Friday, December 1, 2023

Kurzgesagt Talks About The Internet

Kurzgesagt -The Internet

Maybe it’s just my own confirmation bias.  Or maybe I at least at times know what I’m talking about.  And since this is my blog, I’m going to go with the second one.
For those that need the background, Kurzgesagt is not just one of the top science content channels on YouTube, they are one of the top channels, period.  Whenever a new video drops it routinely is in the top trending videos.  Unlike trivial, repetitive gematria content where they need to explain the basics at the start of every video, they can operate on the assumption that the target audience has a decent grasp on math and the laws of physics.  So they skip the Science 101 lesson and dive into a carefully chosen topic.  And there are recurring jokes for those that need some comic relief.  You may never view animated cartoon birds the same way again.

The Internet Is Worse Than Ever - Now What?

Diving in headfirst, they begin with the global dumpster fire that is social media.  The internet is worse than ever because of social media.  No beating around the bush, but a punch in the face to the downside of the internet.  Although, in theory, access to a wealth of knowledge could enrich our lives, the unholy matrimony of convenience, rampant unregulated capitalism, and people being assholes has gotten us where we are today.

The actual meat of the video begins with online filter bubbles and how that’s actually a myth.  A minor quibble from me, as I do not think they are a myth.  Just way overrated.  A filter bubble only gives you the content you agree with, keeping you in your preconceived echo chamber.  The algorithms DO present you with content similar to what you’ve been watching.  Similar is a question of personal definition.  Start watching pool trick shot videos, you get more pool trick shot video suggestions.  That’s fine, but what if your celebrity trick shot video has regular messages about other content?  Like claiming their success is due to not being vaccinated and that the Jesuits are behind the nonexistent plot.  These types of things may be better now with some context additions and suggestions of real news sources above conspiracy content.  But now “both sides” are presented and people are actively pushed to think the inaccurate information is just as valid as the right answer.  People that think there are chemtrails poisoning us don’t give a hoot about the right answer, they ignore it and move on to the messages about how Gabby Petito is a crisis actor and cryptocurrency markets are controlled by reptilians or whatever other bullshit that is being peddled.  The context that is missing is that the sources of the “bubble” content are purposefully, actively being wrong about everything for engagement.  They do end up making the qualifying comment that EXTREME filter bubbles are rare.  For example, there’s somebody that’s made their life’s mission to wake people up to the evils of GMO only ever getting GMO content and nothing else.  The algorithms will throw in non GMO content.  Etc….  Let’s shorten that up to say that the online filter bubble is not mythical, but you filter bubble can be damaged to ignore the red flag of contradictions, even within the same sources of your information.

Around the 2:10 mark they get to the point.  “Your brain is stupid.”  Or as I even more disparagingly say, people are assholes.  We have cognitive biases.  We evolved to have cognitive biases to get by, to shorten the thinking process down to the bare minimum to cope with dire situations requiring immediate attention.  I wonder if I should pet the bear?  No.  Don’t fuck with the bear.  Teeth, claws, massive weight advantage and after hibernation has been working out at the gym.  Bad idea.

Moving on they discuss cooperation, empathy and navigating social structures.  After millions of years we learned that a tribal level of socialization is about the right size.  Thanks to there being a rapid technological advance that has increased our life spans, and corresponding dominance to top of the food chain, we simply have too many people to take care of.  We’ve been losing our empathy and cooperation, because now you can’t move to another town to get away from your idiot neighbor - there’s plenty of replacement idiot neighbors in the new ton.  Big cities always have big city problems of trying to keep everyone cooperating instead of at each other’s throats.  Empires always get too big for their britches and start doing things that keep the wealthy elite in power, while ignoring the lower classes struggle just to put gas in the chariot to go slave at the rock quarry for a couple loaves of bread.

The video moves on to the level of disagreement we’re exposed to on the social media internet. Social sorting.  Now we are exposed to a planet full of conflicting ideas on what is right and what is wrong.  They don’t spend time on the grifter economy, that’s probably a good idea for the scope of the video.  So I get to add that in addition to the social sorting that has created a my team good your team bad atmosphere, there’s a lot of deliberate pressure to keep the labeling going.  You’re on the wrong team, it’s the end of the world if you don’t join my team.  No allowance for nuance that can be talked about civilly.  Pick a side, and be gung ho for it or you are slime that is not even worthy of being wiped from my boot.  That’s about as far away as cooperating as you can get.

Kudos for them directly pointing a finger at the US two party political team split.  The grifters on both sides love how they can immediately label one side bad, one side good, throw out a bit of outrage porn for engagement and make a donation request.  Political us vs. them HAS reached ridiculous proportions.

Kurzgesagt does a good job of clearly pointing out when something is an opinion of theirs instead of a researched, properly sourced and scientific fact.  I have no comment about their proposed solutions.

Here’s what I do get to point out as owner of this blog.  I’ve gone on record here well before that video came out about some of these same issues.  The massive interconnectivity above a tribal level.  The cognitive biases.  The lack of cooperation and empathy.  How we should be on the same team about global problems now that we are a global society.

I’ve been accused of not being self confident.  I’m not overwhelmingly self confident, but what I really lack is confidence in other people.  Because I hate being right about some stuff.  That video has racked up almost 3 million views.  And the comments are overwhelmingly supportive of the video content.  Not because they are deleting comments because they are part of an evil empire.  But because the target audience, far smarter than money obsessed corporate leaders, realize that things are this bad out there on social media.

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