Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday Night Footcaball

Have to acknowledge the new NWO moniker, "cabal". Well, not new, but now it's promoted into the heading of Free To Find Truth blogging. A cabal sounds super scary. I might not sleep the same ever again.

These NIPTUCKS just aren't content to screw us over with hurricanes. They actually take the time to mock us by planning the NFL schedule. ATLANTA FALCONS=239, and Sunday Night Football is Packers/Falcons, 239 days after the Packers/Falcons NFC championship game. No word on how Green Bay numerology fits in. But they are NIPTUCKS. I'm left to take my best guess. Here goes:

The Falcons logo is a black colored bird. It's really a crow. Crows "caw". It's a ball game. Caw-ball. Cabal. Atlanta metaphorically murdered Green Bay in the January championship game. A group of crows is called a murder. Some people drink red wine when they eat cheese. After losing again, the Packer fans need something stronger. Rum is a potent liquor. IT could be consumed with cheese. IT is in theaters now. Stephen King. REDRUM. It all makes sense. But deep down what matters is-

Nothing says scary like an invisible empire with a day planner that takes the time off from making hurricanes to plan a rigged football game date.

If you're going to go to bed before the game is over, there's no need to predict the outcome. Just point out that you hacked their Outlook calendar.

This has happened before, most recently the Canelo-Golovkin boxing. Completely ignoring the capital G in Golovkin, we all know what that means, we got understanding on why the fight was when it was. Adhering to the core principal of gematria reporting after the fact since they didn't meet in the alley behind the bar and the fight was scheduled in advance.

Nothing says ominous like a cabal that keeps its appointments.

The scary cabal stories permeate throughout, such as McMaster.

Nothing says dangerous like an invisible empire that codes evil numbers into 25% of a person's last name.

Or how about the next Godzilla reboot. The movie tagline:

You will S in your P when G stomps on T!

Starring Shailene Woodley as the politician since nothing says fearsome like numerology on two fifteenths of someone's name! Put the release date in your calendar now!

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