Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Ritual Sacrifices And Algebra

These initiates into the world of gematria are extremely persistent and annoying with their lingo.  And nothing is more persistently annoying right now than the phrase ritual sacrifice. Since their pattern recognitions are limited to A=1 instead of higher math, let’s look at some simple algebra.

The illusion in gematria is that something like 73 has more significance than 1.  So if a slightly bigger number shows up, and matches two vaguely connected words a meaning, a false veneer of importance is associated to it.

In the following sense, ‘a’ is the algebraic variable, not the letter a, and so on.

a=73 b=73  a=person’s name b=ritual sacrifice

a=b by math

But you’re never going to pass that math test since in addition to b=ritual sacrifice b also means any word related to death.  Kill, murder, blood, sacrifice, etc….  I haven’t addressed a specific word for a value of 73 and I’m not going to.  It doesn’t matter.  They’re just going to pick one of the many transformation tricks to alter it to a number they like instead.

Transpose it 37.  703 is 73.  713 is 73.  Use of dozens of ciphers.  73 is the 21st prime number, so 21.  I can literally pick any person, alive or dead and make a narrative for predicting death by ritual sacrifice if still alive or justifying report of their passing as a ritual sacrifice for the recently deceased.  When Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis die near the beginning of Beetlejuice their book for the recently deceased could have simply said “ritual sacrifice” and the end credits roll.

And with the near infinite substitutions the source of the sacrifice, the murderers, is anything or anybody.  There’s no citation of sources for the actual murderers, so they get to plug whatever they want in.

All the old timers, even if they now concentrate on sports or cryptocurrency or synchronicity, have at one time or another at least dabbled in the ritual sacrifice narratives.  It’s what got the views.  It still gets views.  And depending on the source, the associated content can at least occasionally get nastier.

I’m not able to point fingers at anybody that I can definitely say is a bad parent for allowing their preteen or young teenager to get involved with sports gematria video content.  And the same goes for the kids themselves.  But legitimate anti extremism experts (i.e. not me) have noticed that anyone that is swayed by symbolic (ritual) content is more prone to develop or already be involved with some nastier IRL stuff.  That’s not just gematria, but talk of hand signals, color of clothing, the transvestigation “experts”, anything where a false label can arbitrarily assigned to an unwitting target.  It may not be as overt as drawing pictures of guns and the words KILL KILL KILL in the margin of the notebook.  But your precious little babies may be exposed to some stuff you might want to have a talk to them about.

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