hubbard isn’t even pronouncing it right is made.  Don’t you think someone that claims to be the ultimate authority on this would have actually done a little bit of research on the subject to know this before starting to ask people for money for it?  Add to the new word - “to get money or attention”. I imagine this word would be really long to encompass all the concepts in practical use.  Also need to throw in being constantly allowed to change rules, embracing every logical fallacy, outright lying and sports mockery.

* I wanted very much to spam his “I love God but this is some crazy murder by the numbers” personal story, but as usual it’s not my style since it wouldn’t last long.  One could presume that the Organic Matrix wouldn’t be ambiguous.  When people die you don’t know it’s a hoax or ritual.  If you do know them, you have dipshitmatic immunity.  The dead person MADELINE MAY=48 full reduction.  HOAX=48.  FAKE STORY=48.  Pretty sure God and Attu the Wonder Turtle don’t like you second guessing them.  You will burn in Hell/the Terrarium Of Penance for this.

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