Saturday, September 23, 2023

Morton’s Fork, Hobson’s Choice, And Buridan’s Ass

Which one to talk about first?  The order put in the heading?  Alphabetical?  Chronological order of when the terms were first used?  Pick from a hat?

Psychologically, our brains fire, and misfire, on their own without conscious thought to what is being processed.  This isn’t about autonomic nervous system functions running in the background.  You don’t need an audiotape hooked to headphones to remind you to breathe.  

You’re supposed to be scared of giant carnivorous animals as a matter of self preservation.  When you actually meet a grizzly bear you’re supposed to not spend too much of your time making a decision on whether you should do something to extend your life span or if you think it’s cute enough to pet it.  If you overcome the most useless solution of petting it being a bad idea you then need a quick reaction to chose between the attempt to fight or flee or try to steal its money.

Now before I get carried away about dilemmas and solutions, let me go on record again about internet grifters and their chosen targets.  So often, those that dismiss conspiracy thinking comment on how it seems ridiculous that anybody would fall for the scam.  Get over it.  There are people, whether they be life long adherents of conspiracy style thinking or just that they have not garnered enough life experiences to make an informed decision who do not process contradictory information well.

And gematria is the king of contradictory information where even direct antonyms have the same gematria value.

Hobson’s Choice is no actual choice at all.  It’s “Take it or leave it.”  The only game in town.  If you visit a restaurant and see everybody eating the most vile looking burgers you’ve ever set eyes on and you’re super hungry, we’ll it’s eat a gross out burger or nothing, as you find the reason everyone is eating it is because it’s the only one on the menu.  So, this doesn’t apply so much to the conspiracy grifter world.  There are lots of different bad ideas to choose from.  The restaurant also has side salads, French fries and ice cream.  It’s just that they are equally gruesome as the burger.

When you get to Morton’s Fork, now we are approaching conspiracy grifting territory.  There is a choice, it’s just a stupid choice.  Picking any option of your choices is equally bad and could even result in the same outcome.  The restaurant with the gross food.  This can be summed up by the old phrase, between a rock and a hard place.  It’s closer to Conspiracy thinking, but not quite there yet.  The difference between this and Buridan’s Ass is the amount of time involved.  If one is picking between the Yankees or the Red Sox on an individual game based on gematria that’s s a short term conscious choice.  However, it’s not a real choice for gematria users.  It inevitably devolves into other not fully conscious factors that won’t be admitted to.  Presented with contradictory information, the comments will show at least someone if not fully half of the group picking against the presenter’s conclusion.  And in the long term, if you pick the money line on the Yankees because you like the Yankees or whatever other non gematria reasoning you use, you will be wrong about 50% of the time.  Even if you mix it up and bet on the Ted Sox 50% of the time you will lose a season full of Yankees vs. Red Sox games about 50% of the time.  The long term result is the same, you just get a fake choice to make along the way.

The goal of the non conspiracy theorist to combat the conspiracy grifting tactics is to interrupt the thought process before the constant diet of misinformation results in Buridan’s Ass level thinking.  Using the original source material, the ass is presented with two equal bales of hay.  Unable to make a choice the ass doesn’t eat either and starved to death.  In theory, the die hard true believer could chose to accept that they’re wrong.  Or they could chose the bale of hay where something else (maybe a potential life partner they fancy) distracts them from the belief system and they simply move on.  Instead, they double down, putting more effort into finding material that confirms their biases, continue to be a pest, starve and die amidst a sea of actual evidence based information.

Ignoring actual evidence based thinking is not part of our hard wired “don’t fuck with the bear” evolutionary make up.  If you have seen your friend get mauled by a bear, you don’t fuck with bears.  You don’t double down and insist, and make it your life’s mission, to fuck with as many bears as possible.  If only I get to pet a grizzly, just one time, I’d be soooooooo happy, said nobody still alive ever.

Conspiracy grifter tactics load up the playing field with Morton’s Fork material, constantly conflating pseudoscience with actual scientific evidence based research.  Do you think they care if you get to the point where it develops into you thinking it’s a good idea to ransack your capital on the day the election is certified?  That bear is still being fucked with, today.

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