Thursday, September 21, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Toys R Us

There are a surprising number of different reasons why. I'll give you the gematria background.

Toys R Us recently filed for bankruptcy. Along with his other 20ish blog posts and dozen videos for the day avoiding anything resembling working on his book Hubbard reports that it is fake because BANKRUPT =113 DISHONEST =113.

Always with the 113 dishonest catch phrases.

Reason #1

Reason #2
In the real world, which gematria proponents are not truly part of, this is a true story. The one time toy giant never adapted to the competition from WalMart and had been struggling for years. Finally they threw in the towel. The word BANKRUPT is not going away. It will always have the value of 113. Even if this one was fake now the cover up is that there is never such a thing as a legitimate bankruptcy filing. They're all fake. If you need an example of legitimate bankruptcy you need look no further than the moral bankruptcy of gematria narratives with victim shaming.

Reason #3
Name something odd about the Toys R Us logo. Quick. Got it? The 'R' is backwards. A few days ago I joked about the synthetic Acrylic Alphabet as a play on words for Cyrillic alphabet, knowing full well there is a fake Cyrillic alphabet. I just get to use my homework sooner than anticipated. It's called Faux Cyrillic and used in movies to give a fake Russian look to written material. Slap some backward R's in Karl Marx and it screams out, "I'M A MAD RUSSIAN ALTHOUGH MY NAME ISN'T RASPUTIN AND I DON'T HAVE A TESLA COIL!"

Other letters are used. These are substituted for their English counterparts based on look despite representing a completely different letter in another language.   It's really just an R for TRU and whatever movie uses it, yet clearly intended to indicate that it's different. So these nearly infinitely powered entities that make capital letters be special never got around to making a special value for reversed letters. At least not until they read this post.

Reason #4
My insight on reason #2 comes from my knowledge of what's been up with TRU as they are a former employer. I'm forever cursed with more than I want to know about their stock keeping system. Being in charge of price changes before computers fully revolutionized retail I spent way too many unhappy hours on top of a step ladder hauling around heavy cases of Tonka trucks because the corporate office constantly changed the amount to be charged. So I know that Tonka Mighty Dumps stock number at TRU is/was 183032.

An accurate stock system requires individuality. If you're doing a bank reconciliation the two most common errors are repeating the wrong digit, like $132.24 instead of $133.24. Or transposition of digits. Like our friend the Mighty Dump being incorrectly shown as 183023. The Mod 11 system avoids this. Take the first digit x6, second x5 etc....Total it up. Divide by 11. If there is no remainder it's a valid stock number. I'll let you do the math. Another Tonka truck was stock #183040. However, #183048 doesn't work. It would be too easy to get one digit wrong with the 8 vs the 0 at the end. Screws up year end inventory.

In gematria the inventory is totally screwed up. There's no individuality. Your not finding synchronicity, you are picking and choosing the narrative based on our elision abridgement. My world has banana =33 instead of some masonry concept. At least sometimes.

And with that it's time to sign off, cook a big omelet for breakfast and then take a 183032. Because being an individualized six digit number you know what that means by now.

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