Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Female Breasts (& Miscellaneous)

I had a dinner meeting with my editor/publisher last night. After the usual banter regarding the latest lunacy (mostly related to the concept of creating hurricanes with mind control drugs and aiming them at a specific target) she informs me that a collective of small to mid-sized southwestern universities is interested in my book. It's use will be in regards to critical thinking/logic and the scientific method. It's not a done deal, but looks promising.


Hubbard has gone on record now that he is SBNR, spiritual but not religious. That's well and good. But curious in regards to how much religious material is scattered throughout narratives. Like '40 days and 40 nights' means something when 40 appears in a gematriot. Curious.


Dan has gone on record that his clues lead him to thinking the Twins will be in the World Series. Documenting here since when the playoffs are finished and if they lose he will conveniently forget that his pseudo-prediction was made. Needless to say, some of the "evidence" is in regards to Twins that doesn't specify a time period and could easily apply to Minnesota every year.


Hubbard has now gone on record that his book is 'coming this fall'. He also went on record that if the Go Fund Me Campaign fizzled out he'd refund all money. That appears to be dead; no donations in more than a month. $711 raised on a goal of $100,000. We're looking for updates on these agendas.


The colleen (lower case their choice) series of videos seems to have fizzled out. The latest in the series averaged less than 25 views per video. This disappoints me as I was looking forward to creating alternate 'happy' lists for the same numbers. My disappointment is tempered by the lack of research I'll need to do. With so few views and even less comments there isn't much opportunity for content violating Google's community guidelines. So it appears to have died out due to lack of interest. If only all gematria video series could do us a favor and do the same.


Now finally, the boobs.

One of the 70+ videos Hubbard cranked out in the last week or so apparently had a well endowed woman. I'll take the commenters' word for it as I didn't and will not watch it. Allegedly, the size was 49 inches. An original comment noted that the gematria for her impressive rack equaled 49. Another commenter joked about the coincidence. Yet nobody mentioned that the gematria was the reverse elision of:

Titty's = 49

Ergh. If the narrative was about a part of one gazonga, like "her titty's nipple was malformed and shaped like a wolverine" that's fine. You clearly are not going to get 49 inches from just one without being freakishly proprtioned, so it's safe that it should be "titties". I'm not serious about the debunking comment I've made. I was amused. It gives me the chance to make a joke of my own. I often say that every ludicrous comment wins a cookie. So here you have it.

You're going to want a little milk with your cookies.

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