Friday, September 22, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Planar Coordinates

Gematria is "Sacred Geometry."

Sacred in that religion texts have numbers in them and geometry in that in the world of mindless pattern recognition that "geometry" and "gematria" look similar. The math involved has nothing to do with actual geometry.

Yesterday a cookie winner posted a YouTube link to a guy claiming to have created a new form of geometry. I might watch it, but I doubt it. If it were true the academic world would be all over it.

Negative numbers are a fact of life we deal with. It is easy to dismiss them as a trivial inversing of their positive counterparts. Since they like sports so much, let's go with an easily recognized example of where +1 and -1 are significantly important. Golf. Make a birdie -1 compared to par. Bogey +1. Not only is the negative acknowledged as different, it's better than a positive number.

In the geometry of planes, not the ones that fly, there is an axis system, commonly x and y. Any point on the plane can be expressed by its relative position to the point where the x and y axes intersect. That point is (0,0).

In gematria geometry there's no such thing as negative numbers. There easily could be. How about Francis Planar where capital letters equal the negative value of the associated lower case letter?

 a=1, A=-1, b=2, B-2....

If I were a big scary golf caball that could make hurricanes and I had a foundation in geometry, I'd be all over that.

Just another thing to add to the list of stuff they never thought about when claiming geometry was important to their system.


Recently I got a lot of joking out of my system since that does get lot more attention than the serious stuff. I've got some book issues to deal with and I'm taking a break from blogging. I will be checking video comments and keep updating the predictions made post, but don't expect anything new for a couple of days.

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