Saturday, December 2, 2023

Know Your Sports Gematria Money Drains - The Sunk Cost Fallacy

The sunk cost fallacy is similar to the gambler’s fallacy.  For sports gematria betting purposes it adds an additional drain that does not occur in the gambler’s fallacy.  Not only do you lose on the scam magic technique, you have to pay to play.

Casino gambling has been a master class in socializing humans on how just our stupid brains justify being wrong.  The gambler’s fallacy, even if a game player is armed in advance with knowledge about it, continues to operate in live settings.  The pattern recognition skill that the roulette wheel has come up as black seven times in a row is super easy to spot.  The eight spin on a fair roulette wheel doesn’t give a damn about the previous seven spins.  But the safest bet in the casino at that time is that somebody is thinking that red is “due.”  Previous outcomes have no effect, even if you’re the eye candy watching the wealthy casino patron and aren’t putting a penny on the game yourself.

The sunk cost tops that off with a helping of you having some skin in the game.  Bitcoin had a bad stretch and is only 50% of its value you purchased it at.  Because of real life pressures like interest rates fluctuating, breakout of a war disturbing global markets, etc….  Past investment gains or losses have no bearing on these real factors.  Bitcoin is not “due” just because your life savings is now invested in it and you’ve deemed yourself just unlucky.

The easiest gematria example is sports betting.  You got involved because the $$ signs of a get rich now scheme attracted you.  And the secret knowledge, which incidentally used to be openly displayed and discussed on the Free To Find Truth Fee To Find Misinformation blog is now buried behind a paywall.  Now the secret knowledge costs you actual cash in advance.  And you’re more likely to keep thinking about how you need to start winning because you’re kicking in extra $ for the picks.  Your sunk cost includes whatever your monthly subscription price is.

It should be a complete abandonment of Hubbard’s Patreon at this time.  He’s had such a bad season to date it’s unlikely that he’ll even break even by the end of the NFL playoffs and Super Bowl.  And although it’s supremely odd that this once free, now monetized information has had an inflationary increase in price.  And add to that the Sports Gematria recaps of the colossal failure so far bringing comments about how he doesn’t even make wagers on his own picks.  There still are newbies every season that refuse to admit that he’s the casino.  Making business decisions on how much to comp high rollers, giving away free drinks and so on to adjust for the expected steady income stream from the Patreon.

There’s an even more disturbing example that is in the world of Hubbard fanboys that aren’t into sports.  The long term loyal lieutenants that simply refuse to give up and walk away.  Now, the content level has certainly dropped off drastically.  But they still have their cliques to be active in.  They still don’t see the big picture how if gematria worked in the manner being presented, Zach would have more money than Elon Musk.  The sunk cost fallacy may be traditionally stated as purely economical, but having invested so much time and energy, having had the cult leader tell them so often that their worth as a human being is so important, they continue to waste their time.  

They’ll be back after a break.  Maybe because they needed a second job to pay for actual monetary sink costs.  They are like a gymnast that can perform a flawless routine based on watching, listening to, and being coached by an actual expert.  But their first friend who got them into gymnastics was an incompetent swindler.  They just can’t stick the landing.  Once they get to the edge of the forest of misinformation they turn around because they got a phone call from someone pretending to be their friend telling them to turn around, walk back down the path and head back to the camp site of Gematria familiarity.  Never able to afford a home in the real world, the camp ground is going to have to do.

These people are, so to speak, stuck in the rabbit hole.  And have actual sunk costs.  They don’t realize that employers really don’t want to hire someone that prefers to make up their own rules to feel good about themselves.  They will sooner buy a video editing software package to make nicer “truth” videos than go to church and socialize with people they might actually get along with long term.  They can even be motivated to January 6th levels of aggression over enough time.  Getting arrested and really screwing up their future for themselves and any partners and children they had.  All for the sake of that Attaboy!TM that came from someone that really just regards them as free advertisement.  If need be, I can give names and examples of a couple people that were literally offered money to produce content, then finally woke up to that even the sunk cost of their lost time wasn’t worth it.  These took years, not just the course of a single football season.

It’s a feedback loop.  Like a trap of student loan debt.  Your degree not working out, maybe you need more training in that same field, more advanced courses.  Or maybe, you should be a plumber instead of shooting for bank vice president, especially if you have already got awesome plumbing skills without taking on new, expensive training for something that doesn’t fit.  

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