Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Baltimore Stockbroker Scam

It’s also known as the Psychic Sports Scam, which certainly hits home regarding the go to source for gematria content - picking both teams to win in sporting events.  The Wikipedia article on gambling scams also has good info about this, but here’s another source

Binary Psychic Scam

I’ve mentioned before about an episode of The Mentalist where Simon Baker’s character “cons” information out of someone by picking a low odds outcome on a horse race.  His trick was accepting a sure loss of money, but this wasn’t a huge amount.  The method was simply to bet the minimum allowable wager on every single possible  outcome.

The binary scam, for those not interested in looking at other sources, operates by starting with a large pool of people that is an exponent of two.  Parroting some of the wording in the other sources 2^10=1024.  512 people get the Chiefs 512 people get the 49ers.  Then the next week 256 get a winner and 256 get a loser.  Then 128 each winners and losers, etc…. There’s an assured diet of people getting multiple consecutive winners that can be given extra attention to.

To me this seems like operating a long game strategy instead of Zach’s method of being a little more open on the Internet with picking both teams.  “Well that 56 is a Chiefs number, but don’t forget that the 49er’s coach could stay on 15 losses at home in the 15th week and blah, blah, blah, blah.”  Which isn’t saying that’s not what’s going on.  For example, as long as the old content is still up, the old Gematria Effect News 22 channel, the most recent video from 7 months ago doesn’t have a single comment from anyone currently appearing in Zach’s comments section.  It does make one wonder if these include some people getting hit by requests for larger $ than just joining a Patreon for a couple bucks a month.

The Internet was made with scammers in mind.  So although part of me says don’t give out this secret information, another part says social media not caring means it’s already spread around, so screw it.  As a psychologically astute person, here’s how I’d run a variation of this scam.  It requires a lot of effort, like the movie The Sting level effort.

1). Openly make a steady diet of content about sports gematria, not caring if my picks are right or wrong.  Use emotional topics to identify biased people.  That’s my current pool of 1024 potential victims.

2). Use sock puppets and/or confederates to make one on one contact with the most gullible of that group.  One half of the group gets courted with emails (they always want you to give up your email to prove you’re serious about this secret information that only you will receive).  For the first halving, minimal to no effort in the courtship.  Increase the pressure as the halving continues.

3).  As the season wears on, the number is getting closer to a manageable amount for serious one on one courtship.  That’s where the big sting is presented.  That’s where you separate the lucky but not wealthy crowd from the group that has access to some serious bucks.

4). Emphasize to the chosen few that you’ve made new discoveries in your system that others are not ready for.  They are not worthy (and it’s your cover story to continually put out visibly bad information on the Internet).  And even better, I’d personally convince the group that this secret knowledge I found isn’t in sports picks, the big payoff is in cryptocurrency.

5).  Keep the number of people that know what’s going on to a minimum.  Real life doesn’t have a Robert Shaw character that’s so evil you cheer for the con men to get away with it.  You don’t want someone on your team feeling stiffed and blowing the whistle on your operation.

Like I said, a lot of work with enough moving parts that if something would go wrong it probably would have happened by now.  Zach personally puts out a lengthy video daily because he's dedicated to the truth enjoys being a psychopath, and has such a wide array of fundraisers that he doesn’t have the time to handle more than making bad sports picks and covering his ass after the fact.  But yeah, I can see that some crank magnetism parties have stepped into people’s lives to offer an alternative to shitty sports picks.  And Hollywood needs me to be a strike breaking scab and help write that screenplay for the blockbuster gematria movie.  My career as an unpaid member of the evil empire isn’t going too well.

By the way, there’s also a variation of this for more intellectual pursuits.  A not very strong chess player can guarantee a 50% record versus the top grandmasters.  There’s video of it I can’t find now.  Playing in a simultaneous exhibition with say, nine boards, where the other players can’t see the other boards.  Play as black on the first board against the only non grandmaster.  Whatever his move is, that’s your move on the next board, etc…. The first game is a throwaway, maybe you’ll get lucky and win even.  The others, win, lose or draw you are actually making the GMs play versus each other.

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