Monday, November 5, 2018

Gematria Debunked By Criss Angel

How’s this for synchronicity?  Criss Angel Mindfreak.  Dan’s blog Mindless Freaks.  It’s like the Geoganic Matriverse has been building up to this.

Now, although I make a big deal about talking about mental disease issues and claiming correctly I’m not technically qualified to issue an opinion, in a way I am.  For example, the long rambles in video comments where an individual poster just self destructs with internal contradictions.  And the constant replies that add to the story that provide further contradiction.  There’s some schizophrenia involved there.  There’s a liberal amount of narcissistic personality disorder in play.  Which I have far too much experience dealing with in my personal life with my college roommate’s girlfriend and the evil coworker.  Through in some sociopaths/psychopaths and there’s a ready made supply of gullible folks waiting to give attention and money to the purveyors of the woo.

But this isn’t so much about them as it is about me.  However, to finalize what’s said about them, even if not mentally diseased, a marketing plan aimed at those that are includes acting like you are.  So the sense of a kindred spirit to ally with is maintained, long enough for you to steal Mom and Dad’s credit card and pay up.  A sort of narcisstic codependency, even if the one side is an act.

What I bring to the mix is my life experiences which includes a rather bizarre curiosity in fraud.  Scientology, Internet poker, SeaWorld’s lying, scambaiting, climate change denial and others.  Lots of people getting ripped off.  My favorite TV and movies include Forensic Files, Columbo, Psych, The Mentalist, House Of Games and The Sting.  My two favorite non-fiction books are The Cuckoo’s Egg and The Lucifer Effect.  Over decades I’ve not just been interested in the topics, but this blog has been an outlet for me to utilize my skills as an experimental criminal psychologist.

And I’m pretty darn good at it.

So review the first screenshot.  Denim has decided to list his NFL picks for the week, although he missed a game.  It’s already been brought to my attention that he’s more than willing to play the Criss Angel of gematria.  What do you know about Angel?  He’s pretty much a target of derision in the magic world since other than up close card trick sleight of hand stuff his recorded performances are faked with liberal editing tricks that any moron with a camera and editing software can do.  But even if you know it’s fake there is some entertainment value.  So, his marketing plan works and he rakes in the $$.  That’s the way the leaders in the gematria world work.  Give the audience an end product they want regardless of the bullshit way you get there.  As an experimental psychologist I thought....hmmm.  I wonder if I should take an unadulterated picture.  Glad that I did.  Because when I turned on the game the score was tied 17 all, I revisited the blog and now suddenly the story has changed.  Now it’s a toss up.  And it seems so pointless since other than the attention I’ve been giving him here he doesn’t have that much traffic anymore.

And it’s doubly pointless because the Patriots poured it on and a couple hours later it’s edited a second time to just Patriots instead of the 50% waffle.  With zero comments including guesses from his only two loyal minions Jedd and JP Luftan.

So let’s pretend you’re reading this blog post for the first time via interest in Picking a Sports Championship Winner With Gematria.  Doesn’t it bother you that as always happens there’s NO gematria ahead of time, and a cover up for possible failure already exists?  Do you really want to pay money for this, even only $5 a month?  What’s the point?  You’ve never seen any actual evidence for this system working other than blind faith in the source of the material.  Doesn’t actual evidence like screenshots showing time stamps and the editing count for something in how you approach the subject in the future?

It should, or you pretty much deserve to lose your money, even if it’s only a couple of lunches a month worth.

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